Tag Archives: ISIS

Fighting ISIS…With Porn

Some Iraqis had a clever idea. Penetrate the ISIS Internet and spread fake news and porn.

They did a far better job at taking down the ISIS recruiting tools that their supposedly better armed, and more Internet savvy American and other anti ISIS allies.

Shows you how “stuck on stupid” our cyber warriors have become.


They Planted Porn in ISIS Propaganda, Just for Starters, Then Sowed Chaos and Confusion in the ‘Caliphate’

A small group of Iraqi hackers figured they could do a better job fighting ISIS online than most governments—and they did. And do. With a vengeance.

Six young Iraqis are taking a strategy straight out of the Kremlin’s mischievous playbook, but with no thanks to Moscow. They’re using hacked accounts to attack the so-called Islamic State and fake news to disrupt its “virtual caliphate.”

Given the dangers they face, the six people who make up the little group calling itself, with conscious irony, “Daeshgram”—its name melding the Arabic acronym for ISIS and Instagram—are forced to live something resembling double lives. Four of them work professionally in information technology and cybersecurity, one is an engineer, the other a student—all of them live in Iraq. Their families and friends know nothing of their efforts to push back against ISIS.

If the streets of Mosul were Iraq’s physical frontline against the jihadists, then surely it is the social media channels and encrypted messaging applications that serve as the front line against the cyber caliphate, and these young geeks are deep in the trenches.

Nada and Ahmed are two of those six. For obvious reasons they wanted to use aliases for this story. They formed Daeshgram around a year ago.

“We started thinking about how we could fight them online,” says Nada. “We were always messing around on the internet with each other anyway. ISIS are still a threat to Iraq, to Syria, even the world. So we started looking into exactly what might be effective on social media, and on Telegram. Back then, ISIS could do whatever they wanted on Telegram, we wanted them to know we were going to fight them on there too.”

As Twitter and Facebook began clamping down on extremist material, the encrypted messaging app Telegram became the group’s new hangout and means of distributing propaganda amongst its members across the globe.

It all began with “infiltrating their Telegram channels” says Nada, “we spent months observing, and pretending to be ISIS members. We studied how they behaved, the sort of language they used, and tried to take note of the unwritten rules.”

Even in the apparent safety of their own homes, where they gathered as Daeshgram on the weekends and after work, they would receive death threats “every now and then on Twitter, and Telegram from ISIS,” explains Ahmed. “‘We will find you, we will kill you.’ We just accepted that it is a part of our activities,” he adds. “We are IT experts, we take our cybersecurity extremely seriously.”

But, ISIS wasn’t the only danger—so genuine-looking was much of the media Daeshgram was publishing, and so deeply embedded within the jihadists’ online activities were they, that there were fears the Iraqi government might also be a threat.

Had they been caught, Daeshgram’s activities likely would have been difficult to explain to the Iraqi authorities. Much of their work has a nuance and patience misunderstood even by counterterror experts on ISIS. “I’m not sure they would have understood what we were doing, so we had to be extremely careful with our security,” said Ahmed.

The group was operating in a murky area and without government sanction. People have been jailed for far less when it comes to participating in such groups online. But despite committing hundreds of thousands of men from the Iraqi army, special forces, and various militias to fight ISIS on the ground in Mosul, Fallujah, and elsewhere, the Iraqi government made no provision for fighting the group online.

Telegram often served as a means of delivery, it allowed for proliferation of the group’s high-quality media output, everything from radio broadcasts and written statements to half-hour cinematic battle videos.

Some of Daeshgram’s early efforts saw them photoshop a pornographic scene into an image announcing the opening of a new media center in Wilyat Al-Khayar, an area that roughly correlates to Deir az-Zour in eastern Syria. The scene is amusing, if a little crass, but it served an important purpose.

“It let Daesh know that we were capable of replicating their media to a very high standard, it was the first seed of doubt,” explains Nada. However, they soon learned that to have the effect they desired “our output had to be subtle, and believable.” Nada adds, “We wanted to create items that ISIS members would not question and would share widely”—believability was key, as with all fake news.

