Tag Archives: alabama

Alabama Students File Protest Against White Wing Indoctrination in Class

Now they want to teach hate and racism in public schools –

Image result for nazi schools

Alabama students confront school board over right-wing teacher who compares Obama to Hitler

Students are revolting at one Alabama high school over the right-wing lesson plan pushed by a government teacher.

Baldwin County School Board members heard complaints Thursday from students about Spanish Fort High instructor Gene Ponder, who assigned at least five books by right-wing talk radio host Michael Savage and compared President Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler in one lesson, reported

The students complained Ponder relied on outdated published materials and blog posts to back up his political claims the in the AP class and used unscientific reasoning on issues such as gun control.

“This is not a small group of students misinterpreting or challenging a viewpoint,” said student Julia Coccaro, who also raised concerns about Ponder’s summer reading list last year.

The school system pulled that assignment in June, after students complained the reading materials promoted one viewpoint without offering a challenging contrast.

“The taxpayers of Baldwin County are not paying for their children to be indoctrinated,” said Coccaro, who chairs the Alabama High School Democrats. “They are paying to be educated, and we are not being educated in that classroom.”

Parents, local residents and former teachers spoke out against Ponder, who declined to comment.

“The lesson plans I examined appear to be totally extracurricular,” said Cynthia McMeans, a retired teacher. “No teaching materials based on a legitimate course of study in the social sciences would rely on and include information from websites, blogs, articles and interviews found on conspiracy theories and logical fallacies. None of the lesson plans come from reputable sources.”

Another former teacher was more succinct.

“We are teaching hate in our school systems,” said retired teacher Sandra Page.

Superintendent Eddie Tyler said the board would consider some of the suggestions offered, such as having an academic supervisor examine the lessons, but he said some speakers “engaged in character assassination” against the teacher.

One local man defended Ponder, saying he had attended one of the government teacher’s classes.

“I was looking for something to tell me that this teacher was bias (sic) and I didn’t hear it or see it,” Eugene Maye of Fairhope. “We want to believe our kids. But my take from that class is that I didn’t see anything wrong.”


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Republican Child Molester’s Accuser’s House Torched

Roy Moore, most recently seen badly loosing a Senate race in a red-red state and refusing to concede, had been accused of multiple women of child molesting. Apparently some of the Republicans who wanted the child molester in office got revenge…

Yet another white-wing terrorsit attack.

Arson investigation underway after Roy Moore accuser’s home burns down


An arson investigation is underway after the Alabama home of one of the women who accused former GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore of inappropriate behavior burned down. The Etowah County Arson Task Force confirmed it is investigating the blaze in Gadsen and speaking to a person of interest. Authorities say there is no indication that the fire was related to Moore or the woman’s allegations.

According to the local news outlet, Tina Johnson’s home burned down Wednesday while she and her husband were at work and her grandson was at school. Johnson and her family said they lost everything they owned.

“I am devastated, just devastated,” Johnson told the news outlet. “We have just the clothes on our backs.”

Johnson and her neighbor Kevin Tallant told that other neighbors saw a young man who has a history of intoxication walking around the house at the time of the fire, and local authorities said they are speaking with a suspect.

“The ongoing investigation does not lead us to believe that the fire is in any way related to Roy Moore or allegations made against him,” the Etowah County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement.

Johnson accused Moore of groping her butt in 1991, when she was 28 and visiting his law office. Moore was already married at the time.

“He didn’t pinch it; he grabbed it,” Johnson told in November.

Moore was also accused of inappropriately touching underage women, including a 14-year-old and a 16-year-old when he was in his 30s.

Moore lost the election in the heavily red state to Democrat Doug Jones in December, but refused to concede.


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Black Votes Matter

Wake up Democrats!


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The Chumph’s Fellow Molester Goes Down In Alabama

The white-right loses again in special election for the US Senate in Alabama, putting a Democrat in a state-wide seat for the first time since 1992.

The Chumph’s loud support for the child molester seems to have backfired, with a 90% turnout of black voters, voting over 90% against the Chumph’s boy.

Black voters made up 28% of the vote despite being 26% of the population in a huge turnout.

White evangelical voted 80% in support of the child rapist in a near complete denunciation of any christian values.

The mostly white MSM again underestimated the black “grapevine” in the South, which has been there since the days of slavery and was at the core of the Civil Rights movement..To get at that, you need to sit in the black Beauty Salons and Barbershops, and listen after the Church services instead of stopping random people on the street.

African American Voters Made Doug Jones a U.S. Senator in Alabama

The state’s “black belt” made big turnout gains in support of the Democratic candidate, providing his margin of victory in the Senate special election in a deep red state.

