Tag Archives: spokane

In Black and White – Rachael Dolezal

Hmmm…This one is strange. Rachael Dolezal, currently head of the Spokane, Washington NAACP is being questioned about her racial authenticity…


Race of Spokane NAACP head Rachel Dolezal comes under question

The racial identity of one of the most prominent faces in Spokane, Washington’s black community is under question after her parents produced a birth certificate that showed she is white.

Rachel Dolezal, 37, is the head of the local chapter of the NAACP and has identified herself as African-American. But her Montana birth certificate says she was born to two Caucasian parents, according to CNN affiliate KXLY, which also showed an old family photo in its report.

CNN tried to reach Dolezal for comment by emailing and calling her late Thursday night, but was unsuccessful. Likewise, CNN was also unable to reach Dolezal’s parents.

Identifies as African-American

Dolezal has represented herself as at least part African-American in an application for the police ombudsman commission.

And she has presented the public with a different family photograph posted to the local NAACP chapter’s Facebook page. When she announced her father was coming to town for a visit, she showed herself standing next to an older African-American man.

Dolezal’s public racial identity came under scrutiny on Thursday, when a reporter from KXLY held up that photo asked her a simple question.

This is how the conversation went:

“Is that your dad?”

“Yeah, that’s…that’s my dad.”

“This man right here’s your father? Right there?”

“You have a question about that?”

“Yes ma’am, I was wondering if your dad really is an African-American man.”

“That’s a very — I mean, I don’t know what you’re implying.”

“Are you African-American?”

“I don’t understand the question of — I did tell you that, yes, that’s my dad. And he was unable to come in January.”

“Are your parents…are they white?”

Dolezal walked away from the microphone, leaving her purse and keys, and took refuge in a nearby clothing boutique.
Read more:

Now, Rachael’s actual race doesn’t make any difference to the NAACP. Some of the organizations founding members were white, as are some of the current members. The organization also does not discriminate by race on awarding scholarships.



Posted by on June 12, 2015 in The Post-Racial Life


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Spokane Bomb Suspect Right Wing Ties

In this undated handout photo provided by KXLY 4 News, bombing suspect Kevin William Harpham is shown.You have to ask yourself – why Cong. Pete King didn’t want to talk about the “other terrorists” in his hearings yesterday on “Muslim terrorism”…

Just another Tea Party Terrorist… Indeed.

In the event you think this scumbag was only targeting black folks – look at the mixed group of people at the Spokane Parade… And the number of little children in the video below.

Why are these guys a bigger threat? Because, you let a swarthy Middle Eastern dude with a beard walk into your average NRA Member owned gun shop, and ask for a pair of Glocks with spare 30 round clips…

That owner is 1) going to do a real background check, and 2) place his very first call ever to the FBI. And that’s if the owner doesn’t pull a gun on him, and hold him for the authorities.

Gomer here to the left, can walk in to the same gun shop, buy a pair of semi-automatic assault rifles, extended 45 round clips, the Glocks and clips…

And get free instruction and a kit on how to convert the rifles to full automatic, and directions on where he can but armor piercing rounds – because he’s one of “the boys”.

Fortunately, there aren’t too many of these all-American scumbags walking around… Just enough for 2-3 Mass Murders a year.

And how many times has the US been attacked by Middle-Eastern Terrorists since 9/11, again?

Spokane Suspect’s Neo-Nazi Ties Run Deep

The man arrested today in connection with the attempted Martin Luther King Day parade bombing in Spokane, Washington, appears to have longtime connections to the white supremacist movement. Read the rest of this entry »


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Arrest Made in Spokane MLK Day Bomb Attempt

While police believe the bomber is a member of a white supremacist group, they have as of yet produced evidence or a motive in the arrest. Hard to tell at this point whether this guy acted alone, is a member of a white supremacist group such as the Aryan Nations or is another Tea Party whack job. Police and bomb experts are currently searching the accused home for clues…

Image: Backpack containing bomb

Arrest made in MLK parade bomb plot

A suspect has been arrested in the foiled bombing of a Martin Luther King parade in this city last January, federal officials said Wednesday.

NBC station KHQ TV of Spokane reported that FBI vehicles converged on a home about 75 miles north of Spokane. Viewers told the station that the house was near U.S. 395 south of Colville, Wash.

