Tag Archives: whack job

“Deppidy” Lawn Jockey Orders Up a Lynch Mob

Never seen a “Law Enforcement” Officer call up a riot before. Kind of shows what a sick trick this POS is.

While the Chumph is whimpering about the ass kicking he’s taking in the polls.

Sheriff Supporting Trump Says It’s Time To Bring Out ‘Pitchforks And Torches’

Deppidy Lawn Jockey Hisself

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, a vocal backer Donald Trump, is urging Americans to take up pitchforks and torches, as the GOP nominee claims that the presidential election is rigged against him.

Clarke, who has called the Occupy and Black Lives Matter protests“anarchy,” made the call to arms on Twitter Saturday. He also complained about branches of government and media of being corrupt

Clarke’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

His complaints of corruption follow Trump’s claims that the presidential election is rigged against him, as his polling sinks.

“The whole thing is one big fix. One big ugly lie. It’s one big fix,” Trump said at a North Carolina rally on Friday.

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Posted by on October 15, 2016 in Black Conservatives, Chumph Butt Kicking


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Another Chumph Pastor Wants to Build A Bridge across the Atlantic Ocean

Another black Chumph “Minister”. This one wants black folks to “go back” to Africa.

Now this guy is correct that one of the things holding back economic development in Africa is the lack of roads, railways, and a transportation network encouraging and enabling trade. Some years ago I did a project in Rwanda, where there is no road connecting the country’s largest and second largest cities. Indeed, prior to the creation of the Superhighway system in America in the 50’s under President Eisenhower we had some of the same problems although not as severe.

However, there is a small problem (actually several) – the first being to build a road you need equipment of the big yellow ground-shaking type, not unusually marked on the side with the name Caterpillar. Those puppies don’t come cheap. You need asphalt, concrete steel girders, gravel, and pipes…

All of which cost money (lots and lots of money).

Someone who has never been to Africa (which apparently our good Minister hasn’t) doesn’t realize it is a big – big place. From Accra, Ghana to Cairo, Egypt is 4300 miles. From Casablanca to Cape Town is 8,000 miles. From Cape Town to J’burg is 1200 miles in the same country. So if said project did nothing but connect capital cities it would be 10 times larger than the US Interstate Highway System. You are not talking billions…You are talking Trillions of dollars.

Where exactly is this money, which is more than the combined GDP of the entire continent, going to come from. Sunday collections?

The second problem is African Americans are “African” only in name. They have plenty of cheap labor who can handle a shovel. I somehow don’t think the locals are going to appreciate their very distant cousins from America coming over to tell them how to do things. Never mind the fact that African Americans have no ancestral relationship to 80% of the people in Africa, or the cultural arrogance (ignorance?) in believing all those Africans are the same because they have dark skin.

This is sad. This “Minister” needs to talk to some black folks who a) have actually been to Africa, and b) have done work there.

They ain’t your f*(&ing long lost “cousins”.

NC pastor for Trump wants to end joblessness by ‘returning’ blacks to Africa to build roads

A North Carolina pastor who has endorsed Donald Trump explained his job plan on Tuesday, which calls for the “return” of black Americans to Africa to build roads and bridges.

Apostle Thomas Rodgers, Sr. of Antioch Road to Glory International Ministries in North Carolina told CNN host Carol Costello that black Americans should receive “dual citizenship” so that they could find jobs in Africa.

“African-Americans are the only people in the world who do not seek dual citizenship,” Rodgers said. “That’s why Chicago gangs, California gangs, the Crips and the Bloods and Detroit in Michigan — we have gangs in the streets because blacks have no vision, they have no leadership.”

“You’ve also talked about building a road back to Africa,” Costello noted. “Can you explain that?”

Rodgers replied: “Matter of fact, where our ancestors came from, from the Indian Ocean all the way across the Atlantic Ocean, that’s 4,000 miles and we want to go back and help with the highways all the way across, to create jobs, train rails, pipelines, oil, petroleum. They create jobs for young people that can’t find jobs here, that the Democrats have not did.”

“I think it would give young people in prison [jobs] just like Great Britain did,” he opined.

“So you are suggesting young people in trouble should go back to Africa, perhaps to find jobs?” the CNN host pressed.

“Not to go back, but I say to return,” Rodgers insisted. “It’s a clause in the United Nations charter, our right to return, to help build infrastructure. Everybody don’t want to stay here. We are skilled people.”

Democratic strategist Angela Rye pointed out that building a “literal” bridge back to Africa was “probably impossible.”

“I apologize for laughing,” Rye added.


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Posted by on August 30, 2016 in Black Conservatives


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Texas Republican Governor Helps Terrorists, Wants to Ignore Constitution

And you thought former Texas Governors George Bush and Rick Perry were stupid?