Ahead of Alabama’s special Senate election, there was a clear narrative about the state’s black voters: They weren’t mobilizing.

Six of 10 black voters stopped by a New York Times reporter in a shopping center last week didn’t know an election was even going on, a result the reporter took to mean overall interest was low. The Washington Post determined that black votersweren’t “energized.” HuffPost concluded that black voters weren’t “inspired.”

If Democratic candidate Doug Jones lost to GOP candidate Roy Moore, weakened as he was by a sea of allegations of sexual assault and harassment, then some of the blame seemed likely to be placed on black turnout

ut Jones won, according to the AP, and that script has been flipped on its head. Election day defied the narrative, and challenged traditional thinking about racial turnout in off-year elections and special elections. Precincts in the state’s “black belt,” the swathe of dark, fertile soil where the African American population is concentrated, reported long lines throughout the day, and as the night waned and red counties dominated by rural white voters continued to report disappointing results for Moore, votes surged in from urban areas and the black belt. By all accounts, black turnout exceeded expectations, perhaps even passing previous off-year results. Energy was not a problem.

Exit polls showed that black voters overall made a big splash. The Washington Post’s exit polls indicated that black voters would make up 28 percent of the voters, greater than their 26 percent share of the population, which would be a dramatic turnaround from previous statewide special elections in the South, including a special election for the Sixth District in Georgia which saw black support for Democratic candidate Jon Ossoff dissipate on Election Day.

As Cook Political Report editor Dave Wasserman noted on Twitter, turnout was particularly high in the counties with the highest black populations. In Greene County, a small, 80-percent-black area that Martin Luther King, Jr., frequented in his Poor People’s Campaign, turnout reached 78 percent of 2016 turnout, an incredible mark given that special elections and midterms usually fall far short of general-election marks. Perry County, also an important mostly black site of voting-rights battles of old, turned out at 75 percent of 2016 levels. Dallas County, whose seat is the city of Selma, hit the 74 percent mark. And while the exact numbers aren’t in for all of the majority-black or heavily black counties, it appears black voters favored Jones at rates close to or above 90 percent.

Meanwhile, Moore’s support sagged in mostly white counties. The race was probably over for the former state chief justice when Cullman County, which is virtually all white and heavily supported Trump in 2016, only turned out at 56 percent of its 2016 levels. It really does seem that although many white voters weren’t convinced to vote for Jones, the allegations against Moore persuaded many of them to stay home.

These results demolish the pre-established media narrative about black voters in the state, and defy conventional wisdom. Black voters were informed and mobilized to go vote, and did so even in the face of significant barriers.


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Pedophile Roy Moore Pines For the Days Of Slavery – “Our Families Were Strong, Our Country Had Direction.”

Yeah…He went there. Totally ignoring the point, slavery wasn’t so good for those enslaved black families who could be broken up and sold off to different places on a whim.

I guess it was great for Moore, because folks like him could freely rape black children without any threat from the law.

If you support the Chumph, who supports Moore – this is what you support.


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Alabama Police Assigned a Cop to Stop Roy Moore From Molesting High School Cheerleaders

Even the Police knew of Roy Moore’s pedophilia…

Here is the Chumph defending the pedophile…


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Republican Candidate Child Rapist Adds Another Accuser

Most pedopiles actually molest several hudred children before they are caught.I never is a “I did it once” for the Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, Roy More type of serial molester/rapist – they harm dozens if not hundreds.

That the folks in Alabama are defending this scumbag is a national disgrace. General Sherman obviously burned the wrong state during the Civil War.

Fifth Woman Comes Forward With Charges Against Roy Moore, Republicans Threaten Expulsion

Another woman has charged Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore of sexually assaulting her.

In an emotional news conference, Beverly Young Nelson said Moore groped her and tried to force her head onto his crotch in his car behind the restaurant where the then 16 year old worked.

Nelson, appearing alongside attorney Gloria Allred, said the incident occurred in 1977.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Monday, “I believe the women” and called on Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore of Alabama to “step aside.”

McConnell made his remarks at a news conference in Kentucky. Moore has been accused of initiating sexual contact with a 14-year-old in 1979 when he was 32. Four other women have accused Moore of inappropriate contact when they were teens — one of whom came forward publicly on Monday.

McConnell had initially said last week Moore should end his candidacy “if” the allegations were true. McConnell had supported the incumbent senat


Luther Strange, in the primary. He said a write-in campaign for Strange is now “an option.”

Moore has come under increasing pressure from GOP lawmakers on Capitol Hill to step aside prior to the Dec. 12 special election in Alabama. He has refused, saying the accusations were “false and untrue” and threatening to sue The Washington Postwhich first reported the storyon Nov. 9.