In one effort some months ago, the group released an official-looking video warning that Amaq, ISIS’ official news agency which has become the go-to source for information on the group’s activities, had been hacked. It hadn’t, but so legitimate-looking was the warning that moderators on various Telegram channels began marking Amaq output from the day as fake, and warning members off it.

The confusion was growing.

In another instance, seeing a rumor that ISIS’ radio station Al-Bayan had been destroyed in an airstrike, the group produced a perfectly branded and edited audio statement in the style of Al-Bayan denying it had been taken offline. Their Al-Bayan piece was ambitious, but it appeared to work: It was downloaded without question almost 800 times, and it included information about ISIS losses on the battlefield, and the increasing number of ISIS fighters who were working as informants for Western governments, or outright defecting—topics official ISIS media outlets would never include.

Another effort saw the group create the fake Al-Adnani news channel, which at its peak had some 500 members. Controlling the channel gave the group nearly complete control over exactly what was posted and shared between members.

This tactic of imitation and subtle manipulation became the focus of their efforts; “We took their templates, and we started to manipulate the information on there, it was almost impossible to tell which statements were ISIS and which we had made,” said Nada.

Are they aware of just how controversial the rise of fake news has been, and is it ever an ethical strategy to adopt?

“Naturally we’re aware of the discussions across the globe about fake news and the harmful impact it has had on countries, especially in their elections,” says Nada. “Fake news has been used to destabilize functioning democracies.” But she claims the strategy is justified: “While the tactics we have used are indeed similar, we—in contrast to other actors—openly acknowledge that we are purposefully creating confusion to delegitimize and discredit Daesh propaganda.”

Just this past week, the group pulled off what they described as “a major operation,” the culmination of weeks of preparation with other groups.

Dubbed #ParalyzingAmaq the operation saw the main Amaq website taken down by a hack, and perhaps equally as significant, the website’s Firefox plugin, which automatically redirects followers to the latest incarnation of Amaq, was thwarted.

With the site down, the group began uploading some of the more than 40 duplicate Amaq sites it had created—many of them barely discernible from the original—even to the best-trained eye. These duplicate sites are being bandied about among dozens of Telegram sites as genuine, with ISIS members vouching for their authenticity.

The Telegram phenomenon has given birth to an industry of analysts and experts. Navigating the groups and channels which frequently shut down and respawn is not especially complex, but it is time consuming and requires near constant attention.

Some analysts were quick to criticise last week’s efforts to disrupt ISIS’ activities labeling it “a publicity stunt.” Others said it was “just annoying.”

When I put it to Nada and Ahmed that their operation largely flopped, Nada said the purpose of the operation was never merely to take down Telegram accounts, as some appear to have expected. It was “to sow discord and confusion, and to undermine the credibility of Amaq among ISIS supporters, particularly Arabic speakers,” said Nada. “We achieved that goal.”

Indeed a look at some of the popular channels frequented by ISIS suggests they are right: In one chat several ISIS members are seen bickering following Amaq’s hacking. “This channel is not official,” says one. Another replies, “How do you know it’s not official?” A third member interjects, “No, give your evidence.” Only for the first to respond, “You should be careful what you say to me.”

Ahmed points out that ISIS enforces stringent anti-discord rules on Telegram, as it does in the real world. Arguments, and the questioning of authority, will often see members banned.

“That discord, or fitna [the Quranic term used by ISIS] includes doubting any credible news outlet,” says Ahmed. He adds that, following Friday’s operation, “We made them break their own rules, we made them engage in debates regarding what was real, and what wasn’t.”

Nada concludes: “Journalists and analysts are not our target audience. Daesh supporters themselves, especially the Arabic speaking ones, are our target. Our main objective was to create confusion and discord, and we were able to do that. What Western analysts think is not really relevant to our work.

“ISIS supporters don’t know which Amaq sites to trust,” she said, so, “they don’t trust Amaq anymore.”

In the fight against the virtual caliphate, that is no small victory.