Yet another dumber than dirt Texas Governor, helping terrorists

Texas governor jeopardized secret investigation of Islamic State suspect: sources

Two Texas politicians made public details of an investigation into a terrorism suspect while it was still in progress, potentially jeopardizing the inquiry, three sources familiar with the matter said on Friday.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick released details from documents that were still under court seal, the sources said. A spokesman for Governor Abbott had no immediate comment. Patrick’s office was not available for comment.

The suspect, Omar Faraj Saeed Al-Hardan, 24, appeared in court on Friday accused of providing material support to Islamic State overseas. He entered the United States as an Iraqi refugee in November 2009 and lived in Houston, according to a court document.

Abbott and Patrick are both Republicans and their party has been fiercely resisting Democratic President Barack Obama’s plan to allow 10,000 Syrian refugees into the country over the next year, arguing that they pose a security risk to the United States. The Obama administration has rejected that assertion.

One of the sources said investigators believe Abbott and Patrick may have learned confidential details of the investigation from the Joint Terrorism Task Force in Texas. The group’s members include local and state law enforcement officers. There was no immediate comment from the task force.

The sources said the politicians’ statements on Thursday night disclosing a terrorism suspect’s arrest forced federal authorities to wrap up their inquiries and rush out public statements and court papers on the case earlier than planned.

Hardan was already in custody at the time, but interviews of potential witnesses were still being conducted when the disclosures were made, the sources.

Texas Governor Wants To Amend The Constitution So States Can Ignore The Federal Government

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Friday proposed a series of amendments to the U.S. constitution that would permit states to override the Supreme Court and ignore federal laws.

One of the proposed measures would allow a two-thirds majority of the states to override federal regulations, while another sets the same threshold for overturning decisions by the Supreme Court. The governor also wants to change the Constitution to block Congress from “regulating activity that occurs wholly within one state,” and to require a supermajority of seven Supreme Court votes before a “democratically enacted law” can be overturned…More from Governor Dipshit here

Here the 9 Amendments to the US Constitution proposed by Gov Abbott

I mean ..Think about it, There have only been 17 Amendments to the Constitution in the past 300 years (the first 10, were the Bill of Rights)…

Ans this Bozo wants to pass 9?


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confederate Bombs Walmart For Not Selling Confederate Flag

“Heritage not Hate”?

Since Walmart and other stores have decided against selling confederate flags…This “upstanding citizen” decided to throw a bomb into a WalMart store…

Confederate flag lover throws bomb inside Walmart after online threat: ‘No messing around anymore’

A Mississippi man was arrested on Sunday morning for allegedly throwing a bomb inside a Walmart just days after threatening the retail giant and other businesses for refusing to sell Confederate battle flags.

According to the Tupelo Daily Journal, 61-year-old Marshall W. Leonard will be charged with placing an explosive device after allegedly throwing it inside a local Walmart.

“There was an employee on break, and the suspect told him, ‘You better run,’ Police Chief Bart Aguirre said. “The employee did run and was away from harm when the package went off. It wasn’t a large explosion. It didn’t cause a lot of damage to the store.”

Leonard named Walmart and the Daily Journal as targets in an Oct. 28 post on the newspaper’s Facebook page.

“Journal corporate, you are on final warning,” he wrote Oct. 28. “You are part of the problem. As a result of this, y’all are going down, along with Walmart, WTVA, Reeds department store, and all the rest of the anti-American crooks. I’m not kidding. No messing around anymore!”

Leonard told WAPT-TV last month that the flag, which has been derided as a symbol of slavery and oppression, had nothing to do with race.

“Changing the state flag isn’t going to change nothing,” said Leonard, who opposed a bill that would remove the symbol from the Mississippi state flag. “There’s still always going to be hate. There will still always be racism.”

WTVA-TV reported that Leonard was kicked out of the Confederate flag advocacy group Mississippi On Guard in August after protesting at a Tupelo City Council meeting while being draped in the flag.

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Posted by on November 3, 2015 in Domestic terrorism


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Lawn Ornament Alert! Alan West

This Lawn Jockey is crazy!

A debate…With President Obama? Think it was Richard Pryor who put it best on one of his albums…”This N(*&(**^ is Crazy!”

Allen West: I’ve ‘Heard’ 80 House Democrats Are Communist Party Members

As many as 80 House Democrats are communists, according to Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.).

West warned constituents at a Tuesday town hall event that he’s “heard” that dozens of his Democratic colleagues in the House are members of the Communist Party, thePalm Beach Post reported. West wouldn’t elaborate beyond that, however, and didn’t offer up any names. There are currently 190 House Democrats.

A request for comment from West’s spokeswoman was not immediately returned.

