Tag Archives: texas

Texas Redneck Demonstrates American Racism

This is a Faux News devotee. He truly believes the “Black Panthers” exist anymore…

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Posted by on September 2, 2015 in Domestic terrorism, The New Jim Crow


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Accused Killer of Texas Deputy Had Long History of Violent Mental Illness

The man currently accused of killing the Deputy in Harris County, Texas, not only had a rap sheet, but in 2012 was considered non competent to stand trial due to mental illness and sent to a mental health center of 6 months before being released. No motive has been established in the case yet – despite the blubbering of the County Sheriff on National TV. Texas has some of the loosest gun laws in the world, so it is no surprise a guy with felony convictions and being incarcerated in a mental health institution could easily get a gun.


Shannon Miles, Man Suspected Of Killing Texas Deputy, Had History Of Mental Illness

A man charged with murder in the ambush of a suburban Houston sheriff’s deputy had a history of mental illness and was once declared mentally incompetent, according to authorities and his former attorney.

Shannon J. Miles, 30, was being held without bond after an initial court hearing Monday. Prosecutors accuse him of opening fire from behind on Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth on Friday night in what the sheriff called a “cold-blooded assassination.”

Goforth was shot 15 times, Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson said in court.

Anderson would not comment on a motive, saying investigators were still trying to figure that out. When asked if it might be connected to heightened tensions around the country between law enforcement and civilians, Anderson said, “I have no idea whether it does or not.” This weekend, Sheriff Ron Hickman said the attack was “clearly unprovoked,” that authorities believe the 47-year-old deputy was targeted because he was in uniform and there is no evidence Goforth knew Miles.

Anthony Osso, one of Miles’ two court-appointed attorneys, told The Associated Press that his client intends to plead not guilty.

Miles’ criminal history dates back to 2005 and includes an arrest in Austin in 2012 that led to Miles being sent to a state mental hospital for several months.

In 2012, the Travis County District Attorney’s Office charged Miles with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after he got into a fight at a homeless shelter over a remote control, prosecutor Joe Frederick said. Miles was found to be mentally incompetent in October 2012 and he was sent to North Texas State Hospital in Vernon, Texas.

“From this case, you could never tell what would happen” in the future, Frederick said, adding prosecutors treated the case as a “very serious offense” and had offered Miles a plea agreement of seven years in prison. Miles was declared mentally competent in February 2013, but the charge was dropped after the victim could not be located, Frederick said.

Jon Evans, Miles’ attorney in the Austin case, said medical privacy laws prevent him from offering any details about Miles’ mental illness history. But he was told by Miles’ mother that her son had a lifelong history of mental illness.

At the time of the case in 2012, Miles “suffered from severe mental illness,” Evans said.

Miles also has three convictions for resisting or evading arrest, as well as convictions for disorderly conduct with a firearm, criminal mischief and giving false information to police. Records show he was sentenced to several short stints in jail, anywhere from six to 10 days.

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Posted by on September 1, 2015 in BlackLivesMatter, Domestic terrorism


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Sheriff Blames Police KIlling on “National Rhetoric”

Or “Not wanting to jump to conclusions”, this Sheriff and Prosecutor certainly lay out a lot of “conclusions” not yet borne out by evidence. The assertion that this was about “anti-cop rhetoric” and BlackLivesMatter being the most egregious. As the shooter has not been identified, much less apprehended, we have no idea what motivated him. The fact the Police Department is having a hard time getting witnesses to step up would seem to indicate a disconnect between the Police and the community.

Sheriff links ‘national rhetoric’ to killing of deputy in Houston

Harris County Sheriff Ron Hickman described the killing of a deputy sheriff at a gas station as a “cold-blooded assassination” and angrily condemned the “very dangerous national rhetoric” about police officers that he said was out of control.

Deputy Darren Goforth, 47, was fatally shot late Friday while filling his patrol car in northwest Harris County.

The suspect, whose image was caught on surveillance video, approached Goforth from behind and shot him several times in the back. He continued to fire even after the officer had fallen to the ground.

The suspect is shown in photos as a dark-skinned male wearing a white T-shirt and red shorts and apparently driving a red or maroon-colored Ford pickup.

Rickman said an intense manhunt was underway and that officers were speaking to several people in connection with the shooting, but that no arrest had been made yet.

