Tag Archives: mother

Not Even a Mother Could Love

How bad are white-wing Republicans?

Even their mother won’t support them.

Family Values…Indeed.

Wisconsin GOP Senate candidate’s parents donate to his rival

The parents of Republican U.S. Senate candidate Kevin Nicholson have donated the maximum amount to the campaign of their son’s Democratic rival, Sen. Tammy Baldwin.

Nicholson is in a primary battle against Republican state Sen. Leah Vukmir, with the winner advancing to take on Baldwin in the fall.

Federal records show that Nicholson’s parents, Michael and Donna Nicholson, both gave $2,700 in December to Baldwin. Nicholson is a former Democrat, but his parents have a long history of donating to Democratic candidates. CNN first reported the donations to Baldwin.

Nicholson says in a statement that “My parents have a different worldview than I do, and it is not surprising that they would support a candidate like Tammy Baldwin who shares their perspective.”

Nicholson says he is a conservative by choice “not because I was born one.”


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Why Right Wingers Don’t Belong In Positions of Responsibility

It is a simple fact that you can’t punish your way out of a social,  or criminal situation.

If you could, there would be no crime in the world at all.

We have a situation in America where right wing types have reinstituted Debtors Prisons, and as the FBI Report on Ferguson, Missouri lays out, where the Judicial System is corrupted as a tool to drive racial punishment against the poor.

There are clowns like this Judge appointed every single day by the Chumph to our Federal Courts. This racist assh*le is probably on the Chumph’s short list.

“As a Mississippian with deep roots in this state that I love, I am deeply troubled by the many ways in which poor Mississippians, especially African Americans, are victimized by Mississippi’s legal system,” Johnson said. “We have litigated matters involving excessive bail, illegal jailing of misdemeanor offenders for unpaid fines and the refusal to provide poor criminal defendants with counsel, and now we see that not even the right to raise one’s children is beyond the reach of the injustice that befalls poor Mississippians.”

Mississippi judge resigns after barring mother from seeing her baby for 14 months over unpaid court fees

A Mississippi judge who barred a mother from seeing her newborn baby for 14 months because she hadn’t paid court-imposed fees has stepped down.

The Clarion-Ledger reports that Pearl Youth Court Judge John Shirley has resigned under pressure from local activists who decried his decision to impose a no-contact order on a resident of Jackson, Miss., who is identified in court documents only as “Mother A.”

The judge first issued the order after the woman and a friend, who were driving through the city of Pearl looking for work, were pulled over by a police officer who discovered both women had outstanding warrants for routine misdemeanor offenses. The police officer who made the arrest told the Mississippi Department of Human Services that the child who was in the car with the two women was “abandoned,” despite the fact that it was the officer’s own arrest that forced the child to be separated from the mother.

Judge Shirley awarded custody to the baby’s grandmother, while also blocking the mother from coming into contact with the child until she paid off court-imposed fees.

The Clarion-Ledger’s report does not say how much money the mother owed in court fees, however local legal justice advocates say that unpaid fees do not justify separating a mother from a four-month-old child for 14 months.

“As a civil rights lawyer in Mississippi, I am no stranger to injustice, but for a judge to prohibit an impoverished mother from having any contact with her baby until monetary payments are made is shocking and repugnant,” said Cliff Johnson, the director of the Roderick and Solange MacArthur Justice Center at the University of Mississippi School of Law. “Such orders are tantamount to judicial kidnapping.”


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ISIS Terrorist Executes Own Mother…

The resident Board Troll and ISIS Sympathizer likes to point out that the “evil” Obama has killed a number of terrorists…

This is what the Destructive Flapjack is supporting.

ISIS fighter executes own mother in Syria for ‘apostasy,’ rights groups say

An ISIS fighter has executed his own mother before a public audience, an expat Syrian rights group said.

The 20-year-old killed his mother in the Syrian city of Raqqa, ISIS’ de facto capital, as hundreds looked on near the post office where she worked, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

ISIS had accused her of apostasy after her son turned her in, the activists said. She allegedly had been “inciting her son to leave the Islamic State.” She wanted to escape with him and told him “that the coalition will kill all members of the organization.”

The observatory reported that the victim was in her 40s. The activist group Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently reported that she was 35.


Ali Saqr al-Qasem wh shot and executed his own mother, Leena al-Qasem

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Posted by on January 8, 2016 in Black Conservatives


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What’s the Deal With Women Baby Killers in France?

This case has rocked France, and much of the world. A French mother is found to have first had, then murdered 8 babies and buried them in the back yard. And this is the fifth time in the last 7 years cases of this have been discovered in France.

With the number of women, right here in the US of A killing their babies – this is hardly a “French Problem” – but I am not sure I buy the psychological explanation provided in the following article…

But I guess it beats Demonic possession.

As to the husband, who was apparently busy enough to make 10 babies not knowing something wasn’t right…


I am waiting for the first Burqua/Burka Murder, where an Islamic woman kills her Mullah for making her go around in an 8th century outfit…

Probably some enterprising Dr. Phil shrink will chalk it up to “style deprivation”.

If you can hurt one of these, regardless of the color of the wrapper... You gotta be sick!

Why Are French Women Killing Their Babies?

The question is as horrifying as it is important to ask: Why are a rising number of French women killing their newborn babies? Finding the answer has become a matter of urgency following the discovery on Wednesday of eight infants allegedly smothered to death and buried by their mother in northern France. And with that case marking at least the fifth instance of multiple infanticide reported in France since 2003, it has become vital for the nation to confront the phenomenon that appears to be behind it all: a mental condition known as pregnancy denial.

This latest case of newborn murder in France was uncovered in the northern town of Villiers-au-Tertre, after eight tiny bodies were found buried in the gardens of two separate homes. Six of the cadavers were unearthed on July 29 by police at the house of Dominique Cottrez, 45, and her husband Pierre-Marie, 47. Investigators searched their home after the resident of a house previously owned by Dominique’s parents turned up two tiny bodies on July 24 while digging a pool in the backyard. According to the French prosecutor leading the inquiry in the town, a short distance south of Lille, Dominique has admitted to hiding her pregnancies — and the killings of her babies — from her husband, whom police describe as being “dumbstruck” by the revelations. Dominique was charged for the murders; Pierre-Marie has been cleared of wrongdoing and released but could yet become a subject of investigation.

The case in Villiers-au-Tertre is only the most recent example of a father of slain babies being apparently unaware of his wife’s pregnancies. Four other such cases since 2003 include that of Véronique Courjault, 42, who was convicted in June 2009 of killing three of her newborns — two of whom she hid in a freezer and were later discovered by her husband. And this past March, Céline Lesage, 38, was found guilty of murdering six of her babies after she hid her pregnancies from the men who had fathered them. Both women were sentenced to prison — Courjault for eight years and Lesage for 15. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on July 30, 2010 in Nawwwwww!


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Son Kills Mother Over Porn Bill

This one is unbelievable…


Posted by on March 16, 2010 in The Post-Racial Life


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