Category Archives: Black Conservatives

Black conservatives, the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

Canadian Writer Doesn’t Want to be Black Anymore!

Very disturbed young guy, who is a columnist living in Toronto, Canada…

This one echoes of some of Tommie Sewage’s garbage.

Sadly this poor fool relates being black to being everyone else, letting the outside world define him…Instead of having the self confidence to define himself on his own terms. Being a black man does not mean I can play basketball like Lebron James, throw a football like RG III, act like Denzel, or speak like MLK or President Obama. It does mean I have my own set of accomplishments, perhaps not as grand as some (which is why we admire the Mandelas of the world), my own goals and dreams…

And it doesn’t have a damn thing to do with what anyone else thinks.

This guy, Orville Lloyd Douglas, is a big guy…Some would say fat. Does he hate the stereotypes and negative things about fat guys? Does he not want to be fat anymore?

From his mannerisms, he also might be (quite possibly mistakenly) as gay. With the level of homophobic stereotyping of that community… Maybe he doesn’t want to be gay either.

So, Orville…WTF ARE YOU going to be?

I am going to mis-categorize this one under “Black Conservatives”, because while I have a folder for “Giant Negroes”…

I don’t have one for “Small N…

Why I hate being a black man

Every time I sit on a crowded street car, bus, or subway train in Toronto, I know I will have an empty seat next to me. It’s like a broken record. Sometimes I don’t mind having the extra space, but other times I feel awkward, uncomfortable, and annoyed.

I know I have good hygiene, I dress appropriately, and I mind my own business. However, recently, I finally became cognizant of why people might fear being around me or in close proximity to me: I am a black male. Although Canadian society presents the façade of multiculturalismthe truth is Canada has a serious problem with the issue of race.

I didn’t realize it until my sister said to me:

Orville, people are afraid of you. You are a six foot tall black man with broad shoulders.

My sister is right, people don’t sit next to me on the street car, the subway or on the bus because they are afraid.

The issue of black self-hatred is something I am supposed to pretend does not exist. However, the great French psychiatrist Frantz Fanon wrote about this issue in his ground breaking book Black Skin White Masks in a chapter called “the Lived Experience of the Black Man”. According to Fanon, the black man is viewed in the third person, and he isn’t seen as a three-dimensional human being. The black man internalizes the perspectives of white society and its negative thoughts about blackness affect his psyche. In the chapter, Fanon discusses a white child calling him the “N word” and how he becomes cognizant of how he is different and viewed as someone people should fear.

There is also a fear by some black people that discussing the issue of self-hatred is a sign of weakness. There is a discourse that black people engender: that black is beautiful. But the truth is, the image of blackness is ugly – at least it’s perceived that way. There is nothing special or wonderful about being a black male – it is a life of misery and shame.

The issue of black self-hatred is usually depicted from a female point of view. There are documentaries such as Dark Girls which aired on Oprah’s OWN network earlier this year, in which black women discuss their feelings of self hatred for having dark skin. There are numerous books, articles, documentaries, and essays published by black female writers describing black self-hated. Black women are not afraid to speak out about their self-loathing, yet for some reason, black men are silent about our own contempt for what we are.

A lot of black men don’t want to acknowledge the feelings of disgust we have for ourselves. It is considered emasculating to even admit the existence of such thoughts. I think my own self-hated manifests from the exterior, from the outside world. It is born out of the despair and the unhappiness I see within a lot of young black men.

I can honestly say I hate being a black male. Although black people like to wax poetic about loving their label I hate “being black”. I just don’t fit into a neat category of the stereotypical views people have of black men. In popular culture black men are recognized in three areas: sports, crime, and entertainment. I hate rap music, I hate most sports, and I like listening to rock music such as PJ Harvey, Morrissey, and Tracy Chapman. I have nothing in common with the archetypes about the black male.

There is so much negativity and criminal suspicion associated with being a black male in Toronto. Yet, I don’t have a criminal record, and I certainly don’t associate with criminals. In fact, I abhor violence, and I resent being compared to young black males (or young people of any race) who are lazy, not disciplined, or delinquent. Usually, when black male youth are discussed in Toronto, it is about something going wrong.