Hickman said the killing was unprovoked and that Goforth was apparently singled out only because he was wearing the uniform of a law enforcement officer. The sheriff made it clear he felt the shooting was tied to a national backlash over several recent killings of unarmed black people by police officers.

“When rhetoric ramps up to the point where cold-blooded assassination has happened, this rhetoric has gotten out of control,” he said. “We heard ‘black lives matter.’ All lives matter. Cops’ lives matter too, so why don’t we drop the qualifier and say all lives matter and take that to the bank.”

“Black Lives Matter” is the phrase of a national activist group aimed at addressing the shootings by police officers.

His remarks echoed comments in the same new conference by Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson, who said the criticism of police had gotten out of hand.

“It is time for the silent majority in this country to support law enforcement,” she told reporters at the news conference. “There are a few bad apples in every profession, that does not mean there should be open warfare on law enforcement.”

Earlier, sheriff’s office spokesman Deputy Thomas Gilliland said officials were speaking with a person of interest in connection with the shooting and had obtained a search warrant for the person’s home.

Perhaps the Sheriff’s rhetoric might be based on the publicity involving his department and this DWB stop…

And this one…

Which apparently wasn’t the first Harris County Law Enforcement Officer to be accused, indicted, or convicted of rape. Just a few weeks ago, Harris County Deputies strip searched a woman by the side of the road.

This country appears to have some serious and deep problems…The current Chief being one. It doesn’t seem impossible that the “hundreds of women” raped or coerced into sex by Law Enforcement in the county might just be the cause of the current problems.


Posted by on August 29, 2015 in Domestic terrorism


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Problems In McKinney Texas More Insidious Than Just a Pool Party

In case you forgot –

Like Ferguson, Mo. there are many underlying problems in the town.

Racial Disparities In McKinney, Texas, Extend Well Beyond Pool Parties

A troubling new report on youth and policing in McKinney, Texas — the Dallas suburb where an officer was filmed shoving an African-American girl to the ground at a June pool party — found that police officers in the McKinney Independent School District ticket and arrest black students at much higher rates than other students.

The report, released Wednesday, reveals a startling racial disparity in the way local authorities handle school discipline. Though black students only comprise 13 percent of the district’s student population, they received about 36 percent of all tickets issued by school resource officers — who are chosen from the ranks of the McKinney police force — and accounted for 39 percent of all arrests.

The nonprofit group Texas Appleseed compiled the school discipline data by using open records requests, tracking disciplinary actions taken between January 2012 and June 2015.

African-Americans were also suspended at a much higher rate than white students during the 2013-2014 school year. Black students received 30 percent of in-school suspensions and 38 percent of out-of-school suspensions in the district that year, the report revealed. Research has long shown that being suspended from school, even just once, greatly increases the chances that a student will drop out of high school.

“McKinney’s extreme and inequitable school discipline measures mirror the larger problems sweeping communities throughout the nation where inadequate training and racial bias have led to inappropriate and even deadly responses by police in response to minor incidents,” wrote Deborah Fowler, executive director of Texas Appleseed, in a statement on Wednesday after the report’s release…


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Posted by on August 13, 2015 in The New Jim Crow


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The Strange Case of Sandra Bland and Waller County, Texas Justice

The Story…

Texas sheriff involved in the death of Sandra Bland fired from previous post for racism

Sandra Bland died in police custody this past Monday. Visiting Texas from Chicago to interview for a college job at her alma mater of Prairie View A&M, she was pulled over for a routine traffic violation (failure to use her turn signal). Everything from that point forward screams racism and foul play, including her death in the Waller County jail Monday.

The first red flag is that Bland was officially arrested on Friday for assaulting a police officer. What we see from a bystander video is her telling the officers she is in pain and cannot hear after her head was slammed on the ground by the male arresting officer. The video is below.

We have now learned that Waller County Sheriff Glenn Smith, who made the first public comments about Bland’s in-custody death, was suspended for documented cases of racismwhen he was chief of police in Hempstead, Texas, in 2007. After serving his suspension, more complaints of racism came in, and Smith was actually fired as chief of police in Hempstead:

Council members are reviewing video of four arrests and detentions over the past month. The officers and police chief, who are the targets of the complaints, are white. Some residents are calling for a third of the city’s 15 person police force to be suspended, disciplined, or fired.

Allegations of racism have led to the Hempstead police chief being suspended and ordered to take anger management classes.