The Seattle Times reported that an FBI source said one man was arrested and federal agents were preparing to search the house. The newspaper reported that the source said the man was believed to be affiliated with white supremacists.

The Times said the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Spokane was expected to release more detail Wednesday.

The bomb had a remote detonator and the ability to cause mass casualties, according to officials.

The bomb was defused without incident but unnerved residents of Spokane, especially those who took part in a parade whose theme was steeped in peace and nonviolence.

The attempt raised the possibility of a racial motive in a region that has been home to the white supremacist group Aryan Nations.

The bomb could have caused dozens of casualties, and was particularly nasty –

The backpack, left on a metal bench along the route of the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade in downtown Spokane, contained a bomb that, had it gone off, would have sprayed the crowd with lead pellets coated with rat poison. Investigators believe the bomb was placed in such a way as to maximize casualties…

Many rat poisons contain the chemical warfarin, an anticoagulant. There have been media reports that some suicide bombers in the Middle East pack their bombs with rat poison in hopes of making them more lethal.

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Posted by on March 9, 2011 in Domestic terrorism


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Update on Spokane Domestic Terrorism Attack

An act of domestic terrorism which, if successful may have killed or injured dozens of people…

MLK Parade Pipe Bomb: Race Connection ‘Inescapable’, FBI Says

Federal investigators are looking at race as a possible motive in the attempted bombing of a Martin Luther King Day parade in Spokane, Wash., as they hunt “armed and dangerous” suspects.

“I think the connection is virtually inescapable… that the device was planted and left there to target the marchers or bystanders,” Frank Harrill, special agent in charge of the FBI’s Spokane office, said late Tuesday.

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, 15 different “hate groups” operate in Washington state and six others just over the border in Idaho — including the white supremacist group Aryan Nations. The FBI said the men or women responsible are being considered “armed and dangerous.”

Whatever the motive, Spokane mayor Mary Verner said the attempted bombing was “unacceptable.”

“I was struck that on a day when we celebrate Dr. King, a champion of non-violence, we were faced with a significant violent threat,” Verner said Tuesday. “This is unacceptable in our community, or any community.”

Just half an hour before the Martin Luther King Day parade was scheduled to begin Monday, three workers spotted a suspicious package with visible wires on a bench, the FBI said.

Authorities rerouted the parade while officers from the Spokane Police Department‘s bomb disposal unit worked on the bomb.

“I saw the robot and when I saw the robot I told my girls to run and ‘Let’s get out of here,'” witness Lisa Ludeman told ABC News.

Harrill, the supervisory senior resident agent in Spokane, told ABC News that the backpack was “a viable device.”

“The potential for lethality was clear,” Harrill said Tuesday. The local bomb squad neutralized the device, he added.


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Posted by on January 19, 2011 in Domestic terrorism


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Backpack Bomb Found on Spokane MLK Parade Route

There has been no release of evidence of who, what, or why yet…

The bomb, described as a small pipe bomb, was designed to be triggered by a radio frequency system, and was directional – meaning it was designed to spray its deadly shrapnel in the direction it was pointed, law enforcement sources said. Aimed at the parade route, it could have caused multiple casualties among the marchers

Photo: FBI: Pipe Bomb Found On MLK Parade Route: Backpack Containing Explosives, T-Shirts Spotted By Workers On Martin Luther King DayBackpack bomb found on Spokane, Washington, parade route

The FBI is asking the public for help in the investigation of an unexploded backpack bomb left along the parade route of a Martin Luther King Jr. holiday celebration in Spokane, Washington, the agency said on Tuesday.

The unattended Swiss Army-brand backpack, with wires visible, was discovered on a downtown bench by three city workers who notified police of the device about 30 minutes before the parade was scheduled to begin.

The parade, attended by about 1,500 people, was quickly rerouted while city’s bomb disposal unit was summoned and safely “neutralized the device,” the FBI said.

FBI agent Frank Harrill described the “improvised explosive device” as having a “very lethal design” capable of inflicting “multiple casualties.”

The device in the backpack was largely concealed by two T-shirts packed inside. The exact design and suspected strength of the bomb were not revealed.

The FBI offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any individuals responsible for the bomb. Investigators also asked anyone who took photographs or video footage in the area where the pack was found during a three-hour period before the parade to contact the FBI.

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Posted by on January 18, 2011 in Domestic terrorism, The New Jim Crow


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