Tag Archives: terrorist

Conservative Extremist Tries to Blow Up Airport – MSM Punts

Muslim drops a cigarette in front of the entrance to an airport…It’s 24 x 7 National News.

White wing extremist tries to blow up the airport with the same explosives used by Timothy McVeigh…And barely aa peep.


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Domestic Terrorism…Again

More Trumpzoid Terrorism…

2 Men Killed On Portland Train After Trying To Stop Anti-Muslim Rant, Police Say

“These were folks just riding the train and unfortunately got caught up in this.”


Two men were stabbed to death in the U.S. city of Portland on Friday when they tried to stop their attacker from harassing two women because they appeared to be Muslim, police said.

The incident unfolded on a commuter train hours before the start of Ramadan, Islam’s holy month, when most of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims observe a religious fast.

The attack began shortly before 4:30 p.m. when a man started yelling ethnic and religious slurs toward two women who appeared to be Muslim on a MAX train at the Hollywood Transit Station, the Portland Police Department said in a statement.

Three men who intervened were stabbed, two fatally. The attacker was arrested shortly after he got off the train, police said, adding that the women left the scene before police could interview them.

“In the midst of his ranting and raving, some people approached him and appeared to try to intervene with his behavior and some of the people that he was yelling at,” Portland police spokesman Pete Simpson said during a news conference aired by local news outlets.

“They were attacked viciously by the suspect,” he added.

In a statement responding to Friday’s attack, the Council on American-Islamic Relations said that anti-Muslim incidents increased by more than 50 percent in the United States from 2015 to 2016 due in part to President Donald Trump’s focus on militant Islamist groups and anti-immigrant rhetoric.

“President Trump must speak out personally against the rising tide of Islamophobia and other forms of bigotry and racism in our nation that he has provoked through his numerous statements, policies and appointments that have negatively impacted minority communities,” said CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad.

The administration says that while it strongly opposes Islamist militants, it has no quarrel with Islam.

Following the attack, police said one of the men died at the scene while another died at a hospital. The third man was treated for non-life threatening injuries.

“These were folks just riding the train and unfortunately got caught up in this,” he said. Witnesses told police that the two young women were possibly Muslim. One wore a hijab. Portland police did not identify the suspect or the victims.


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A Terrorist Squirrel! Attack of the Squirrel ISIS Puts Alderman in Hospital

Posted under “You Know Its Bad When….

Even the squirrels in Chicago are tough cases as this brotha found out the hard way.City Alderman Howard Brookins found out that messing with the city’s “squirrel ISIS” can have brutal consequences!

Wishing the Alderman a speedy recovery!

‘Suicide bomber’ squirrel hospitalizes Chicago politician who spoke out against squirrels

Image result for Howard Brookins Jr. ChicagoHoward Brookins Jr., the alderman for Chicago’s 21st ward, had publicly spoken out about a toothy menace plaguing the city’s garbage carts: urban squirrels, which in Brookins’s view were “aggressive,” and aggressively damaging the trash cart lids.

He now has another reason to dislike the rodents. One recently sent him to the hospital with a skull fracture in a “freak bicycle accident,” as the alderman wrote on Facebook.

Brookins was biking along Cal-Sag Trail on Nov. 13, when a squirrel darted into his path. The squirrel cut Brookins’s bike trip short by wrapping itself in the spokes of the alderman’s bicycle. The alderman flipped over the handlebars and landed with such a severe impact that he fractured his skull, broke his nose and knocked out a handful of teeth, the Chicago Tribune reported. A woman who passed by called 911. Brookins was only able to leave the hospital Thursday.

“I can think of no other reason for this squirrel’s actions than that it was like a suicide bomber, getting revenge,” the alderman said to the Tribune on Monday. He told the newspaper a full recovery was expected to take months.

Brookins had denounced the eastern gray squirrel just a few weeks before the accident. In mid-October, Brookins complained that “aggressive squirrels” were undermining the effort to overhaul the city’s trash carts, reported the Chicago Sun Times. The squirrels were gnawing through the garbage cart lids at a cost of $300,000 to the city.