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Posted by on November 22, 2017 in International Terrorism, The Clown Bus


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Faux News, Tucker Caarlson – Advice on Car Terrorist Attacks Against the Left

No different than ISIS, here is a video shown on Faux News Tucker Carlson show advocating car ramming attacks against liberals and progressive demonstrators…It is not just a “Nazi” problem.

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Posted by on August 18, 2017 in Domestic terrorism, Faux News


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A Terrorist Squirrel! Attack of the Squirrel ISIS Puts Alderman in Hospital

Posted under “You Know Its Bad When….

Even the squirrels in Chicago are tough cases as this brotha found out the hard way.City Alderman Howard Brookins found out that messing with the city’s “squirrel ISIS” can have brutal consequences!

Wishing the Alderman a speedy recovery!

‘Suicide bomber’ squirrel hospitalizes Chicago politician who spoke out against squirrels

Image result for Howard Brookins Jr. ChicagoHoward Brookins Jr., the alderman for Chicago’s 21st ward, had publicly spoken out about a toothy menace plaguing the city’s garbage carts: urban squirrels, which in Brookins’s view were “aggressive,” and aggressively damaging the trash cart lids.

He now has another reason to dislike the rodents. One recently sent him to the hospital with a skull fracture in a “freak bicycle accident,” as the alderman wrote on Facebook.

Brookins was biking along Cal-Sag Trail on Nov. 13, when a squirrel darted into his path. The squirrel cut Brookins’s bike trip short by wrapping itself in the spokes of the alderman’s bicycle. The alderman flipped over the handlebars and landed with such a severe impact that he fractured his skull, broke his nose and knocked out a handful of teeth, the Chicago Tribune reported. A woman who passed by called 911. Brookins was only able to leave the hospital Thursday.

“I can think of no other reason for this squirrel’s actions than that it was like a suicide bomber, getting revenge,” the alderman said to the Tribune on Monday. He told the newspaper a full recovery was expected to take months.

Brookins had denounced the eastern gray squirrel just a few weeks before the accident. In mid-October, Brookins complained that “aggressive squirrels” were undermining the effort to overhaul the city’s trash carts, reported the Chicago Sun Times. The squirrels were gnawing through the garbage cart lids at a cost of $300,000 to the city.

“It’s a pet peeve. It does invoke some giggles. But we are spending too much money on replacing garbage carts because the squirrels continue to eat through ’em,” Brookins said at a city council meeting on Oct. 21, according to the Sun Times. The alderman said that residents were repeatedly asking for replacement garbage cans, as the squirrels could chew through the lid within as little as two days.

After the accident, Brookins wrote on Facebook that he was okay, but he added he will undergo several surgeries “to recover from damage to my face and upper body.” His chief of staff, James Ramos, told Chicagoist that Brookins was “in very good spirits” despite his “heavy damage.”

The squirrel, however, was destined for the great Chicago garbage cart in the sky.


Posted by on November 22, 2016 in You Know It's Bad When...


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Hate Groups Copy ISIS Radicalization Method to Produce Racist/Misogynist White Male Predators

The Chumph’s racist support groups have stolen a page from ISIS to produce white supremacist terrorists and hate criminals. The massive spike in hate crimes since the Chumph’s “election” have in surprising number been committed by children and teens who are just acting out on the hate they hear at home.The Chumph’s Storm Troopers are in place…

Image result for white nationalist

Celtic Cross Appropriated By White Supremacists

How ‘men’s rights’ activist websites have become recruiting hubs for white nationalism

The election of Donald Trump was driven in part by the emergence of a white nationalist movement in the United States that has taken to calling itself the “alt-right.”

But how did we get here? The Guardian has published a disturbing report showing how young white men are gradually being radicalized against feminists and minorities through so-called “pick-up artist” websites that are there to ostensibly offer them tips for succeeding in sexual conquests.

As writer Abi Wilkinson explains, these websites give many men an outlet to vent misogyny against women who have rejected them, all while railing against feminists for purportedly denying them their rightful places atop society.