The Hempstead city council has been reviewing the case since last week and finally came to a decision at around 2am Tuesday. A number of residents have come forward with claims of racism by at least four white police officers.

The council reviewed the complaints, along with videotapes before making their decision to punish Chief Glen Smith. Some say it wasn’t enough. The chief says he respects the decision.

“My action during the arrest did not meet professionalism as it should with language and I’m not above policy and procedure, no more than any officer of this city,” said Chief Smith.

It would seem that once a law enforcement officer—a chief of police no less—is suspended and then fired for racism and abuse, his ability to serve in law enforcement would cease.

Texas: Trooper in traffic stop violated policy

A trooper who pulled over and later arrested a woman found dead in her jail cell was put on desk duty Friday for violating procedures, the Texas Department of Public Safety said.

Sandra Bland, 28, was arrested July 10, and after spending the weekend in the Waller County jail, she was found hanged in her cell Monday. Harris County’s medical examiner said the death was a suicide, but Bland’s family disputes the finding.

The FBI has joined the Texas Rangers in investigating the circumstances surrounding her death. The state Public Safety Department and Waller County district attorney have requested that the FBI conduct a forensic analysis on video footage from the incident.

In arresting Bland, the trooper “violated the department’s procedures regarding traffic stops and the department’s courtesy policy,” state public safety officials said Friday without specifying what procedures the trooper, whose name has not been released, had violated…

…But Elton Mathis, Waller County district attorney, said Friday that no cameras were in the jail cell where she was found dead. Cameras monitoring the hall outside her cell show no one entered or left it between the time she last spoke with deputies through an intercom system and when her body was discovered

“It appears she had used a trash bag to hang herself from a partition in the ceiling, which was used to give inmates privacy,” said Mathis, who also said Bland seems to have been the only female incarcerated in the jail at the time.

The Texas Commission on Jail Standards cited Waller County jail Thursday for not properly monitoring inmates but wouldn’t say whether its citation is related to Bland’s death. All inmates must be observed once every 60 minutes, and any inmate deemed suicidal must be observed in person every 30 minutes, Executive Director Brandon Wood said.

Smith said Thursday that jailers used an intercom to check on Bland less than an hour before she was found dead.

Sandra was arrested  after being stopped for not properly signalling a lane change – a standard DWB harassment scenario. In the arrest video, she is heard telling the Officers that they had slammed her head to the ground so hard, she couldn’t hear, which would seem to be good reason to have her checked out by a Medical Professional, prior to incarcerating her. In another video being circulated she can be heard telling the Officer to “keep his %**& hands off of her”. Which raises the question of why, for a minor traffic stop, which should have at worst, wound up in a ticket…Was the cop manhandling her?

As usual in every one of these cases, the racist right has gone into full defense mode of the cops, the first step of which is to “dirty up” the image of the victim. You know, the usual – ‘He was a thug”, “He had a rap sheet a mile long”, “He was violent”. Or in this case because the victim is a black woman – “She was mentally ill”, “She resisted arrest”…

Now, I saw the inside of a few jail cells back in the ’60’s demonstrating for Civil Rights or against the Vietnam War…

And for the life of me I don’t remember the sometimes nice, sometime not deputies conveniently leaving a rope over in the corner with a convenient metal bar across the ceiling, or a plastic bag with which the prisoner could suffocate themselves…

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Posted by on July 18, 2015 in The New Jim Crow


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Progress in Texas – Ivy Taylor Elected Mayor of San Antonio

Mayor of San Antonio, Ivy Taylor

Proving that there is progress…Even in (currently) Republican dominated Texas…

Ivy Taylor Elected Mayor of San Antonio in Runoff

Ivy Taylor has been elected mayor of San Antonio, becoming the first African-American elected to the post.

Taylor, who was appointed interim mayor last summer, defeated former state Sen. Leticia Van de Putte in the runoff election Saturday. Taylor captured the election with nearly 52 percent of the vote.

Taylor said in her victory speech, “The work starts on Monday at City Hall. We come together now as a city.”

Taylor last July was on the San Antonio City Council when fellow members voted to appoint her as mayor to replace Julian Castro. He became secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.


Posted by on June 14, 2015 in The Post-Racial Life


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SCUMUS 5 Support New Jim Crow Voting Law in Texas

No surprise here. The most political court in US history has come up with the usual vote to support Jim Crow Voter ID in Texas to assure a Republican victory by disenfranchising more than 600,000 minority voters.

