Tag Archives: Libya

Herman Cain Perplexed When Asked About Libya: VIDEO

Herman Cain has a complete meltdown on foreign affairs questions asked about Libya. These questions are softballs to anyone who had even minimally read the public press about Libya.

Herman is a pretender.
Vodpod videos no longer available.


Posted by on November 15, 2011 in Black Conservatives, The Post-Racial Life


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Juan Williams on Obama’s Foreign Policy

Plastic President Struts and Puffs

To hear most conservatives tell it, Obama’s foreign policy is a complete and utter failure…

The fly in the smelly, rotten conservative ointment is the fact that President Obama has managed to succeed, despite the conservatives own very best efforts – sometimes treasonous – to make him, and thus America fail.

  • Obama has cut the number of troops serving in Afghanistan and Iraq by half. From 180,000 when he took office to 90,000 today.
  • Obama has an exit strategy for Iraq, and the US should be out by the first of next year.
  • Obama succeeded where Bush failed for 8 years and brought the architect of the greatest terrorist attack in history on the soil of the US to Justice – Osama Bin Lauden.
  • Obama has succeeded in killing more Al Quaeda terrorists in his first 3 years of office, than Bush did in 8 years with the help of 350,000 troops on the ground.
  • Successful negotiation of a new START Treaty.
  • Staying the hell out of Egypt, and not sending troops in to protect a dictator.
  • Ghadaffi has met his end, and without a major force of American troops ever landing on Libyan Soil.
Even conservatives who aren’t blinded by their racism are beginning to figure it out. Had this been a conservative President, undoubtedly we would have been treated to the sight of an American President in tight, sock stuffed pants prancing around on the deck of a Carrier thumping his chest.

Can’t Argue With American Policy Now, Qaddafi’s Dead and the Results Speak for Themselves

Libyan strongman Muammar Qaddafi is dead. The news from the Middle East is vindication of the Obama administration’s policy in Libya. A man who was an enemy of the American people, someone who killed Americans aboard Pan Am 103, someone who was taking out Americans and acting against our interests in the Middle East for decades has finally been eliminated from the scene.

And all this talk about “leading from behind” needs to be put in context. First of all, President Obama never said anything about “leading from behind.” What the president said was he didn’t want to put additional American troops in the Middle East in the middle of a Muslim country.

We are already fighting not only in Iraq but in Afghanistan. We have tremendous troubles in Pakistan. President Obama allowed the multi-national force to be in a position where they could act with tremendous American support.

The American public would never have supported pouring additional troops into Libya. By building an international coalition, the president managed, nonetheless, to make Americans part of the fight and oust Qaddafi. Critics on the right have flip-flopped on this issues from the beginning on whether or not America should have played a role, any role, in supporting the anti-Qaddafi forces. Today’s events are another reminder of how pure political concerns can blind people to America’s best.

Essentially America has been at war in Libya. And tonight or today, this morning, what we’ve seen is that that policy has led to the ouster and also the death of Muammar Qaddafi.

That’s good news for America. I don’t care if you’re a Republican or a Democrat. This is good news.

For President Obama, after the death of Bin Laden, Al-Awlaki and now, indirectly, Qaddafi, he’s left with a terrific narrative in terms of making the case that Democrats aren’t weak on national security and that he has pursued a number of President Bush’s policies in terms of being aggressive. This has been in service to America’s national interest and the best outcomes for every American.If you look at the president’s use of drones, for example, he decision to keep using Guantanamo Bay to house detainees, these are things that have absolutely antagonized the left in this country.

But if you’re looking at results, you can’t argue with the results. A man who was America’s enemy, who was a destabilizing force in the Middle East and a supporter of anti-American forces has been removed from the stage.

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Posted by on October 20, 2011 in Stupid Democrat Tricks


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Another Rat Goes Down – Ghadaffi Reportedly Killed

This one from the Tripoli Post. There are unconfirmed reports that Muhhhamar Ghadaffi was killed  when NATO planes struck a convoy in which he was travelling trying to escape.

Russia TV is broadcasting a photo, claiming is it Ghadaffi (warning – graphic!)