“On their forums I’ve read long, furious manifestos claiming that women are all sluts who ‘ride the cock carousel’ and sleep with a series of ‘alpha males’ until they reach the end of their sexual prime, at which point they seek out a ‘beta cuck’ to settle down with for financial security,” she writes. “I’ve lurked silently on blogs dedicated to ‘pick-up artistry’ as men argue that uppity, opinionated, feminist women – women like myself – need to be put in their place through ‘corrective rape.’”

While this sounds disturbing enough in and of itself, Wilkinson says that these forums do not simply limit themselves to hostility toward women, but toward people of other races and ethnicities as well. In particular, she notes that the sites often traffic in white men’s sexual anxiety about dark-skinned men stealing away white women whom should be “theirs” by right.

“Reading through the posting history of individual aliases, it’s possible to chart their progress from vague dissatisfaction, and desire for social status and sexual success, to full-blown adherence to a cohesive ideology of white supremacy and misogyny,” she writes. “Neofascists treat these websites as recruitment grounds. They find angry, frustrated young men and groom them in their own image.”


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It isn’t any secret that Belgium has been “Terrorist Central” in Europe for years. It just isn’t something the MSM busy gnashing their teeth and flapping their lips about the attack this morning believe will sell their tawdry wares.

Belgium is a textbook example of immigration policies gone wrong – and a real life example of where Trump’s policies, should they be enacted will take the United States.

Tens of thousands of Muslim immigrants were allowed into Brussels with the objective of filling manufacturing and blue collar jobs in a country where the principle business is banking, and the business of being the principle business to business crossroads in Europe. Everybody got an office in Brussels, and the country’s privacy laws assure that what goes down in Brussels stays there until the participants wish to make it public. Great place for business with one of the higher levels of educated populace in the world. But there is a considerable gap between the richest and poorest – the top 20% of the population earn about four times as much as the bottom 20%.

SO, what happens to these largely uneducated Muslims who have come to the country when the manufacturing moves out?

They become unemployed, and largely unemployable – concentrated in ghettos, and marginalized by a close knit society…Ergo a playground for the devil.

In he steps, and his name is ISIS.

Why Belgium Is Such a Hotbed for Islamic Terrorism

With dozens dead following a series of three explosions in Brussels, a question that has come up with dispiriting frequency over the past two years has once again become relevant: Why does Belgium, the leafy land of chocolate and beer, seem to have such a disproportionately serious problem with terrorism?

Before Tuesday morning’s explosions, the country’s status as a hotbed for Islamic extremism was most recently on display in the wake of last year’s attacks in Paris, which were carried out by terrorists who had been living in the Molenbeek neighborhood of Brussels. Earlier this week, police in Brusselscaptured Salah Abdeslam, considered to be the last surviving participant in the Paris attacks, in that same neighborhood.

Belgium is also believed to have been the source of weapons used in the January 2015 Charlie Hebdo attacks. And before that, it was the site of a mass shooting in May 2014, when a gunman opened fire on the Jewish Museum in Brussels.

Meanwhile, young Muslims from Belgium have been pouring into Syria to fight in the civil war there; according to Belgian blogger and terrorism tracker Pieter van Ostaeyen, a total of about 560 Belgians have traveled to Syria and Iraq in order to fight as jihadis.

As my Slate colleague Josh Keating wrote last November, the apparent concentration of Islamic extremism in Belgium is largely the result of a group called Sharia4Belgium and its charismatic leader Fouad Belkacem. The group, which was founded in Antwerp and first gained attention by staging public commemorations of the 9/11 attacks, has capitalized on the high rates of poverty among Muslims in Belgium, as well as anger over widespread discrimination against Muslims and bans on Islamic veils that were passed in Antwerp in 2009 and at the national level in 2011.