The Supreme Court’s Kleagle – The 5 Thugs in Robes Again interfering in elections just as they did in 2000


Supreme Court allows Texas voter ID law for now

Texas election officials can go ahead and enforce a controversial voter identification law opposed by the Obama administration and civil rights groups, the U.S. Supreme Court said early Saturday.

The decision comes just two days before early voting begins in the state.

A civil rights leader reacted harshly to the ruling, calling it an “affront to our democracy.”

“Today’s decision means hundreds of thousands of eligible voters in Texas will be unable to participate in November’s election because Texas has erected an obstacle course designed to discourage voting,” said Sherrilyn Ifill, President of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund.

While the court offered no reasoning for its decision, it backs up a federal appeals court ruling Tuesday saying that voting procedures shouldn’t be upended so close to the election.

That decision came in response to a federal judge’s ruling after a nine-day trial that a Texas law requiring voters to show photo ID at the polls is unconstitutional.

“The Supreme Court has repeatedly instructed courts to consider the importance of preserving the status quo on the eve of an election,” the 5th Circuit court said.

Proponents say the law will help prevent voter fraud. Critics say such practices make it harder for poor, minority and disabled people to vote.

Minority and civil rights groups who banded together to oppose the law said it was among the most restrictive in the nation.

Some 600,000 people in Texas lack state-issued IDs, according to the U.S. Justice Department — which rejected Texas’ law as a violation of the Voting Rights Act.

Nationwide, the NAACP says 25% of African-Americans and 16% of Latinos of voting age lack a current government-issued photo ID.

Saturday’s decision doesn’t speak to the constitutionality of the law — only whether it can be enforced in this fall’s election. Continued legal challenges are a certainty, Ifill said.

While the court’s majority didn’t offer any explanation for the ruling, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote a nearly seven-page dissent, joined by Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.

Ginsburg said the costs associated with the law — obtaining identity cards and the documents needed to get them — aren’t as insignificant as backers claim, and argued they harken back to the use of the poll tax in the late 1800s and early 1900s as a method of preventing blacks from voting.

“The greatest threat to public confidence in elections in this case is the prospect of enforcing a purposefully discriminatory law, one that likely imposes an unconstitutional poll tax and risks denying the right to vote to hundreds of thousands of eligible voters,” Ginsburg wrote.

The first day of early voting in Texas is Monday. Voters will choose a new governor to replace outgoing Gov. Rick Perry, new lieutenant governor, and new attorney general in addition to voting on one of the state’s U.S. Senate seats and several House districts.


America’s disgrace


Stand Your Ground to Vote

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Posted by on October 18, 2014 in The New Jim Crow


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NRA Tea Bagging Gun Nut Cowards of Texas

What kind of man needs to round up 40 of his buddies armed with semi-automatic assault rifles, and machine guns…

To confront a group  of unarmed housewives?

Apparently there are a number of small weenie, no cajone, chickensquats in Dallas, Texas.

Once upon a time the folks in Texas had character – like it or not.  I really don’t understand why the good folks down there haven’t run the yellow-bellied cabrones out of the state on a rail yet.


40 Armed Gun Advocates Intimidate Mothers Against Gun Violence In A Restaurant Parking Lot

On Saturday, nearly 40 armed men, women, and children waited outside a Dallas, Texas area restaurant to protest a membership meeting for the state chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, a gun safety advocacy group formed in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.

According to a spokeswoman for Moms Demand Action (MDA), the moms were inside the Blue Mesa Grill when members of Open Carry Texas (OCT) — an open carry advocacy group — “pull[ed] up in the parking lot and start[ed] getting guns out of their trunks.” The group then waited in the parking lot for the four MDA members to come out. The spokeswoman said that the restaurant manager did not want to call 911, for fear of “inciting a riot” and waited for the gun advocates to leave. The group moved to a nearby Hooters after approximately two hours.

MDA later released a statement calling OCT “gun bullies” who “disagree[d] with our goal of changing America’s gun laws and policies to protect our children and families.” The statement added that the members and restaurant customers were “terrified by what appeared to be an armed ambush.” A member of OCT responded by tweeting, “I guess I’m a #gunbullies #Comeandtakeit.”

This is not the first time that gun advocates have rallied at MDA events. In March, a group of armed men crashed a MDA gun-control rally in Indianapolis. Other gun advocate groups will hold rallies this upcoming December 14th, the anniversary date of the Sandy Hook shooting.

