Tag Archives: fighting

ISIS Terrorist Executes Own Mother…

The resident Board Troll and ISIS Sympathizer likes to point out that the “evil” Obama has killed a number of terrorists…

This is what the Destructive Flapjack is supporting.

ISIS fighter executes own mother in Syria for ‘apostasy,’ rights groups say

An ISIS fighter has executed his own mother before a public audience, an expat Syrian rights group said.

The 20-year-old killed his mother in the Syrian city of Raqqa, ISIS’ de facto capital, as hundreds looked on near the post office where she worked, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

ISIS had accused her of apostasy after her son turned her in, the activists said. She allegedly had been “inciting her son to leave the Islamic State.” She wanted to escape with him and told him “that the coalition will kill all members of the organization.”

The observatory reported that the victim was in her 40s. The activist group Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently reported that she was 35.


Ali Saqr al-Qasem wh shot and executed his own mother, Leena al-Qasem

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Posted by on January 8, 2016 in Black Conservatives


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13 Syrians Killed Rescuing British Journalist

This sounds like something out of an Action and Adventure movie – but it is real life. In an effort to save foreign journalists targeted by government forces, the Syrian rebels lost 13 of their own. The Revolution will not be televised…

Wounded British journalist smuggled safely out of besieged Syrian city of Homs

A wounded British photographer who had been trapped in the besieged Syrian city of Homs has been spirited safely into Lebanon in a risky journey that killed 13 rebels who helped him escape the relentless shelling and gunfire.

Also Tuesday, a Syrian diplomat stormed out of an emergency U.N. meeting amid renewed calls for a cease-fire to deliver humanitarian aid. A top human rights official said a U.N. panel’s report concluded that members of the Damascus regime were responsible for “crimes against humanity.”

The United Nations said the death toll in the 11-month uprising against authoritarian President Bashar Assad was well over 7,500, and activists reported more than 250 dead in the past two days alone _ mostly from government shelling in Homs and Hama province.

Tunisia’s president _ the first since the country’s own Arab Spring uprising toppled his predecessor _ offered the Syrian leader asylum as part of a negotiated peace, an offer Assad will almost surely refuse.

The harrowing ordeal of British photographer Paul Conroy, who was wounded with a French colleague last week by government rockets that killed two others, has drawn focus to the siege of Homs, which has emerged as the center of the anti-Assad uprising.

Hundreds have been killed in the city, parts of which the army has surrounded and shelled daily for more than three weeks. Many have died while venturing outside to forage for food, and activists have posted videos online of homes reduced to rubble and alleyways rendered no-go zones by snipers.

Conroy’s escape was the first sign of relief for a group of Western journalists who sneaked into Syria illegally and reached the embattled Homs neighborhood of Baba Amr only to find themselves trapped. Government rockets bombarded the makeshift media center they shared with activists last week, killing two of them and injuring Conroy and French reporter Edith Bouvier. Conroy and Bouvier later appeared in activist videos lying on makeshift hospital beds, pleading for help.

Conroy crossed the border into neighboring Lebanon after leaving Homs on Sunday evening, according to the global activist group Avaaz, which said it organized the evacuation with local activists.

The group said 35 Syrians volunteered to help get the journalists out and 13 were killed in the operation.

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Posted by on February 29, 2012 in General, The Post-Racial Life


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Women Lose Baby in Subway Brawl

This is why I say the US policy should be to keep the illegal immigrants…

And deport the morons.

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Posted by on July 22, 2011 in Nawwwwww!, You Know It's Bad When...


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Jamaica – Fighting In the Streets

Jamaica: Forces Attack Gang Leader’s Stronghold

Security forces fought their way into the warren-like complex that is the slum stronghold of a Jamaican gang leader facing extradition to the United States, and sporadic gunfire could be heard late into Monday night. More than 1,000 police officers and soldiers attacked heavily armed gang members defending the western Kingston base of the gang leader, Christopher Coke, who has been indicted in the United States on drug and arms trafficking charges. The number of casualties was unclear. The authorities said two officers had been killed and at least six wounded since Sunday, and at least one Jamaican soldier was shot dead during Monday’s fighting.

In the meantime, the US has suspended visas for American travelers to Jamaica – According to P.J. Crowley – State Department Spokesman: “The immigrant visa, non immigrant visa and non essential American citizenship services operations will be suspended due to the deteriorating situation in Kingston.

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Posted by on May 25, 2010 in News


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