Speaking to CNN for a recent article, the brother of two young men who left Belgium for Syria cited a sense of marginalization and a lack of opportunity as the main drivers of radicalization. “The Belgian state rejects children and young people,” he was quoted as saying. “They say, ‘They are all foreigners, why should we give them a job?’ They fill us with hate, and they say we aren’t of any use, so when young people see what’s going on over there [in Syria], they think ‘Well OK, let’s go there and be useful.’ ”

Though Sharia4Belgium was dealt a blow last February when 45 of its members,including Belkacem, were convicted for recruiting young people in Brussels and Antwerp to fight in Syria, it was believed at the time that much of what they had already built would remain in place.

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Posted by on March 22, 2016 in International Terrorism


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The Almighty Dollar…

With the full faith of ISIS!

The Official Currency of ISIS’s Caliphate: the U.S. Dollar

ISIS may threaten violence against the United States and aim to rid the Islamic world of U.S. influence and U.S.-backed regimes, but if you want to do business in the group’s ersatz caliphate, you’d better have money backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government:

Within the last two weeks, the extremist group started accepting only dollars for “tax” payments, water and electric bills, according to the Raqqa activist, who asked to be identified by his nom de guerre Abu Ahmad for his safety. “Everything is paid in dollars,” he said.

Plenty of countries around the world use the dollar either exclusively or accept it in addition to a local currency. Given the other fruits of Western capitalism, from Toyota trucks to Twitter, that ISIS has put to its own uses, perhaps it shouldn’t be so surprising that the group relies on the greenback.

Still, it’s a change of heart. In late 2014, ISIS announced plans to mint its own gold, silver, and copper Islamic dinar coins with a design overseen by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi himself, as a way of moving away from the “tyrant’s financial system.” Turkish police arrested six suspected ISIS members for minting ISIS coins in the city of Gaziantep in October 2015.

The currency plan seems to have never gotten off the ground. The AP reports that the new “dollars only” rule come along with another pay cut for ISIS fighters and the elimination of benefits and perks, from bonuses to “free energy drinks and Snickers bars.” The group’s finances have reportedly been battered by its loss of territory, airstrikes against its cash stores and oil fields, as well as the Iraqi government’s decision to stop paying civil servants in areas controlled by the extremists, reducing the money ISIS can collect in taxes. Plummeting global prices have also reduced ISIS’s income from its black market oil.


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ISIS Terrorist Executes Own Mother…

The resident Board Troll and ISIS Sympathizer likes to point out that the “evil” Obama has killed a number of terrorists…

This is what the Destructive Flapjack is supporting.

ISIS fighter executes own mother in Syria for ‘apostasy,’ rights groups say

An ISIS fighter has executed his own mother before a public audience, an expat Syrian rights group said.

The 20-year-old killed his mother in the Syrian city of Raqqa, ISIS’ de facto capital, as hundreds looked on near the post office where she worked, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

ISIS had accused her of apostasy after her son turned her in, the activists said. She allegedly had been “inciting her son to leave the Islamic State.” She wanted to escape with him and told him “that the coalition will kill all members of the organization.”

The observatory reported that the victim was in her 40s. The activist group Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently reported that she was 35.


Ali Saqr al-Qasem wh shot and executed his own mother, Leena al-Qasem

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Posted by on January 8, 2016 in Black Conservatives


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Muslims Troll ISIS on Twitter

They went there…

Sorry Amir al-Mushrikeen, I’m busy being a real Muslim, giving to charity etc. Also, your dental plan sucks.

my mom is saying no. Could you come and ask her for the permission?

I wanna wait until April and find out what happened to Jon Snow

in this special occasion, is there any changes in virgin numbers? 72 is so old school.

You should have told me before. I just renewed my pornhub subscription. Anyways, hope you are enjoying Russian fireworks.

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Posted by on December 30, 2015 in Nawwwwww!


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Oh, Baby!

Seems a little old lady holding a glass to the adjoining wall with her neighbor’s bedroom, while leaving Faux News on got a little over excited…

Elderly Wisconsin woman calls cops to report she heard neighbors chanting ‘ISIS is good, ISIS is great’ during sex

An elderly Wisconsin woman called police Sunday night after she claimed her neighbors were expressing their support for terrorists during an intimate moment.

The 82-year-old woman, whose name was not released, told officers she heard her neighbors chanting, “ISIS is good, ISIS is great,” while having sex, reported WDJT-TV.