Breaking News: Unconfirmed Reports That Al Qathafi Captured, Killed

Unconfirmed reports from Libya indicate that the former Libyan dictator Muammar Al Qathafi has been captured and killed. This comes after the revolutionaries took Al Qathafi’s hometown of Sirte, and the final stronghold of his loyalists.

A senior NTC official has said that Muammar Al Qathafi has died of his wounds after being captured near Sirte and that the head of his armed forces, Abu Bakr Younis Jabr has also been killed.

At first, the National Transitional Council’s field commander, Jamal abu-Shaalah, reportedly said that Al Qathafi had been seized, but it was not clear whether he was dead or alive. Another NTC official, Abdel Majid, was quoted saying: “Al Qathafi is captured and is wounded.”

First reports stated that Al Qathafi was wounded in both legs and that he had been carried in an ambulance towards hospital

But then Abdel Majid was reported saying that Al Qathafi was trying to flee in a convoy that had been attacked by NATO warplanes, and that Abu Bakr Younus Jabr had been killed during Al Qathafi’s capture.

Majid said NATO warplanes struck the convoy and hit four cars as it headed west. Ahmed Ibrahim, a cousin and adviser of Ql Qathafi, was also captured.

He went on to say: “He’s captured. He’s wounded in both legs … He’s been taken away by ambulance.” He added that Younis Jabr, the head of Al Qathafi’s armed forces, was killed during the capture of the former leader.

The news came shortly after NTC claimed capturing Sirte after weeks of fighting.

The NTC top officials have not yet confirmed Al Qathafi’s capture. Neither NATO nor the US state department could confirm the reports of the capture of Al Qathafi who has not been seen since NTC fighters seized Tripoli, the Libyan capital two months ago.

Sources have told that Al Qathafi’s body is being taken to a hospital in Misurata so that the medics could confirm or not that the dead body belongs to the former Libyan leader.

Meanwhile in Benghazi, crowds gathered in the streets have started to celebrate the reports of Al Qathafi’s capture.

Sources to the NTC were said to be very cautious and must make doubly sure that A Qathafi has been captured. The suggestion should, at present, be taken with a substantial pinch of salt after earlier question marks over the “capture” of Al Qathafi’s son Seif.

The first hints that Al Qathafi could have been captured was given by National Transitional Council’s information minister, Mahmoud Shammam, when he appeared on Al Jazeera and stopped short of confirming the claim, which is being widely reported on Libyan TV…

Now – if we could only follow suit and put a few of our own war criminals in jail (preferably without the bloodshed) who lied us into an illegal invasion of Iraq.

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Posted by on October 20, 2011 in News


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Ghadaffi Had The Hots for Condi?

Ooooooo! Turns out (soon to be) former Leader of Libya, Muhammar Ghadaffi had the hots for Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice!

Qaddafi Has Long Been Condoleezza Rice's Not-So-Secret Admirer

Meet me in the casbah ...Ineed.

Qaddafi Has Long Been Condoleezza Rice’s Not-So-Secret Admirer

As the Libyan rebels ransacked Muammar Qaddafi’s compound this week,MSNBC notes today, they came across a rather creepy item: a photo album, shown below, filled with pictures of Condoleezza Rice giving speeches and meeting with foreign leaders:

The existence of the album, it turns out, is in keeping with Qaddafi’s longstanding affection for the former U.S. secretary of state. In an interview with Al Jazeera in 2007, the Libyan leader had nothing but effusive praise for Rice: “I support my darling black African woman,” he said. “I admire and am very proud of the way she leans back and gives orders to the Arab leaders … Leezza, Leezza, Leezza. … I love her very much.”

The next year, Rice became the highest-ranking American official to visit Libya since Richard Nixon in 1957, following Qaddafi’s decision in 2003 to abandon his nuclear weapons program and renounce terrorism. The Washington Post described the first encounter between Rice and Qaddafi–a private late-night dinner to break the Ramadan fast in a tent at his now-looted Bab al-Azizia compound–in the most romantic of terms…

As Rice prepared to depart Libya, Qaddafi showered the U.S. official with $212,225 worth of gifts, including a diamond ring in a wooden box, a lute and an accompanying DVD, and a locket with Qaddafi’s own picture inside, according to a State Department report. He also gave her “Wonder-Womanesque wristbands” and an autographed copy of his revolutionary Green Book with an inscription that expressed his “respect and admiration,” per a New York Times account.


