Tag Archives: WalMart

“Bulletproof” – WalMart Ditches one BLM T-Shirt

Hmmm…The FOP is still stupidly stirring thing up…

Walmart Ditches ‘Bulletproof: Black Lives Matter’ T-Shirt After Police Protest

The Fraternal Order of Police has also complained to Amazon.

Walmart is dropping the online sale of T-shirts and hooded sweatshirts bearing the message “Bulletproof: Black Lives Matter,” it announced Tuesday night, following a complaint from the country’s largest police organization.

The national Fraternal Order of Police had called the message “offensive” in a letter to the giant retailer earlier that day.

The 325,000-member organization has since issued a similar letter to Amazon complaining about the same products, as well as about shirts and sweatshirts bearing the words “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot.”

Commercializing our differences will not help our local police and communities to build greater trust and respect for one another. Turning a buck on strained relationships will not contribute to the healing process,” FOP President Chuck Canterbury wrote to Walmart CEO C. Douglas McMillon.

Canterbury told McMillon that he was “concerned” that selling the shirts would “damage your company’s good name” among FOP members, as well as among other “active and retired law enforcement officers.”

Shortly afterward, Walmart issued a statement to The Washington Post announcing it was dropping the products because of “customer complaints.” It will continue to sell other products bearing the words “Black Lives Matter.”

“Like other online retailers, we have a marketplace with millions of items offered by third parties that includes Blue Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter and All Lives Matter merchandise. After hearing concerns from customers, we are removing the specific item with the ‘bulletproof’ reference,” said the statement.

The “Bulletproof” shirts were being sold through the Walmart website by third-party vendor Old Glory Merchandise, which was not immediately available for comment.

On Wednesday, Canterbury sent a similar letter to Amazon and its CEO, Jeffrey Bezos ― who also owns The Washington Post.

“Because I believe you share the FOP’s goal of increasing the bonds of trust between the men and women of law enforcement and the communities they serve, I wanted to let you know that my members are very upset that you and Amazon are complicit in the sale of this very offensive merchandise,” Canterbury wrote to Bezos.

Black Lives Matter merchandise on Amazon’s site comes from several different third-party sellers. Shirts saying “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” were still available on the site Wednesday. “Bulletproof: Black Lives Matter” shirts were not for sale.

Amazon was not immediately available for comment.

The Fraternal Order of Police has clashed frequently with the Black Lives Matter movement, which was born when Trayvon Martin’s killer was acquitted in 2013 and has been fueled by the deaths of other black men at the hands of police. The FOP has claimed that the movement is anti-police and places officers’ lives in danger. Last year it began to push for classifying attacks on police officers as hate crimes.

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Posted by on December 21, 2016 in BlackLivesMatter


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confederate Bombs Walmart For Not Selling Confederate Flag

“Heritage not Hate”?

Since Walmart and other stores have decided against selling confederate flags…This “upstanding citizen” decided to throw a bomb into a WalMart store…

Confederate flag lover throws bomb inside Walmart after online threat: ‘No messing around anymore’

A Mississippi man was arrested on Sunday morning for allegedly throwing a bomb inside a Walmart just days after threatening the retail giant and other businesses for refusing to sell Confederate battle flags.

According to the Tupelo Daily Journal, 61-year-old Marshall W. Leonard will be charged with placing an explosive device after allegedly throwing it inside a local Walmart.

“There was an employee on break, and the suspect told him, ‘You better run,’ Police Chief Bart Aguirre said. “The employee did run and was away from harm when the package went off. It wasn’t a large explosion. It didn’t cause a lot of damage to the store.”

Leonard named Walmart and the Daily Journal as targets in an Oct. 28 post on the newspaper’s Facebook page.

“Journal corporate, you are on final warning,” he wrote Oct. 28. “You are part of the problem. As a result of this, y’all are going down, along with Walmart, WTVA, Reeds department store, and all the rest of the anti-American crooks. I’m not kidding. No messing around anymore!”

Leonard told WAPT-TV last month that the flag, which has been derided as a symbol of slavery and oppression, had nothing to do with race.

“Changing the state flag isn’t going to change nothing,” said Leonard, who opposed a bill that would remove the symbol from the Mississippi state flag. “There’s still always going to be hate. There will still always be racism.”

WTVA-TV reported that Leonard was kicked out of the Confederate flag advocacy group Mississippi On Guard in August after protesting at a Tupelo City Council meeting while being draped in the flag.

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Posted by on November 3, 2015 in Domestic terrorism


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All Black People Asked to Leave Jersey WallMart

Obviously a racist moron managed to get to the WallMart PA System. I think boycotting the store is silly – as I hardly think WalMart is behind the racist message. They want to chase buying customers out like they want a hole in the head.

At worst, one of their employees is a racist – soon to be unemployed – idiot, or the PA System didn’t have a security key and someone (perhaps a former employee) managed to get to the mike.

“All Black People” Asked to Leave S. Jersey Wal-Mart

Wal-Mart officials are looking at security tapes after an announcement was made for “all black people” to leave a store in South Jersey.

A man used the public-address system at the Route 42 store in Washington Township Sunday night and calmly announced: “Attention Wal-Mart customers: All black people leave the store now.”

Patricia Covington and Shelia Ellington were inside the store when it happened and told the Courier Post that customers and store employees looked stunned when they heard it.

“In 2010, I want to know why such statements are being made because it flies in the face of what we teach them [our kids] at home, and that’s tolerance for people,” said Ellington.

Ellington and other customers let store management and police know they were upset.

They asked the store to use the same announcement system to apologize to customers that night, which it did.

Wal-Mart management called the incident “unacceptable,” and said it’s working to make sure nothing like this happens at any other stores.

Washington Township police and the Gloucester County Prosecutor’s Office are investigating the incident as a possible bias crime.

“I can’t believe it in this day and age,” Covington told the paper. “Wal-Mart needs to be more responsible.”

Covington and Elllington are boycotting the store.


Posted by on March 17, 2010 in You Know It's Bad When...


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