The claims apparently turned out to be unfounded and no arrests were made in the case, but police told the woman to call back if she heard the chanting again.

The TV station reached out to Brown Deer’s police chief for additional details, and he replied with a wisecrack.

Was it as good for you as it was for me Isis?

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Posted by on December 22, 2015 in The Post-Racial Life


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The Terrorist Next Time

There will be more terrorist attacks in America.


Because all of the conditions where terrorism is useful as a weapon exist, and some politicians, and right wing media are actively recruiting for ISIS.

America has minority populations suppressed or subjected to injustice by the majority. Domestic terrorism, whether legally sanctioned through the Police Departments and Judicial System, or that done by right wing and white supremacist groups is aimed at controlling the minority population(s), is in vast majority aimed at Minorities.  A retaliatory  bomb or killing causes the majority to implement more repressive measures, assuring further disenfranchisement by the minority group…making recruitment of terrorists easy. re: Israel and the Arab Uprising

Terrorism is a means of asymmetric warfare. Your enemy is bigger, stronger, and has access to advanced weaponry – and in any head on fight is going to win. The near certainty of losing any armed conflict is why black folks did not react more violently to Jim Crow, and was the principle thinking behind development of using peaceful resistance as he basis for demanding Civil Rights.

In the past, rebel armies focused primarily on stealth and attacking military targets. Modern technology largely makes that a risky enterprise. One of the people whose tactics are studied by the US Military is Geronimo, whose stealth attacks, mobility, and guile tied the Mexican and US MIlitary of the time in knots for decades. However, in light of what the Apache really did, which was to attack farms and small settlements massacring the inhabitants, today they likely would be seen as terrorists. The Apache were subdued eventually, basically because they ran out of fighters.

ISIS and Al Qaeda don’t have a manpower issue and steadily recruit from the more than 1 billion Muslims in the world, as well as converts. They have been successful in recruiting even in the non-Middle Eastern, non-Muslim communities in the US and Europe. Anyone believing a terrorist is going to look like a brown skinned middle eastern guy…Is a fool, and deserves whatever said terrorist does to him/her. The principal weakness of ISIS is the same religion that joins their soldiers. Ergo, their variation is exclusionary (unlike real Islam), thus meaning that that have not so far been able to make coalitions with other groups on the basis of “the enemy of my enemy”. For the US, that is good news.

However, any attempt to target or suppress the Muslim Community in the US becomes a self fulfilling prophecy by recruiting more radicals for ISIS.

Meaning asshats like those in this video are a terrorist organizers best friend. At least these Republican/conservative/right wingers don’t have to worry about being attacked themselves – simply because they are too good as Useful Fools in recruiting American Jihadis.

What they had better worry about is Americanized Jihadis being able to form alliances and radicalize other disenfranchised groups.

‘They’re Coming Here to Kill Us!’: Pirro, Geraldo Spar on Guns, Radical Islam

Judge Jeanine Pirro and Geraldo Rivera had a spirited debate this morning about the threat from radical Islam and guns in the United States.

Pirro seized on reports that a neighbor saw suspicious activity by the Muslim husband and wife who carried out Wednesday’s mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, but didn’t say anything to police.

The judge said that this is a “new time” and it demands that people speak out regardless of political correctness.

Rivera pushed back that the peril to America does not only come from Muslims, pointing to other recent mass shootings by non-Muslims.

It has also emerged that the woman involved in the attack was in the U.S. on a K-1 visa.

Pirro said it’s a clear example of the government being unable to keep out those who want to do us harm, while claiming 10,000 Syrian refugees can be properly vetted.

“What’s happening is the Muslim jihadists want to kill us. If we ignore that, we are suckers,” said Pirro.

Rivera said guns are also part of the problem, arguing it’s easier to get a gun license than a driver’s license in America.