“It’s a pet peeve. It does invoke some giggles. But we are spending too much money on replacing garbage carts because the squirrels continue to eat through ’em,” Brookins said at a city council meeting on Oct. 21, according to the Sun Times. The alderman said that residents were repeatedly asking for replacement garbage cans, as the squirrels could chew through the lid within as little as two days.

After the accident, Brookins wrote on Facebook that he was okay, but he added he will undergo several surgeries “to recover from damage to my face and upper body.” His chief of staff, James Ramos, told Chicagoist that Brookins was “in very good spirits” despite his “heavy damage.”

The squirrel, however, was destined for the great Chicago garbage cart in the sky.


Posted by on November 22, 2016 in You Know It's Bad When...


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CNN Host Slams Chump Rep Over “Banning Muslims”

CNN Host calls BS on Trumpazoid. Funny how nobody is talking about the other terrorist who was a right wing Trumpazoid freak.


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Attack on Gay Pride Parade in LA Prevented

It appears that there was another attack planned on a Gay Pride Parade in LA. The motivation of the second potential terrorist have not been announced. Evidence is increasingly pointing to Islamic Radicalization and a history of at least domestic violence being the motive of the Orlando shooter, however Police are not ruling out a Hate Crime at this point.

L.A. mayor: Attack on Gay Pride Parade thwarted

Los Angeles Mayer Eric Garcetti said Sunday that a heavily armed man supposedly en route to the city’s Gay Pride Parade has been arrested.

The report, according to the Associated Press, comes hours after an act of terrorism at a nightclub in Orlando, Fla., where 50 have been killed and dozens more have been hospitalized. The shooter, Omar Mateen, entered the Pulse night club in Orlando around 2 a.m. on Sunday, and began firing into the crowded venue.

The man who was arrested told police he was in the West Hollywood area for the pride parade. Authorities said there is no known connection between the incidents in California and Florida.

The parade went on as planned with heightened security.

The man also told police he was looking for a friend. In the man’s car, Santa Monica police found three rifles, ammunition, and tannerite, which can be used to make a pipe bomb, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Those who identify with or support the LGBT community celebrate June as pride month, and various events are planned throughout June in major cities across the country.

Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser mentioned the district’s pride celebrations in her statement condemning Sunday’s mass shooting.

“We will not be deterred by hate as we gather to celebrate love,” she said in a statement.

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Posted by on June 12, 2016 in Domestic terrorism


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Trump In Islamic Terrorist Recruitment Video

As Hillary Clinton predicted (as well as anyone else who had a clue). Trump in Terrorist recruitment videos.

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Posted by on January 2, 2016 in The Clown Bus


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White Supremacist Foiled In Ray Gun Mass Murder Attempt

An industrial X-Ray machine certainly has the power to kill through irradiating victims. This white supremacist decided to try loading one in a truck and use it to drive by victims. This, like most whit supremacist and right wing plots almost never hits the news – and is never covered in the right wing press.


This White Terrorist Plotted To Kill Innocent Americans, But You Probably Haven’t Heard Of Him

A 55-year-old man thought he had procured a working X-ray device that could focus lethal levels of radiation on residents of an upstate New York community.

It’s exactly the kind of horrific plot that might raise the alarm amid the heightened concern over terrorist attacks on the United States. But there’s something notably different about this case — Eric Feight is white, and his intended victims were Muslim-Americans.

Feight on Wednesday was sentenced to prison for 97 months — more than eight years — for providing material support to terrorists, according to the FBI. He would have gone through with the plot, but federal agents fooled him by posing as Ku Klux Klan members who promised to finance and obtain a “radiation device” that didn’t actually work, the FBI said.

In a world where the mere mention of a plot by a jihadist gets wall-to-wall news coverage, and where fear of terrorism leads presidential candidates to call for a full ban on Muslim immigration, the New York state death ray plot received relatively little notice.

In January 2014, Feight pleaded guilty to helping klansman Glendon Crawford modify the X-ray machine, as well as another device which — if it worked — would remotely activate the X-ray machine on a truck. That rig was supposed to irradiate their victims, killing them days later. The device was never actually operable, the FBI said.