Moore responded to McConnell via Twitter, saying McConnell “has failed conservatives and must be replaced.”

The National Republican Senatorial Committee has pulled out of a joint fundraising agreement with Moore, and the list of prominent Republicans opposing Moore’s candidacy has steadily grown.

The most recent is Maine’s Sen. Susan Collins, who in a statement on Twitter Monday said she “did not find Moore’s denials to be convincing.”

Republican leaders in Alabama, however, have largely defended Moore. Alabama State Auditor Jim Zeigler said there is “just nothing immoral or illegal” about the allegations and compared them to biblical marriages. The comments drew criticism from some evangelical leaders.

Meanwhile, Republican Gov. Kay Ivey has called the allegations against Moore “deeply disturbing,” but on Monday she said, “I will withhold judgment until we get more of the facts,” according to WSFA in Alabama.

Monday afternoon, another woman charged Moore with assaulting her. Beverly Young Nelson appeared at a news conference alongside attorney Gloria Allred. Nelson said when she was 16, Moore groped her and tried to force her head onto his crotch in his car behind the restaurant where she worked in Alabama.

Moore’s campaign chairman Bill Armistead released a statement calling Allred “a sensationalist leading a witch hunt,” adding that Moore “is an innocent man and have never had any sexual misconduct with anyone.”

Following Nelson’s accusation, NRSC Chairman Sen. Cory Gardner, R-Colo., issued a statement:

“I believe the individuals speaking out against Roy Moore spoke with courage and truth, proving he is unfit to serve in the United States Senate and he should not run for office. If he refuses to withdraw and wins, the Senate should vote to expel him, because he does not meet the ethical and moral requirements of the United States Senate.”


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Choice for Alabama US Senate Seat – The Democrat or the Child Molester

Going to get interesting December 2nd in Alabama where a special election to fill Jefferson Davis Sessions old seat has come down to a runoff between a Democrat Doug Jones, and Republican Holier Than Thou Accused Child Molester.

The problem?

Moore (Molester/rapist) cannot withdraw from the race under Alabama law.

Worse for Republicans, it doesn’t appear anyone else can enter the race at this stage.

Going to be interesting as to how many of Alabama’s evangelicals can sell out their “religion” and vote for Moore.

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You Honor – Looks like Holy Roller Republican Roy Moore has problem with violation of Article VII, and IX


Roy Moore Can’t Be Taken Off the Ballot

Senate Republicans are calling for him to drop out if the explosive allegations against him are true. It wouldn’t be so simple.

Several Republicans in the Senate, including Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, have called for Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore to exit the race if reports of sexual contact with a minor are true. But it wouldn’t be quite so simple for Moore to drop out of the race.

On Thursday, the Washington Post reported that four women have said Moore pursued them when they were teenagers, including one who was 14 when Moore, then 32, allegedly initiated a sexual encounter with her. That quickly prompted McConnell and others to say Moore should step aside if the allegations are valid.

But Alabama law prohibits a candidate from withdrawing within 76 days before the election. The runoff between Moore, who beat incumbent Luther Strange in the Republican primary, and Democrat Doug Jones is scheduled for December 12. And Moore’s name will be on the ballot.

Alabama law prohibits withdrawal of candidate from election within 76 days of the election (Ala. Code 17-6-21(c); accord 17-13-23): 

Moore is best known as the controversial state supreme court judge who was removed from the bench after refusing to take down a courthouse monument to the Ten Commandments. He has vehemently denied the allegations of pursuing the teenagers, saying they are “the very definition of fake news and intentional defamation.”


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10 Commandments Alabama Judge/Republican Senate Candidate Roy Moore Accused of Child Rape

Major Chumph supporter. Love it how these white-wing religious hypocrites who try and shove their religion down everyone else’s throats frequently wind up getting caught having violated at least half of the Ten Commandments they try and stick on the Courthouse lawn.

Trump: Roy Moore ‘sounds like a really great guy’ | TheHill

Donald Trump: Roy Moore Will Help Make America Great Again

Yet another in a long, long line of far right thugs caught diddling children.

Woman says Roy Moore initiated sexual encounter when she was 14, he was 32

Leigh Corfman, left, in a photo from 1979, when she was about 14. At right, from top, Wendy Miller at around age 16, Debbie Wesson Gibson at around age 17 and Gloria Thacker Deason at around age 18.

Leigh Corfman says she was 14 years old when an older man approached her outside a courtroom in Etowah County, Ala. She was sitting on a wooden bench with her mother, they both recall, when the man introduced himself as Roy Moore.