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Al Qaeda Attack in Mali

Maili is a country in West Africa, where the legendary city of Timbuktu is located. It is a landlocked country which was formerly a French colony. This morning, at least 2 Al Qaeda Terrorists attacked the Radisson Hotel in Bamako, the capital city, and at one point held 170 hostages. Mali Special Forces, assisted by UN Troops have stormed the hotel, and it now appears that at least 27 people were executed by the attackers. Al Qaeda has claimed responsibility for the attack.

This appears to be a “me too” attack by Al Qaeda such as not to lose status against ISIS with their attack in Paris last week.

Jihadis Take More Than 100 Hostage at Hotel in Former French Colony of Mali

More than 100 people were reportedly taken hostage and at least three killed Friday by gunmen at a Radisson hotel in the city of Bamako, the capital of Mali, in another apparent jihadi attack directed at France. French troops were involved in operations against Islamic radicals in Mali, a former French colony, as recently as last year. A number of hostages have reportedly been freed by Malian forces, but the entire hotel has not yet been secured. From CNN:

Security forces have begun a counter-assault on a Malian hotel where gunmen took more than 100 hostages Friday morning, French President Francois Hollande told reporters in Paris on Friday afternoon.

The situation began around 7 a.m. at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Mali’s capital, Bamako, when two or three attackers stormed the hotel, firing guns and initially taking about 170 people hostage, officials said … By noon, the country’s state broadcaster, ORTM, reported that at least 80 of the hostages had been freed.

Hollande happens to have mentioned French counterterrorism activities in Mali in a public statement Thursday; in 2013 and 2014 French forces helped retake areas in the country’s north that had been seized by al Qaida–allied Islamic militants. Reuterssays that the gunmen who attacked the Radisson shouted “Allahu Akbar” as they stormed the hotel and that some guests who were able to recite verses of the Koran were allowed to go free.

Latest update off the wire –

The UN peacekeepers saw 12 corpses in the basement of the hotel and another 15 on the second floor, the UN official told Reuters on condition of anonymity. He added that the UN troops were still helping Malian authorities search the hotel.

And this from Jason Burke of the Guardian (UK)

If al-Mourabitoun, an al-Qaida-linked group, is indeed responsible for the Bamako siege it is a stunning example of how the deep rivalry between al-Qaida, founded in 1987 or 1988, and IS, founded in 2014, is responsible for a wave of violence across much of the Islamic world and, as we found out, last week, beyond.

IS broke away from al-Qaida and its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and the leader of al-Qaida, Ayman al-Zawahiri, detest each other.

The world of militancy is is riven with splits and doctrinal differences, personal animosities and grudges. There is also fierce competition for recruits, donations and attention.

Security services have long been aware of how violence can escalate when groups divide or fragment and the factions battle for supremacy, each trying to outdo the other. This may well be what has driven the timing of this new operation, the first high-profile such attack by al-Qaida for some time. The group is trying to steal back some of the limelight and dominate the news agenda again, as it once did so often and so effectively.

What appears clear is that the Paris attacks have intensified and accelerated a chaotic, dynamic reordering of alliances and capabilities within the broader landscape of Islamic militancy, meaning that an already hugely complex threat is increasingly difficult for security services to read.

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Posted by on November 20, 2015 in International Terrorism


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Charlie Hebdo – “We Have Champagne”

Translated … “They have the weapons. F$%k Them! We have the Champagne!”

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Posted by on November 17, 2015 in General, News


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Paris Imams Offer Prayer and Sing La Marseillaise at Site of Terrorist Attack

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Posted by on November 16, 2015 in General


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How Republicans Aid and Abet ISIS

ISIS wants to turn the rhetoric on their terrorist attacks into a religious war against Islam. But the real fact is that ISIS are pretty equal opportunity murdering scumbags…

  1. They have killed and/or executed thousands, if not tens of thousands of their fellow Muslims.
  2. They have destroyed Mosques.
  3. They have destroyed cultural and historic sites.
  4. They have conducted forced marriages and mass rape of Muslim women.

None of which have anything to do with so-called right wing “christians” in the US.