“Eric Feight aided Glendon Scott Crawford in altering a dispersal device to target unsuspecting Muslim Americans with lethal doses of radiation,” Assistant Attorney General John P. Carlin said on Wednesday. “Feight and Crawford’s abominable plot to harm innocent Americans was thwarted thanks to the tireless efforts of law enforcement.”

The FBI called the device a “weapon of mass destruction” in August, though it appears to have softened its language since.

In June 2012, an undercover investigator brought Crawford X-ray tubes to examine for possible use in the weapon, and provided technical specifications a month later. At a meeting that November in an Albany coffee shop with undercover investigators, Crawford brought Feight. Both men committed to building the device and named the group “the guild,” according to the indictment against them.

Investigators gave Feight $1,000 to build the remote control device and showed the men pictures of industrial X-ray machines they said they could obtain. They planned to provide him access to an actual X-ray system to assemble with the remote control in June 2013. According to court documents, the sealed indictment was filed the same day and both men were arrested.

Crawford was convicted in August and awaits sentencing.

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Posted by on December 17, 2015 in Domestic terrorism


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Al Qaeda Attack in Mali

Maili is a country in West Africa, where the legendary city of Timbuktu is located. It is a landlocked country which was formerly a French colony. This morning, at least 2 Al Qaeda Terrorists attacked the Radisson Hotel in Bamako, the capital city, and at one point held 170 hostages. Mali Special Forces, assisted by UN Troops have stormed the hotel, and it now appears that at least 27 people were executed by the attackers. Al Qaeda has claimed responsibility for the attack.

This appears to be a “me too” attack by Al Qaeda such as not to lose status against ISIS with their attack in Paris last week.

Jihadis Take More Than 100 Hostage at Hotel in Former French Colony of Mali

More than 100 people were reportedly taken hostage and at least three killed Friday by gunmen at a Radisson hotel in the city of Bamako, the capital of Mali, in another apparent jihadi attack directed at France. French troops were involved in operations against Islamic radicals in Mali, a former French colony, as recently as last year. A number of hostages have reportedly been freed by Malian forces, but the entire hotel has not yet been secured. From CNN:

Security forces have begun a counter-assault on a Malian hotel where gunmen took more than 100 hostages Friday morning, French President Francois Hollande told reporters in Paris on Friday afternoon.

The situation began around 7 a.m. at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Mali’s capital, Bamako, when two or three attackers stormed the hotel, firing guns and initially taking about 170 people hostage, officials said … By noon, the country’s state broadcaster, ORTM, reported that at least 80 of the hostages had been freed.

Hollande happens to have mentioned French counterterrorism activities in Mali in a public statement Thursday; in 2013 and 2014 French forces helped retake areas in the country’s north that had been seized by al Qaida–allied Islamic militants. Reuterssays that the gunmen who attacked the Radisson shouted “Allahu Akbar” as they stormed the hotel and that some guests who were able to recite verses of the Koran were allowed to go free.

Latest update off the wire –

The UN peacekeepers saw 12 corpses in the basement of the hotel and another 15 on the second floor, the UN official told Reuters on condition of anonymity. He added that the UN troops were still helping Malian authorities search the hotel.

And this from Jason Burke of the Guardian (UK)

If al-Mourabitoun, an al-Qaida-linked group, is indeed responsible for the Bamako siege it is a stunning example of how the deep rivalry between al-Qaida, founded in 1987 or 1988, and IS, founded in 2014, is responsible for a wave of violence across much of the Islamic world and, as we found out, last week, beyond.

IS broke away from al-Qaida and its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and the leader of al-Qaida, Ayman al-Zawahiri, detest each other.

The world of militancy is is riven with splits and doctrinal differences, personal animosities and grudges. There is also fierce competition for recruits, donations and attention.

Security services have long been aware of how violence can escalate when groups divide or fragment and the factions battle for supremacy, each trying to outdo the other. This may well be what has driven the timing of this new operation, the first high-profile such attack by al-Qaida for some time. The group is trying to steal back some of the limelight and dominate the news agenda again, as it once did so often and so effectively.