It was early 1979 and Moore — now the Republican nominee in Alabama for a U.S. Senate seat — was a 32-year-old assistant district attorney. He struck up a conversation, Corfman and her mother say, and offered to watch the girl while her mother went inside for a child custody hearing.

“He said, ‘Oh, you don’t want her to go in there and hear all that. I’ll stay out here with her,’ ” says Corfman’s mother, Nancy Wells, 71. “I thought, how nice for him to want to take care of my little girl.”


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Alabama Republicans Deny Minimum Wage Hike to Hurt Black Citizens

Why Alabama stays on the bottom of the pile…

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Posted by on March 7, 2017 in American Genocide


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Racism Makes You Stupid: Datapoint – Trumpazoid Jackass # 2,322,001, Bank VP Fired

On the subject of “poor career decisions”. Some of the Trumpazoids apparently believe the “White Reich” is already here. Leading to some really, really stupid career ending decisions.

Alabama bank VP canned over racist Facebook post bragging Trump could ‘buy and sell’ Obamas

June Pridmore (Facebook)

Racist Trump Jackass of the Week…Now Unemployed

An Alabama woman lost her job after her bigoted, inaccurate and grossly misspelled Facebook rant earned her the title of “racist of the week.”

June Pridmore, a senior-level employee with Regions Bank, welcomed the election of Donald Trump in a social media post that alluded to slavery and suggested President Barack Obama was Muslim, reported

“I voted him in,” Pridmore wrote. “I like him. He has a beautiful wife unlike the ugly and embarrassing woman (for lack of a better word), in the White House now. Ms. Trump’s face would make Michele (sic) O’Bama (sic) a Sunday face.”

“I’m certainly glad [Trump] he has a lot of money because she he (sic) won’t be bought out like Barack (sic), socialist Muslim O’Bama (sic) or his wife or all those host of relatives they have in the whitehouse (sic) for US to support.”

Pridmore inaccurately claimed the Obama family had flown their dog to vacations in a separate plane and invited several relatives to live with them at taxpayer expense.

“If any idiot out there thinks that is justified, you deserved him as president,” Pridmore wrote. “I prefer a man who can buy Michele (sic) and Barack and sell them several times over.”

The post was widely shared on Facebook, under the label “racist of the week,” and Pridmore’s employer launched an investigation — which resulted in her termination.

“We appreciate the concerns shared about offensive social media comments that were made through an associate’s personal Facebook account,” said Jeremy King, a spokesman for the bank. “We want you to know that we share those concerns. Those comments do not reflect our values as a company or the way we do business. The associate is no longer an employee of the company.”

The spokesman said Pridmore, whose LinkedIn profile showed she had served as senior vice president of loan operations since 2008, was not in a position where she could approve or deny loans.

Pridmore has deleted her social media profiles since her racist post cost her job.


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Alabama Cop Indicted For Murder of Black Man

This is two serious charges in a week for Police murder along with that of Philandro Castile…

Enjoy this short spate of Justice while it lasts, with Jeff Sessions as the New Chumph appointee for US Attorney General – we are headed back to Jim Crow.

Alabama police officer indicted on murder charge

An Alabama grand jury indicted Montgomery police officer Aaron “A.C.” Smith on a murder charge Friday in connection with the shooting death of Gregory Gunn, the district attorney told CNN.

No trial date was announced by Montgomery County District Attorney Daryl Bailey. Smith was charged with murder in March, less than a week after the killing.
Aaron "A.C." Smith

Aaron “A.C.” Smith

“A state Bureau of Investigation Agent, Magistrate, District Court Judge and now a Grand Jury have all determined probable cause that Aaron C. Smith should be charged with the crime of Murder,” Bailey said in a statement. “A jury will determine his guilt or innocence.”
The website reported that Smith’s attorney, Mickey McDermott, says Smith is innocent.
“We intend to vigorously defend his rights,” he said. “We believe that he acted within the line and scope of his duty, his training, and within the law,” McDermott told the website.
Gunn, a 59-year-old African-American, was killed in the early February 25. After leaving his job at a grocery store, Gunn went to see his girlfriend and was taking a short walk home to his mother’s house to nap, shower, then head off to work again, his brother Kenneth said.
Smith, a 23-year-old white officer, approached him on foot, police have said. At some point, according to Chief Ernest Finley, there was a struggle and the officer shot and killed Gunn, Finley said.
McDermott has said the shooting was justified after Gunn ran from the officer and then fought him.
Smith is white.
Earlier this week, a Minnesota police officer was charged with second-degree murder in the shooting death of a man. Authorities say Jeronimo Yanez shot and killed Philando Castile last July during a traffic stop.
News of Castile’s death spread across social media when his fiancée live-streamed the aftermath of the shooting on Facebook.
Yanez turned himself into authorities Thursday and had his first appearance in court on Friday.
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Posted by on November 19, 2016 in BlackLivesMatter


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Alabama County Elects 5 Black Women

A glimmer of hope

This Alabama County Just Elected 9 Black Women To Become Judges

In a great stride for representation Tuesday, nine black women were elected to become judges in majority Democratic Jefferson County, Alabama, The Birmingham Times reported.