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Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) Tells Congress to STFU on Libya

Damn – Nice to see there is still ONE sane Republican left in the Party! Graham understands what is at stake, and why the US is peripherally involved.

Vodpod videos no longer available.


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Cynthia McKinney… The Tripoli Trixie?

During the Vietnam War many dubbed Jane Fonda as Hanoi Jane for her visit to North Vietnam during the War.

Looks like we got our very own Tripoli Trixie in moonbat extraordinaire, ex-Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Not much different in reality than some of the moonbats on the right like Michelle Bachman or the Sno’ Ho’ – just without the benefit of a Faux News network to try and propagandize some credibility out of inane ramblings.

And while I agree with Cynthia’s assessment of the economic issues in this country – I think it is rather myopic to lay the gutting of the middle class in America, which started under Raygun solely at President Obama’s feet. Quite frankly, when you as the electorate can be fooled into believing that spots on a little blue dress are more important than your missing paycheck…

You deserve to get effed.

But Khadaffi is a scumbag. Tripoli Trixie has no business over there sucking up to that monster.

Former U.S. congresswoman McKinney speaks on state TV in Libya

A former U.S. congresswoman slammed U.S. policy on Libyan state TV late Saturday and stressed the “last thing we need to do is spend money on death, destruction and war.”
The station is fiercely loyal to Moammar Gadhafi and her interview was spliced with what appeared to be rallies in support of the embattled Libyan leader.
“I think that it’s very important that people understand what is happening here. And it’s important that people all over the world see the truth. And that is why I am here … to understand the truth,” former Rep. Cynthia McKinney said during a live interview. Read the rest of this entry »


Posted by on May 22, 2011 in Giant Negros


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Libyan Birthers…

Yeah… They got “Birthers” in Libya too!

The Mystery Behind Gadhafi’s Birth: Some Say He’s Jewish

What if the biggest mystery surrounding Col. Moammar Gadhafi had nothing to do with his long, brutal reign as the world’s most eccentric and violent leader turned pariah?

And what if a long-lost letter from a Catholic cardinal who knew Gadhafi’s true identity was evidence that could have solved the mystery?

To many Libyan people, the biggest question mark about Gadhafi does not involve his repressive and dictatorial rule, delusional statements or brazen lies. Behind closed doors, for years, they’ve wondered if he is Jewish. Last week the issue came out in the open, asNBC’s Richard Engel reported from Libya that one in five rebels was fighting Gadhafi because he believes the leader is Jewish.

Conflicting reports surrounding Gadhafi’s birth have circulated since about 1970, two years after a Gadhafi-led coup made him the de facto leader of Libya.

In a handful of biographies from years ago, mostly written by Europeans, Gadhafi is almost always described as being born in a tent in Sirt, the son of a poor, illiterate Bedouin sheepherder and his wife.

But the hushed-up rumors in Libya about Gadhafi’s parentage involved his mother being Jewish. The stories have conflicted over the years, and the narratives are different. One had her converting to Judaism at age 9. In another, Gadhafi’s grandmother is Jewish but leaves her husband for an Arab sheik.

A more specific claim, backed up by a Libyan historian, is that Gadhafi was born out of wedlock to a Jewish woman and an Italian soldier in a village east of Tripoli. Because of the shame surrounding the birth, the baby was given to a Catholic cardinal who in turn gave the child to the sheepherder and his wife.

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Posted by on March 31, 2011 in Africa


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Ghadaffi Compares Self to Queen, Blames Bin Lauden, is Granted Asylum in Arizona…

Libyan, (hopefully) soon to be ex-Dictator today compared himself to the Queen of England!

‘I’m like the Queen of England,’ Gaddafi rants as rebels close on his bunker

Just so my English frinds don’t think we are all “confused” here in America – here is a pic of the Queen and Muhammar…

Hate to break this on you Muhammar... But the Queen's Dress is much prettier than yours! And her hat is stunning, unlike whatever that is you got wrapped around your head masquerading as one of those Russian hats with the pull down ear flaps...

And another thing… Does the Sammie Davis Estate know you stole his glasses from his 1960’s Vegas “Rat Pack” Collection?

Sammy Davis With "Vegas" Glasses

Now – as to Osama Bin Lauden causing all the recent troubles in Libya… I’m not sure he’s after the whole country…

Bin Lauden's New Bodyguard?