Now America certainly has the capability to turn any stretch of landscape in the Middle East into “temporarily uninhabited” with conventional means as demonstrated in WWII in Dresden, or uninhabitable for periods in excess of 5,000 years as demonstrated by the relatively primitive weapon which devastated Hiroshima. All without reaching deep down into the arsenal of the “unthinkable” and with less than 20 minutes notice. The consequences of which aren’t likely to solve the “problem”.

Making Republicans ISIS’s dumbest “useful fools” of all.

Texas whack-job Ted Cruz – one of the biggest ISIS “Useful Fools”.

Taking the bait: How Republicans help ISIS spread their propaganda about the ‘war against Muslims’

The distended Republican presidential field’s (AKA The Clown Bus) response to the terror attacks in Paris is a conglomeration of policy proposals that look something like this: a ground invasion of Syria and Iraq that will explicitly be less careful about killing civilians, combined with a policy of relief for refugees only if they’re Christians.

One can almost see the Islamic State’s top ideologues and propagandists celebrating. And why not? Muslims the world over, which Isis views (wrongly) as a sea of potential recruits, could be forgiven for viewing the Republican rhetoric as a declaration of holy war against their coreligionists.

I wish my thumbnail descriptions of Republicans’ talking points were a joke, but they’re not. And the policies described by the candidates line up almost exactly with the image of America that Isis seeks to portray in its propaganda. The target for Isis’s messaging was made abundantly clear in a statement last month from the group: “Islamic youth everywhere, ignite jihad against the Russians and the Americans in their crusaders’ war against Muslims”, said Isis spokesman Abu Mohammad al-Adnani.

Florida Senator and Republican presidential hopeful Marco Rubio might as well have had this very idea in mind when he said repeatedly, of the fight against Isis: “This is a clash of civilizations”. Rubio relished in his identification of Isis as an “Islamic” group – a notion President Barack Obama has disavowed. Florida Governor Jeb Bush, who has otherwise taken to defending his brother’s legacy, however ahistorically , evendisavowed George W Bush’s proclamations that the “global war on terror” wasn’t “against Islam , or against faith practiced by the Muslim people”.

Rubio even challenged Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton’s reluctance to use the term “radical Islam” with an inapt comparison: “That would be like saying we weren’t at war with Nazis because we were afraid to offend some Germans who were members of the Nazi Party but weren’t violent themselves”. The Nazis, in this comparison, would be Isis – but no one is contending that any Isis members should be spared the fight.

That the American fight against Isis is one aimed at Muslims, rather than a particular extremist group, was reinforced when the Republican candidates blamed Europe’s acceptance of Syrian refugees for the Paris attacks. Subsuming the news from Paris into their extremist platforms, Republican hopefuls moulded their usual anti-immigrant stances into positions against allowing any Syrian refugees into the country – on the rare occasion that they could demonstrate any knowledge of the specifics of Obama’s plan to settle 10,000 Syrian refugees in the US.

Donald Trump, for his part, couldn’t quite grasp the scale of Obama’s plan: “Our president wants to take in 250,000 from Syria. I mean, think of it. 250,000 people”, Trump told a rally in Texas. But Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush , usually considered a moderate among the zany Republican field, took it a step farther: they urged that only Syrian Christians be allowed to come to America as refugees. (Cruz hasstaked out this position before .)

That callousness not withstanding, Bush told NBC : “I think we have a responsibility to help, but ultimately the best way to deal with refugees is to have a strategy to take out Isis”, nodding to a declaration of war against the militant group and calling for a plan to “eradicate Isis from the face of the earth”. Other Republicans echoed the call for a stepped-up US military intervention .

So how would America wage this total war? We should “go in on the ground and destroy their caliphate”, said South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham. Ben Carson, the famed neurosurgeon seeking the Republican nomination, said American troops on the ground would “ probably ” help the anti-Isis effort, but was short on other specifics: he said the fight should utilize American “covert resources, military resources, things-that-they-don’t-know-about resources”…


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French supporters sing ‘La Marseillaise’ inside the Stade de France after Terror Attack

Vive Le France!

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Posted by on November 14, 2015 in General, Uncategorized


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