The black women who came out on top in the district and circuit courts are all Democrats. Javan Patton, Debra Bennett Winston, Shera Craig Grant, Nakita “Niki” Perryman Blocton, Tamara Harris Johnson, Elisabeth French, Agnes Chappell, Brendette Brown Green and Annetta Verin are to be sworn in next January.

French, who was re-elected to Jefferson County’s Circuit Court, told The Birmingham Times that she believes her hard work and years of experience helped to propel her to elected office.

“I think the people don’t necessarily just support you just because of your race and gender. I think voters expect more than that. They look at our qualifications and make a decision about who they can trust with the leadership position,” she said.

Tuesday night was a big night for women of color across the states ― not just in local politics, but in federal positions, as well. Three women of color, Catherine Cortez Masto, Tammy Duckworth and Kamala Harris, were elected to the Senate. Stephanie Murphy and Pramila Jayapal were also elected to the House. Next year, there will be 38 women of color serving in Congress, bringing us a little bit closer to shattering that glass ceiling.

Also on HuffPost

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Posted by on November 12, 2016 in BlackLivesMatter, The Post-Racial Life


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Alabama Teacher’s Racist Assignment

Hard to believe this guy wasn’t smart enough to realize he was going to get fired for this…


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Alabama teacher busted for assigning ‘math test’ based on 30-year-old racist meme

A Middle school teacher in Mobile, Alabama was placed on leave for the remainder of the school year after a student revealed their use of a “math test” replete with racist stereotypes, reported on Tuesday.

The unidentified teacher assigned their class at Burns Middle School a version of a document known online as the “L.A. Math Proficiency Test.” It first came to light afterWALA-TV reported that one student took a picture of the assignment, then showed it to his mother, Erica Hall.

Hall then raised the issue with Burns officials.

The version of the “test” spotted at Burns was nearly identical to the one distributed online, with only minor changes to differentiate it. For example, one question stated:

Leroy has 2 ounces of cocaine and he sells an 8-ball to Antonio for $320 and 2 grams to Juan for $85 per gram. What is the street value of the rest of his hold?

According to Snopes, the original “math test” has been spotted online since the mid 1990s, and was allegedly available in hard copy form since the 1980s. The questions revolve around topics like drug dealing, “pimping,” and drive-by shootings.

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Posted by on May 31, 2016 in BlackLivesMatter


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Maybe if Alabama Spent More Time on the Real Threats to Children…

Alabama is another one of those stare which wants to pass laws regulating bathrooms, Voter ID’s, and other activities. Supposedly they are protecting children with the back to the stone age religious extremism. All the while ignoring the real threats…

Gun-Dealing Ninth-Grade Teacher Traded Sex for A’s

An Alabama teacher who allegedly preyed on female students was also a convicted felon who took a leave of absence from the school to serve his prison sentence.

An Alabama history teacher who allegedly offered A’s in exchange for sex also moonlighted as a black-market gun dealer, records show.

Phillip Smith III, of Birmingham, was indicted on federal gun charges while teaching social studies in 2004. Yet the school district never knew, even as the high school instructor took a seven-month leave to serve his prison sentence.

Now the 43-year-old is facing a lawsuit from the family of a female student, who claims Smith cornered her in class and solicited sex.

The complaint also alleges Smith operated a “sex for grades” scheme that targeted children who struggled in school. Birmingham City Schools and the city’s board of education, accused of negligence, are also defendants in the lawsuit.

“He kind of liked to dance around the classroom,” the unidentified student told, which first revealed the creepy teach’s tactics.

“My friends told me to have my boyfriend walk me to his class,” the girl added.

Smith allegedly put the moves on the student in December 2013, when he was administering a history exam at Huffman High School.

The convict teacher—who was also a women’s volleyball coach at the school—was later fired and criminally charged as a result of the girl coming forward, her attorney, Julian Hendrix told The Daily Beast.

While Hendrix’s client wasn’t sexually assaulted by Smith, authorities allegedly found a 14-year-old girl who was, according to a 2014 report.


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