Tag Archives: Tripoli Trixie

Cynthia McKinney… The Tripoli Trixie?

During the Vietnam War many dubbed Jane Fonda as Hanoi Jane for her visit to North Vietnam during the War.

Looks like we got our very own Tripoli Trixie in moonbat extraordinaire, ex-Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Not much different in reality than some of the moonbats on the right like Michelle Bachman or the Sno’ Ho’ – just without the benefit of a Faux News network to try and propagandize some credibility out of inane ramblings.

And while I agree with Cynthia’s assessment of the economic issues in this country – I think it is rather myopic to lay the gutting of the middle class in America, which started under Raygun solely at President Obama’s feet. Quite frankly, when you as the electorate can be fooled into believing that spots on a little blue dress are more important than your missing paycheck…

You deserve to get effed.

But Khadaffi is a scumbag. Tripoli Trixie has no business over there sucking up to that monster.

Former U.S. congresswoman McKinney speaks on state TV in Libya

A former U.S. congresswoman slammed U.S. policy on Libyan state TV late Saturday and stressed the “last thing we need to do is spend money on death, destruction and war.”
The station is fiercely loyal to Moammar Gadhafi and her interview was spliced with what appeared to be rallies in support of the embattled Libyan leader.
“I think that it’s very important that people understand what is happening here. And it’s important that people all over the world see the truth. And that is why I am here … to understand the truth,” former Rep. Cynthia McKinney said during a live interview. Read the rest of this entry »


Posted by on May 22, 2011 in Giant Negros


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