Licensed gun owners are allowed to carry concealed weapons, but Texas is one of six states that prohibits open carry of handguns. Attorney General Greg Abbott, a likely Republican successor for Gov. Rick Perry (R), has vowed topermit concealed handgun owners to display their firearms in public. Four GOP contenders for lieutenant governor similarly hope to put in place open carry laws if elected.


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Texas Republican Judge Quits Tea/Republican Party “of Bigots”

Hope to see a lot more of this happening around the country…

Texas Republican Judge Switches Party, Denouncing GOP as Party of Bigots and Hate-Mongers


A Republican Judge from San Antonio, Texas, has announced he is quitting the GOP and will seek re-election as a Democrat, saying that he can no longer be part of political party whose identity is based on hate, bigotry and destroying people’s lives.

Bexar County Judge Carlo R. Key made his announcement in a YouTube campaign video, where the image shifts between the judge sitting at his bench and screenshots of Republicans—from Sen. Teed Cruz to state politicians—boosting their agenda or career by harming others.

Key’s words speak for themselves. Here’s a transcript, where he ends by urging others who share his moderate temperament and respectful demeanor to join him.

I have tried to live a life of principles. These principles have been shaped by mi familia, my community and my country. In fact, it is my dedication to these principles which has lead me to the law in the first place and has guided me to becoming a judge. These values are simple. I believe that justice demands fairness. It demands careful and intelligent probing of evidence. And above all else, justice can only be served without prejudice toward race, color, creed or whom you choose to love.

These principles have served as the bedrock upon which my rulings have been made. They are also my driving force. That is why I can no longer be a member of the Republican Party. For too long, the Republican Party has been at war with itself. Rational Republican beliefs have given way to character assassination. Pragmatism and principle have been overtaken by pettiness and bigotry. Make no mistake. I have not left the Republican Party. It left me.

I cannot tolerate a political party that demeans Texans based on their sexual orientation, the color of their skin or their ecomonic status. I will not be a member of a party in which hate speech elevates candidates for higher office rather than disqualifying them. I cannot place my name on the ballot for a political party that is proud to destroy the lives of 100s of 1000s of federal workers over the vain attempt to repeal a law that will provide health care to millions of people throughout our country.

That is why I am announcing that I am now running for re-election as a Democratic candidate for County Court of Law 11 in the 2014 elections. My principles have led me to the Democratic Party. I can only hope that more people of principle will follow me. If you believe these values are your values, then I respectfully ask you to join me and let’s work together to keep dignity, fairness and respect for rule of law in our county courts.   

Texas Democrats welcomed the judge’s decision but said they were not surprised by it.

“I’m not surprised,” said Matt Angle, director of the Lone Star Project. “Republican state leaders in Texas have moved so far out of the mainstream. They have become so divisive that fair-minded Texans are turning away. Judge Key is a prominent and respected public official, so his actions appropriately draw attention, but every day I hear from people who formerly supported Republican candidates, but now won’t do it.”

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Posted by on October 24, 2013 in The Post-Racial Life


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Standing Tall – Texas Senator Wendy Davis

Another Progressive standing up for her beliefs -Texas Democrat Senator Wendy Davis staged an 11 hour filibuster last night bringing the Rethugly Senate to it’s knees in trying to pass the most restrictive anti-abortion legislation in the country…

So…When we’ve got folks with this kind of grit willing to stand up against Rethugly evil…

WTF can’t President Obama and Senator Harry Reid kick some Rethugly ass?

They can start by filling every single Federal Court Judicial vacancy, and dropping the nuclear option on Rethugly intransigence tying up the judicial appointments.


Posted by on June 26, 2013 in Domestic terrorism, General


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Great Teachers – Presidio, Tx Rocket Club

Been through this little town once – on my way to somewhere else…probably Chihuahua, Mexico or Big Bend Park. It’s about the only settlement bigger than a gas station between El Paso, Texas and Nueveo Laredo about 600 miles away (Texas is BIG, Y’all!). The only reason it sticks in my mind at all is the name similarity to the Presidio in San Francisco.

People are scarce out there!

This one also caught my eye because I, as a kid was also into building rockets…

And what, at least to my viewpoint is one cool teacher!

File this one under – “Save America – Deport a Republican!”