During the same event, which took place at Florida Atlantic University, the freshman Republican said President Barack Obama wouldn’t have a public debate with him over their policy differences because he was “scared.” The president was in Florida on Tuesday giving remarks about the economy and holding campaign events.

“I really wish that, standing here before you, was Allen West and President Obama,” West said, according to the Palm Beach Post. “We could have a simple discussion. But that ain’t ever gonna happen.”

When an audience member asked why, West said in “a mocking voice” that it was because Obama “was too scared.”


Posted by on April 11, 2012 in Black Conservatives


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Soyalent Green…is Republicans!

For those who don’t catch the reference – Soyalent Green is People.

Seems that some of our Tea Party American brethren live in an alternate universe. Which would be fine except they insist on applying the rules and regulations of that mythical world to the rest of us. The lunatics have truly gained control of the asylum…

Ralph Shortley, Oklahoma State Senator, Introduces Bill Banning Aborted Fetuses In Food

A Republican state senator from Oklahoma City introduced a bill Tuesday that would ban the use of aborted human fetuses in food, despite conceding that he’s unaware of any company using such a practice.

Freshman Sen. Ralph Shortey said his own Internet research led him to believe such a ban is necessary and prompted him to offer the bill aimed at raising “public awareness” and giving an “ultimatum to companies” that might consider such a policy.

Shortey said he discovered suggestions online that some companies use embryonic stem cells to develop artificial flavors, but added that he is unaware of any Oklahoma companies doing such research.

In an e-mail to The Associated Press, U.S. Food and Drug Administration spokeswoman Pat El-Hinnawy said: “FDA is not aware of this particular concern.”

The executive director of the anti-abortion group Oklahomans for Life, which has successfully pushed some of the strictest anti-abortion laws in the country through the state’s GOP-controlled Legislature, also said he had never heard of human fetuses being used in food research.

“I don’t know anything about that,” said Tony Lauinger.

Shortey’s bill would prohibit the manufacture or sale of any food in which aborted fetuses were used to develop any of the ingredients.

Meanwhile, the bill has caused a stir among Oklahoma lawmakers, many decrying the proposed legislation.

Self-described “pro-life” Sen. Brian Crain, the chairman of the Senate Human Services Committee to which Shortey’s bill likely would be assigned, said Tuesday other issues are more deserving of the Legislature’s attention.

“We’ve got too many challenges facing Oklahomans today. We don’t need to go looking for possible challenges that may come about sometime in the future,” said Crain, R-Tulsa. “If it can be demonstrated that this is a challenge facing our food supply, then I think we need to act quickly, but there’s been no demonstration that this is going on.

“I’d hate to think we’re going to spend our time coming up with possibilities of things we need to stop.”

First elected in 2010 to a heavily Hispanic district on the city’s south side, Shortey has grabbed headlines with other bills he’s introduced that have not become law. He sponsored a measure last year to crack down on illegal immigrants by authorizing law enforcement to seize their homes and vehicles, and to deny Oklahoma citizenship to babies born to illegal immigrants. He also offered an amendment to a bill that would have allowed legislators to carry firearms anywhere in the state, including the floor of the House and Senate.

This year, Shortey has introduced a bill seeking a public vote on amending the Oklahoma Constitution to abolish the Court of Criminal Appeals.






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Alan West Flunks That “Officer and a Gentleman” Quiz… Again

The reason Alan West got kicked out of the Army is torturing a prisoner, while half a dozen of his soldiers held him down.

Seems West is showing the same sort of “courage under fire” now.

West trashes Wasserman Schultz as ‘vile’ for budget comments

Tea-party favorite Allen West called fellow Broward U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz “vile and despicable” in an email after she trashed a Republican budget-cutting plan Tuesday night on the House floor.

In his verbal explosion, the Plantation Republican suggested his beef with Wasserman Schultz began in October 2010 and “the disgusting protest you ordered at my campaign” headquarters in Deerfield Beach, West said in his email. But what finally set West off was the fact that Wasserman Schultz, the Democratic National Committee chair, said on the House floor that it was “unbelievable from a Member from South Florida” to support a plan that slashes Medicaid and Medicare “in favor of protecting tax breaks for Big Oil, millionaires, and companies who ship American jobs overseas.” She never identified West by name.

West, who had left the House floor by that point, then dashed off his retort.

“Let me make myself perfectly clear, you want a personal fight, I am happy to oblige. You are the most vile, unprofessional ,and despicable member of the US House of Representatives. If you have something to say to me, stop being a coward and say it to my face, otherwise, shut the heck up. Focus on your own congressional district!,” West wrote.

“Understand that I shall defend myself forthright against your heinous characterless behavior,” West continued. “You have proven repeatedly that you are not a Lady, therefore, shall not be afforded due respect from me!”