In any event, if you will leave the country in the next 48 Hours I beleive we have set up the perfect place for you to hide ou… errrrrr… seek asylum!

The climate is perfect, and similar to North Africa. And just the friendliest folks you’ve ever met – with a small “immigration problem”!

I know! I know! You’ve never had an immigration problem in the 30 years you’ve ruled Libya. But Arizona is just perfect! We’ve enrolled you in the Tea Party, which has really been searching for an experienced dictator – and you can run for “Senator for Life” next term as the Party’s favorite candidate against John McCain!

And the best part is… Nobody else in the other 49 states cares anymore!

Uhhhh… No… We won’t be able to bring your bodyguard along… Seems they already defected.

But we can set you up to do a TV Special with Sarah!

And yes, this is an attempt at satire. Even I don’t believe Ghadaffi is crazy enough to hang around a bunch of Tea Bagger Republicans!



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Libya and the Story of Chances None and Slim… And Slim Left Town on a Fast Train

Appears to be a rising call that the US step in and do something about the raging Civil War in Libya…

Seems to me to be about the dumbest thing the US could ever do is intervene in any way in another Middle Eastern disaster – virtually guaranteeing another Afghanistan 3-5 way war, with about the only thing the other parties agreeing to…

Is shooting at Americans.

Worse, the Bushit already sold the US Military and economy down the river lying the country into one “misadventure” and failing to close out another.

So I’m sorry Libyan brothers – but the American coin machine is stuck on empty.

So when I see an editorial like this in the Christian Science Monitor – I sincerely hope it’s somebody else doing the “saving” for a change…

The world’s responsibility to protect Libyans

The gross atrocities committed by the Qaddafi regime against protesters in Libya are of a kind demanding outside intervention. The Arab revolt for democracy now also needs protection from war crimes.

Now instead of simply siding with Arabs or Iranians seeking freedom, the world must also try to deter cornered dictators from committing mass atrocities.

In Libya, Muammar Qaddafi reacted far more harshly than his counterparts in Tunisia and Egypt did to the popular Arab demands for liberty. He unleashed fighter jets and machine guns against his opponents.

It was an excessive use of violence leading to the kind of mass slaughter seen in 1975 Cambodia, 1989 China, 1994 Rwanda, 1995 Bosnia, 1999 Kosovo, and 2003 Darfur.

Several of Mr. Qaddafi’s own ambassadors quit in disgust, warning of genocide and triggering the United Nations Security Council to weigh taking action. And indeed, if the Arab revolt continues in many Middle East countries, the world must be prepared to prevent extreme violence. It should take a decisive stand now in the case of the extreme cruelty committed in Libya.

More than democracy is at stake. The world must also act against crimes against humanity. And words of condemnation are not enough.

In fact, outside military intervention could be necessary, as was the case in Kosovo and Bosnia by NATO forces. In 2005, the UN General Assembly endorsed the idea of an international “responsibility to protect” innocent people from great harm within a sovereign country. That principle was elevated by the UN in large part because of its failure to intervene in the Rwanda genocide.

Failure to protect Libyan protesters, or any peaceful uprising in the Middle East, would only prove that the international community has yet to learn from past mistakes in not upholding international human rights laws, such as the Genocide Convention.

It is a difficult task for the UN or NATO to decide whether to break a state’s sovereignty if massacres are taking place. It’s even more difficult to find countries willing to make the sacrifice to send in their forces.

But the killings in Libya have been atrocious enough to provide moral clarity. On Tuesday, Qaddafi promised to hunt down protesters “house by house,” a day after his son warned that streets will “run with blood” if the protests continue.

This regime, in power for more than four decades, has been the most despotic of Arab autocrats, ranking alongside North Korea in its human rights violations. Now it has shown its true colors, and Libyans by the thousands are asking for outside help.

If ever a “responsibility to protect” was made clear, it is now in Libya, where terror has been unleashed on its people.



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Posted by on February 24, 2011 in American Greed, Great American Rip-Off, News


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Ghadaffi’s Forces Bomb Citizens – Has Strange Press Conference

Getting strange – and bloody in Libya…

The story is quite different from the news…

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Posted by on February 22, 2011 in News


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Ghadaffi Toast?