For Texas rocketry club and their inspirational teacher, the sky is just the beginning

Where the Rio Grande and the Rio Conchos meet in west Texas is believed to be the oldest continuously-cultivated land in America. But the most precious crop you’ll find there today is dreams.

CBS News correspondent Steve Hartman went “On the Road” — and met a woman who cultivates them.

In the middle of the Texas desert, on the border with Mexico, there’s a brief break in the cactus called Presidio.

If you’re a kid looking to escape the poverty and isolation of Presidio, there’s really no greater vehicle than the Presidio Rocket Club. In fact, even though it is in one of the poorest school districts in Texas, Presidio probably has more aspiring aeronautical engineers than any other town in America.

And what’s even more amazing than their location is their inspiration — a little firecracker of a science teacher named Shella Condino.

“I wanted to teach the kids: You want something so bad, you put your heart into it,” she said.

Shella started the club five years ago. Never mind that she didn’t speak Spanish and the kids barely spoke English. Never mind that rocket science is rocket science. The fact that it’s hard is part of the reason she thought these kids absolutely had to learn it. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on May 13, 2012 in The Post-Racial Life


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Another Texas Republican Foot-in-Mouth and “Jew Them Down”…

Well… A least Republicans are consistent…

Larry Taylor, Texas Republican Lawmaker, Urges Insurance Company Not To ‘Jew Them Down’

Texas Republican state Rep. Larry Taylor has apologized for urging an insurance association to do right by policy holders and not “Jew them down” at a hearing earlier this week.

On Thursday, Taylor spoke at a hearing on the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association, encouraging the timely payment of claims to policy holders.

“Don’t nitpick, don’t try to Jew them down,” he said, according to the Quorum Report.

Taylor then quickly tried to right ship, admitting “That’s probably a bad term.”

In a written statement after the hearing, Taylor said, “At a legislative oversight committee hearing today, I inadvertently used a phrase that many people find offensive. I corrected myself immediately when I realized what I had said. I regret my poor choice of words and sincerely apologize for any harm they may have caused.”

The Austin Statesman reports that Taylor is currently favored to win a Texas state senate race in the 2012 election cycle.

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Posted by on November 5, 2011 in Stupid Republican Tricks


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Texas Judge Beats Daughter who has Cerebral Palsey for Downloading

This is utterly and completely out of control. This Judge needs a bit of his own “justice”…

Judge Under Fire After Daughter Posts Video of Beating

A Texas judge is facing a police investigation along with death threats after his daughter posted a video of a severe beating she endured in 2004, reports KRIS TV. The disturbing seven-minute clip has racked up more than 600,000 views on YouTube after Hillary Adams shared it on Reddit. “My father’s harassment was getting really bad, so I decided to finally publish the video that I had been sitting on for seven years,” she tells the TV station. The response from Aransas County Court Judge William Adams: “It happened years ago. … I apologized.” He added, “It’s not as bad as it looks on tape.”

The tape shows a screaming Hillary getting struck repeatedly with a belt, apparently because she had disobeyed her father by downloading music off the Internet. “She has had ataxic cerebral palsy from birth that led her to a passion for technology, which was strictly forbidden by her father’s backwards views,” says the text accompanying the video. Reddit has a “strong protective streak,” notes Gawker, and its users have quickly spread the story.

Update of Texas Judge Story


Police launched an investigation Wednesday into a Texas family law judge whose daughter posted a YouTube video of him savagely beating her with a belt during a tirade several years ago when she was a teenager…

The nearly 8-minute video, viewed more than 950,000 times as of late Wednesday, shows Aransas County Court-at-Law Judge William Adams lashing his then-16-year-old daughter in the legs more than a dozen times and growing increasingly irate while she screams and refuses to turn over on a bed to be beaten. The video was uploaded last week.

“Lay down or I’ll spank you in your (expletive) face,” Adams screams. His daughter, Hillary, wails and pleads for him to stop…

Hillary Adams said she set up the camera because she knew “something was about to happen.” Toward the end of the video, her father shouts that he plans to beat the girl “into submission” and rants about having a computer in the house and the problems it causes. The video ends with the adult woman telling her to leave the room and sleep on the sofa.