What appears clear is that the Paris attacks have intensified and accelerated a chaotic, dynamic reordering of alliances and capabilities within the broader landscape of Islamic militancy, meaning that an already hugely complex threat is increasingly difficult for security services to read.

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Posted by on November 20, 2015 in International Terrorism


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NRA Supports Selling Terrorists Guns

The whackjobs over at the NRA have truly gone off the deep end. If you are a terrorist…You can buy a gun in America! In fact, you can walk into a gun show, and by as many as you want.

Daily News Compares NRA To Jihadists On Front Page

The New York Daily News used its front page Wednesday to lash out at the National Rifle Association in a big way, comparing the powerful pro-gun group’s lobbying efforts to a “SICK JIHAD.”

“Over 2,000 suspects on terror watch list have legally bought firearms in the U.S. because gun nuts are blocking law that would end this madness,” the front page screamed.

The corresponding story — an editorial written by the paper’s staff — rips into the NRA and its “cowardly” supporters in Congress for blocking passage of the Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act, a bipartisan bill introduced in February by Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-Caf.) and Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.):

Setting a new record for lethal insanity, Washington’s pro-gun absolutists insist that suspected terrorists must have an unfettered right to buy assault weapons rivaling those wielded by ISIS in Paris.

These members of Congress are radical fundamentalists of the Second Amendment kind, their extremism so intense that they stifle legislation aimed at denying weapons to potentially violent radicals while at the same time declaring that Syrian refugees, even toddlers, are security threats.

Although felons, domestic abusers, drug addicts and others are prohibited from buying firearms in the U.S., those on the FBI’s consolidated terrorist watch list are not currently disallowed from doing so. According to the Government Accountability Office, people on the watch list purchased guns 2,043 times between 2004 and 2014. …Read the rest Here

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Posted by on November 19, 2015 in Domestic terrorism


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Charlie Hebdo – “We Have Champagne”

Translated … “They have the weapons. F$%k Them! We have the Champagne!”

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Posted by on November 17, 2015 in General, News


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Military Flamethrowers for Sale to Public!

Several “companies” have entered the consumer market with either recycled or modern variations of the Military Flamethrower.

Seems to me, any wannabe terrorist with a bit of funding could create some real havoc with these things…

This one is a recayale Military version…

Flamethrowers were gruesome weapons of war and so controversial that the U.S. military stopped using them after Vietnam.

Once a weapon of war, flamethrowers are now available for sale to the public.

A Cleveland startup called Throwflame is selling some for about $1,600. The flamethrowers can shoot fire for 50 feet.

If $1,600 sounds a little too high, The ION Productions Team in Detroit is selling $900 flamethrowers that can shoot fire for 25 feet.

The flamethrowers, which were given up by the military, are not being marketed as weapons but as fun devices.

Both companies say their flamethrowers have not caused injuries and safety is a priority.

The two companies also said the flamethrowers do have practical uses by farmers and firefighters.

They used to call guys who carried these things in WWII in Europe “Ronsons”, after the famous Cigarette Lighter of the time. Not because of their effect…But because what usually happened to the operator when the tanks were struck by a bullet or shrapnel.

Just what everyone wants their confederate flag waving whack job carrying into a crowded mall or stadium.

Why exactly now, aren’t these things banned?

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Posted by on August 18, 2015 in You Know It's Bad When...


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Black ISIS

ISIS has proved successful at trolling the Internet for recruits, right here in America. Not sure whether it is the lure of the sect…Or rejection of America.


FBI: Teen Girl ISIS Wannabe Praised Chattanooga Shooting

Before a 19-year-old girl from a small city in Mississippi was charged with attempting to travel toSyria to join ISIS, the young woman allegedly praised the Chattanooga shooting, which claimed the lives of five American servicemen.

“What makes me feel bette[r] after just watching the news is that an akhi [brother] carried out an attack against US marines in TN! Alhamdulillah [Thanks be to God], the numbers of supporters are growing,” Starkville resident Jaelyn Delshaun Young told an undercover FBI agent in a conversation online on July 17, a day after the deadly shooting, according to the FBI. Four Marines were killed in the attack and a Navy sailor later died of his wounds.