The war of words underscores the tensions in Congress as members grapple with whether and how to raise the debt ceiling. Not only does the squabble pit one of the most liberal members of Congress against of its most conservative, it’s a sign of the polarizing politics in Broward County where their districts border each other.


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Trump Dumped From Indy Pace Car

The Donald is beginning to find out exactly how treacherous political waters can be…

Especially when a candidate (him) descends into racism and lowbrow fearmongering.

Yet another place you won’t be seeing the Donald…

No Indy 500 Pace Car Drive!

Trump Bumped out of Indy 500 Pace Car

After facing increasing grass roots pressure, including a Facebook page with 17,500 likes urging his removal, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway announced today that Donald Trump has removed himself as driver of the Indianapolis 500 pace car in this years race. Quoted in The Indianapolis Star, Trump said the following:

“I very much appreciate the honor, but time and business constraints make my appearance there, especially with the necessary practice sessions, impossible to fulfill,” Trump said. “I look forward to watching the race from New York.”

This is the 2011 Indy Pace Car, a Camaro Drop-Top. Methinks the real reason Trump bailed on driving the car... Is the Comb-Over would never have survived!

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Posted by on May 5, 2011 in Stupid Tea Bagger Tricks


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No Faux! Glenn Beck Leaving Faux News

Looks like it all has caught up with Beck…

First he lost New York, then Philly – and now his nightly psychobabble on Faux News!

Could it just possibly be the loss of advertisers on Faux caused by the Color of Change Boycott?

Glenn Beck to End Daily Fox News Program

Glenn Beck will end his daily Fox News Channel program later this year.

His departure was jointly announced in a statement on Wednesday by Fox and Mr. Beck’s company, Mercury Radio Arts.

Fox News and Mercury Radio Arts, which have clashed over the making of “Glenn Beck,” will “work together to develop and produce a variety of television projects for air on the Fox News Channel as well as content for other platforms including Fox News’ digital properties,” the companies said in the statement.

As expected, a senior Fox News executive, Joel Cheatwood, will join Mr. Beck at Mercury Radio Arts starting later this month.

The joint statement did not specify an end date for Mr. Beck’s show, called “Glenn Beck,” which has been telecast at 5 p.m. on Fox News since early 2009. Asked if Fox News had a rough end date for “Glenn Beck,” a spokeswoman referred back to the statement. Mr. Beck’s contract with Fox ends in December.




Posted by on April 6, 2011 in Faux News


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Arrest Made in Spokane MLK Day Bomb Attempt

While police believe the bomber is a member of a white supremacist group, they have as of yet produced evidence or a motive in the arrest. Hard to tell at this point whether this guy acted alone, is a member of a white supremacist group such as the Aryan Nations or is another Tea Party whack job. Police and bomb experts are currently searching the accused home for clues…

Image: Backpack containing bomb

Arrest made in MLK parade bomb plot

A suspect has been arrested in the foiled bombing of a Martin Luther King parade in this city last January, federal officials said Wednesday.

NBC station KHQ TV of Spokane reported that FBI vehicles converged on a home about 75 miles north of Spokane. Viewers told the station that the house was near U.S. 395 south of Colville, Wash.

The Seattle Times reported that an FBI source said one man was arrested and federal agents were preparing to search the house. The newspaper reported that the source said the man was believed to be affiliated with white supremacists.

The Times said the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Spokane was expected to release more detail Wednesday.

The bomb had a remote detonator and the ability to cause mass casualties, according to officials.

The bomb was defused without incident but unnerved residents of Spokane, especially those who took part in a parade whose theme was steeped in peace and nonviolence.

The attempt raised the possibility of a racial motive in a region that has been home to the white supremacist group Aryan Nations.

The bomb could have caused dozens of casualties, and was particularly nasty –

The backpack, left on a metal bench along the route of the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade in downtown Spokane, contained a bomb that, had it gone off, would have sprayed the crowd with lead pellets coated with rat poison. Investigators believe the bomb was placed in such a way as to maximize casualties…

Many rat poisons contain the chemical warfarin, an anticoagulant. There have been media reports that some suicide bombers in the Middle East pack their bombs with rat poison in hopes of making them more lethal.

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Posted by on March 9, 2011 in Domestic terrorism


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Maddow: Holocaust shooting suspect is a birther

All the white supremacist, conservative whack jobs are interconnected…

The Holocaust Museum murderer turns out to be a “birther” like Alan Keyes and his lost “Other Brother”…

And as we’ve discussed before, Drugbo.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “Maddow: Holocaust shooting suspect is…“, posted with vodpod
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Posted by on June 12, 2009 in Stupid Republican Tricks


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