Under the heading of “Where in the world is Muammar?”
Venezuela denies Libya’s Gaddafi en route

The government of President Hugo Chavez denied on Monday reports Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was traveling to Venezuela following violent protests in the fellow OPEC member nation.

Attracted to Gaddafi’s revolutionary past, the socialist Chavez also casts himself as an anti-U.S. stalwart on the international stage, and the pair enjoy warm ties.

Adding to media rumors, British Foreign Secretary William Hague said earlier on Monday he had seen information to suggest Gaddafi had fled Libya and was on his way to the South American oil-exporting nation.

The Venezuelan government “denies such information,” a senior government source told Reuters.

Another Dictator bites the dust?


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Posted by on February 21, 2011 in News


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Tunisia, Cairo, Tehran, Benghazi, Beijing…Wisconsin

One brutal dictator or repressive government after another, in perhaps the largest series of mass demonstrations th world has ever seen – people are taking to the streets for political freedom, and economic rights…

In Tunisia and Cairo, the world was riveted as everyday citizens braved sometimes brutal violence by their repressive governments to suppress their will… And overthrew dictators.

The battles in other countries like Libya promise to be even more bloody, as hundreds are murdered by the Ghadaffi’s Secret Police and Army thugs. And China, prepares for perhaps another Tienanmen Square style repression suppressing the upstart “Jasmine Revolution”.

Meanwhile, in Wisconsin – Americans start the fight to take their country back from the neo-fascists…

The revolution may not be televised… But it will be on YouTube.


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Ghaddafi Blackmails Europe… Literally

Oh My! Libyan Leader Col. Gaddafi offers to defend Europe from the Islamic and black Hordes for only a paltry $6 billion US…

Long way from blowing up airplanes full of white people.

Gaddafi demands £4 billion from EU or Europe will turn ‘black’

Gaddafi's Personal Nurse, Galyna Kolotnytska, without whom he refuses to travel was recently exposed by Wikileaks.

Muammar Gaddafi has demanded that the European Union give him more than £4 billion to fight illegal immigration or else Europe will turn “black” and be swamped by Muslims.

During an EU-Africa summit, that ended on Tuesday in Tripoli, theLibyan leader described European’s economic relationship with the African continent as a “failure”.

Unless “Christian, white” countries gave him extra funding, Colonel Gaddafi predicted that Europe would be flooded with illegal immigrants leaving impoverished Africa.

“We should stop this illegal immigration. If we don’t, Europe will become black, it will be overcome by people with different religions, it will change,” he said.

Col Gaddafi has so far received only £42 million in EU funding to improve treatment of refugees heading for Europe amid human rights fears and a recent refusal by Sweden to sell Libya surveillance planes.

The Libyan leader is critical of the EU for linking trade and aid to free markets and progress on human rights. He told EU officials at the summit that African leaders say they are ready to abandon ten years of trade talks because of European demands.

“Africa has other choices,” he said “Let every country and every group govern itself. Every country is free to serve its own interests. Africa can look to any other international bloc such as Latin America, China, India or Russia.”




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Posted by on December 1, 2010 in The Post-Racial Life


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Libyan President Gahdafi Praises Obama

Fox News telecast the President of Libya, Gahdafi’s entire 96 minute speech to the UN today…

Which is one more speech than they have broadcast recently made by President Obama.

Obviously, Faux News feels whatever President Gahdafi had to say to the UN is far more important to Americans…

Than what our own President has to say.

This bit from Faux, where the reporter repeats himself 5 times in 2 minutes over Gahdafi’s reference to Obama as Africa’s Native Son (Our Son) due to his Kenyan father-

File this one under – Racism, will indeed make you stupid.

Second, don’t let conservative racism fool you into believing Gahdafi is a raving lunatic, or stupid. He has become a force to be reckoned with through investing his country’s oil money in Sub Saharan Africa,  and (belatedly) is in the process of a massive infrastructure upgrade in his country, principally being funded on Libya’s own nickel instead of begging for money like many other countries. Since deciding to re-engage with the rest of the world 5 years ago, clearing up the last of the Raygun era Islamic radicalism, the country has been making moves to try and become an economic power.


Posted by on September 23, 2009 in Africa, Faux News


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