Overnight authorities unsealed a criminal complaint against Young and 22-year-old Muhammad Oda Dakhlalla, another Mississippi resident. The FBI says the couple planned for months to travel to Turkey in order to slip into Syria and join ISIS.

“The only thing keeping me away is $$$ but working all of this overtime will be worth [it] when I am finally there,” Young reportedly said online.

The Vicksburg Post described Young as a high school honors student and a member of the homecoming court just two years ago. She attended Mississippi State and originally planned to become a doctor, the paper said. The FBI said she expressed interest in “giving medical aid to the injury [sic]” once she got to Syria.

According to an affidavit filed by an FBI agent, Young and Dakhlalla said they had an Islamic marriage for the purposes of traveling together to Syria. Initially, Dakhlalla allegedly said he wanted to use his computer science and media skills to help ISIS counter anti-ISIS messaging in the West, and then he would fight on ISIS’s behalf.

“I wish to be a mujahid akhi [holy warrior]. I am willing to fight. I want to be taught what it really means to have that heart in battle!” Dakhlalla allegedly told an undercover agent.

The couple appeared uninformed about many aspects of living under ISIS rule – they said they did not know much about Sharia [Islamic] law, and feared a test that was said to show if they were Sunni or not. ISIS follows an extreme version of Sunni Islam. Young also doubted Western media reports that ISIS uses sex slaves.

The FBI said authorities waited until the couple had their passports and plane tickets to Turkey before picking them up in a small Mississippi airport, where they allegedly confessed their plans. The couple has been formally charged with attempting to support a terrorist organization.


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Posted by on August 11, 2015 in Women, You Know It's Bad When...


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The Marathon Bombers…And Gun Control

Not much is being said about this, and it certainly hasn’t risen to the attention of the mainstream media – but…

How exactly did the Boston Marathon terrorists get their explosive material to make a bomb?




I took a bit of artistic liberty with Michael Ramirez’s excellent and poignant cartoon commentary to add a bit of truth.  The “cowards” in this case sit in the US Congress.

You see – the explosive material for the bombs constructed by the Tsamaev brothers  is commonly available in just about every gun store, and gun show in America.

Now in an America where Homeland Defense is busily putting cameras in just about every spot except up your ass – although if some Republican Senators have their way they will be able to shove them up women’s vaginas… Why is it harder to buy a joint of Marijuana than the tools to kill and maim dozens of your neighbors? (Speaking of – what the heck is the deal with the pot heads in Denver shooting up- instead of smoking –  the joint?)

Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t turned into an advocate for drug use – but guns in America are now paraphernalia for addicts and drug dealers…. And mass killers.

And no sportsman, we aren’t talking about your trusty Remington shotgun here.

This is what I am talking about …



This is a one pound container of “gunpowder” (It’s not really “gunpowder” anymore, but it is the fuel which goes bang when you pull the trigger). It also comes in 8 lb packages.  You see – there is a group of, in vast majority law abiding, shooters who like to make their own bullets. (And no – I don’t mean to pick on NORMA, as far as I know they are a perfectly law abiding company with no criminal connection, and there is no published evidence that their product was used in the Boston bombings). However – I can buy this “explosive” in many states he same way I can buy ammunition which already has been assembled containing it – cash and carry. Which apparently is exactly what the Boston Marathon terrorists did.

No – this isn’t C4 or SEMTEX or any of the vastly more powerful Military explosives used by international terrorists. Nor is it Ammonium Nitrate, previously featured in the Oklahoma City Bombing, currently starring in the leveling of an entire Texas town. But you walk into your local store and ask for a block of SEMTEX or C4, and there is a very good chance you will be invited to visit at your local Federal Law Enforcement Office, and get to met some swell FBI or ATF guys with a very limited sense of humor. Indeed – to purchase Ammonium Nitrate which is a common ingredient in many fertilizers requires a background check to make sure you are going to fertilize the fields instead of blow up a buildings.