Elected in 2001, Adams draws an annual salary of $138,055 as Aransas County’s top judge. He dealt with at least 349 family law cases in the past year, nearly 50 of which involved state caseworkers seeking to determine whether parents were fit to raise their children…

Hillary Adams’ parents divorced in 2007 after 22 years of marriage, according to court records. The divorce petition states that “the marriage has become insupportable because of discord or conflict of personalities,” but a counter-petition filed by Adams’ ex-wife states that the divorce was filed under grounds of “mental cruelty.”

Court records show that the couple had another daughter who was 6 at the time.



Posted by on November 2, 2011 in American Genocide


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Worse than Waterboarding!

Think the International Court should step in on this one and try this scumbag cop at the Hague!

Worse than Waterboarding - Forced to Listen to Drugbo!

Texas woman sues PD for forcing her to listen to Rush Limbaugh

Talk about your Monday from hell. Not only did Bridgett Nickerson Boyd’s car break down on her way to work, but when she pulled over to the side of the freeway, a sheriff’s deputy named Mark Goad pulled behind her, wrote her a ticket for driving on the shoulder, decided to arrest her, followed her to the hospital when her suddenly racing heart prompted a call to paramedics, then took her into custody again after she was treated by doctors and finally drove her to jail.

To make matters worse, Boyd claims in a lawsuit that the handcuffs were put on her wrists painfully tight – she claims she explained to the officer she had just had surgery on her hand – and that she was forced to listen to Rush Limbaugh “make derogatory comments about black people” all the way to the jail. Boyd is African-American.

Because of the incident, which occurred on Oct. 4, 2010, Boyd filed a federal lawsuit Monday against Goad and Harris County alleging defamation, false imprisonment, malicious prosecution, assault and battery, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

”Deputy Goad was aware that Boyd had not committed a crime and her arrest was without probable cause,” according to the lawsuit filed in Houston.

The magistrate who saw her while jailed apparently agreed and dismissed all charges.

A spokesman for Sheriff Adrian Garcia declined to comment on the lawsuit.

Boyd’s attorney, Troy Pradia, said she had never been in legal trouble and thought the deputy had pulled up behind her car to help her. She had moved to the shoulder along Beltway 8 near U.S. 288 after her engine started smoking.

Pradia added that he and Boyd, who works in a bank, had hoped the matter would be settled by the sheriff’s department after she filed a complaint about Goad’s actions.

”They finally said the complaint was not sustained, meaning that it was not disproved but that nothing was proved to have happened,” Pradia said. “I don’t know why. We’re not privy to that.”

Pradia said that Boyd had signed the ticket and pointed as much out to the deputy, but that he chose to arrest her regardless.

”The taxpayers pay money for crime prevention,” Pradia said. “I don’t think she was committing any crime.”


Posted by on October 10, 2011 in Nawwwwww!


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Herman Cain Feigns Shock!

The Washington Post did an article yesterday on Republican Presidential Candidate, and Texas Governor Rick Perry’s owenership (long term lease)  of a property in West Texas named Niggerhead Ranch…

Apparently nobody got around to removing the sign to the ranch until 2006, according to one account by a worker there.

Perry used this Ranch to wine and dine fellow Republicans on “hunting trips” and other various outings, apparently without seeing the need to change the name.

Here is Herman Cain of fellow Republican and fellow Tea Party member Rick Perry…

Notice Cain never says the ranch’s name was “insulting” to him. And if you recall, Cain buckdanced to the national media on a number of occasions claiming there was no “racism” in the Tea Party.

This isn’t the first time a Republican Presidential hopeful has melted down on the race issue. Republican former Governor and Senator from Virginia, George Allen uttered the now infamous “Macacca” word, ending his Senatorial and immediate Presidential hopes. What is less publicized about Allen outside of Virginia is the fact he kept a hangman’s noose and confederate flag hanging in his office as a sign of “Southern Pride”. George Allen is running again for the Senate this year, apparently buoyed by the Tea Party emergence and change in climate which elected a Republican Governor and Attorney General in the State in 2008.

Now – just owning a ranch – especially in that part of the world, with a racially pejorative name isn’t enough to say that Rick Perry is a bigot…

That part of Texas where Perry’s ranch is located has never been too “Minority Friendly”. I seriously doubt Perry actually even saw a black person much before he was 12 or 15 years old, where he grew up.

But what it does do, is speak to the “Wink…Wink…Nod…Nod…” relationship between Republican politicians and bigots, and their easy acceptance of bigotry.

As to George Allen – he’s a flaming racist ass. Hopefully Cain gets to meet him soon.

Hey Herman!



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