Ergo in the NRA’s version of America (and 46 Senators), it’s easier to buy “gunpowder” than fertilizer.

So… The 46 azzwipes who voted down watered-down gun legislation are not only guilty of enabling the Newtown killer… But international terrorism via the Boston Marathon terrorists.

Do you really want to live in an America where you have to have armed guards so the kiddies can go to the playground and swing on the swing set?





Posted by on April 21, 2013 in American Genocide, American Greed


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The Sno’ Ho’s Terrorist Friends…

There were reports of Palin’s connection with Domestic Terrorist groups before she was selected by McCain to run as VP candidate. Those were never fully followed up by the MSM.

Palin’s Hit Men Pals Shafer Cox and the Alaska Militia

The recent arrest of some of the Sno’ Ho’s friends and political supporters for the planned assassination of Judges and elected representatives may open up that can of rancid worms…

“I am not against violence. OK? I am not against spilling blood for freedom,” Cox told a group in Hamilton, Mont., in December 2009. “You know, everybody asks, ‘Would you die for liberty?’ That’s not really the question to ask. The right question to ask is ‘Would you kill for liberty?’ “

“Pallin’ Around with Terrorists”: Palin’s Link to Militia Leader Charged With Conspiracy to Commit Murder

According to sworn testimony Thursday during federal court proceedings in Alaska, two close associates of former Governor Sarah Palin — Joe Miller, a staunch political ally of Palin’s whom she supported in his failed bid for the U.S. Senate; and Palin’s former director of boards and commissions Frank Bailey, more commonly known in Alaska as Palin’s “hatchet man” — were responsible for introducing FBI Informant William “Drop Zone” Fulton to Schaeffer Cox, the leader of the so-called Alaska Peacekeeper Militia.

Cox and two other Fairbanks-based militiamen have been charged with conspiring to kidnap and murder Alaska judges and law enforcement authorities. They have also been charged with violating various federal weapons laws for owning or attempting to purchase machine guns, silencers, hand grenades and other combat-type weapons.

It’s an only-in-Alaska story.

The surreptitious meeting between Fulton, Cox and Palin’s associates took place a scant six months before Palin was selected by John McCain to serve as his running mate on the GOP ticket. Cox, a supporter of Palin’s, was then a Republican candidate for the Alaska House of Representatives, District 7. He finished with 36 percent of the votes.

Cox’s trial, now in its third week, has revealed the bizarre cultural and political milieu in which Palin came to power in Alaska and which eventually catapulted her to a national stage. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on June 4, 2012 in Domestic terrorism


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Florida Arrests Domestic Terrorists

The major risk of terrorist attack in the United States isn’t from Al Quaeda…

It’s from right wing whack jobs.

This is the second group caught trying to weaponize Ricin, a deadly poison made from the Castor bean which can be used as a poor man’s chemical weapon –

American Nazi Jeff Hall – whacked last year by his own 10 YO Son.

Florida nabs white supremacists planning “race war”

Ten alleged members of a white supremacist group training near Orlando and Disney World for a “race war” have been rounded up in a series of arrests in central Florida, authorities said on Tuesday.

The arrests were based on evidence from a confidential informant who infiltrated the neo-Nazi organization known as the American Front 17 months ago, according to an arrest affidavit.

“The American Front (AF) is a military-styled, anti-Semitic, white supremacist, skinhead organization and is known as a domestic terrorist organization,” the affidavit said.

It said the group’s alleged local ringleader, Marcus Faella, 39, had been “planning and preparing the AF for what he believes to be an inevitable race war” and had stated “his intent … to kill Jews, immigrants and other minorities.”

Faella operated a heavily fortified paramilitary training center for the AF on his isolated property in St. Cloud, Florida, 11 miles from the Walt Disney World theme parks, according to the affidavit.

It said he recently had been plotting a disturbance at Orlando City Hall and a confrontation against a rival skinhead group in coastal Melbourne in a bid to garner media attention, but had also been experimenting with the potential manufacture of the biological toxin ricin. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on May 9, 2012 in Domestic terrorism


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