Honestly, who would want to be black? Who would want people to be terrified of you and not want to sit next to you on public transportation?

Who would want to have this dark skin, broad nose, large thick lips, and wake up in the morning being despised by the rest of the world?

A lot of the time I feel like my skin color is like my personal prison, something that I have no control over, for I am judged just because of the way I look.

Not discussing the issue doesn’t mean it is going to go away. In fact, by ignoring the issue, it simply lurks underneath the surface. I believe a dialogue about self hatred should be brought to the fore in the public sphere, so that some sort of healing and the development of true non-label based pride can occur.

Of course, I do not want to have these feelings, to have these dark thoughts about being a black man. However, I cannot deny that this is the way I feel. I don’t want to be ashamed of being a black man; I just want to be treated as an individual based on the content of my character, and not just based on the colour of my skin.

Which leaves me with one point to make…

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Posted by on November 17, 2013 in Black Conservatives


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Action Jackson and that Romney Disease

Looks like another case of “Romney disease” in Va for republicans…

E.W. Jackson: ‘Marginalized’ Voters Will Help Lead To ‘Stunning Victory’ In Virginia Lieutenant Governor Race

Virginia lieutenant governor candidate Bishop E.W. Jackson (R), who will face off against Democrat state Sen. Ralph Northam at the polls tomorrow, predicted a “stunning victory” in an interview Monday.

In an interview with WMAL, Jackson said he thought “marginalized” voters would be the key to a big win.

“I think there’s a lot of people out there who feel disenfranchised, they feel that they’ve been marginalized, some of them are Christians, some of them frankly are libertarians, some of them are small business people, a lot of them are veterans, and they have really galvanized around my campaign because even though I have been slandered and my words often twisted and taken out of context, they’ve appreciated the fact that I’ve been willing to stand up for the things that I believe in,” Jackson said, according to Raw Story.

“I think we’re going to have a stunning victory tomorrow,” Jackson continued.

Jackson also insisted he would fight for all voters’ rights, “whether they’re Buddhist or Muslim or Hindu or Atheists,” if elected lieutenant governor.

“Becoming lieutenant governor is not about me imposing my beliefs on others,” Jackson said.

Jackson’s beliefs have caused a stir in the past. Jackson has said evolution is falsebecause chimps can’t talk; God cannot bless the military because of gay marriage; government programs have done more harm to the African-American community than slavery; and Obama would make schools start “teaching all children homosexuality.”


Jackson lost 55-45…


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Black Republican Lt Governor Candidate Lies About Childhood

“Pulling oneself up by your bootstraps” is de rigeur for black conservatives. Apparently growing up in a normal black family just doesn’t impress the white conservative folks. It is part and parcel of the black conservative victim rap…

“Action Jackson”, the Republican Party’s newest back conservative “standard” didn’t feel his growing up was quite tragic enough…

So he invented privation.

EW “Action” Jackson buckdances for the white conservative folks…

Jackson’s stump stories of childhood deprivation challenged by acquaintances

E.W. Jackson, the Chesapeake preacher known for controversial rhetoric, is facing new challenges as his campaign for lieutenant governor of Virginia enters its final weeks.

According to interviews and campaign finance reports, Jackson’s campaign has struggled with basic management issues, including financial accounting. And more recently, vivid details of his escape from deprivation in a Chester, Pa., foster home — the emotional core of his stump speech — have been challenged by two women who were there.

A campaign spokesman said Thursday that everything Jackson says on the trail about his upbringing is true.

Jackson says life was so tough with his impoverished foster family that they sometimes had to eat mayonnaise sandwiches for dinner. Other nights, there was no supper at all.

There was also no indoor bathroom, Jackson said, and as the youngest of the foster children, “I brought the pot down.” He was last in line for the once-a-week bath in a galvanized tub.

“I’m like, ‘What house was he in?’ ” said Nadine Molet, the adopted daughter of foster parents Willie and Rebecca Molet.

Nadine Molet shared the same roof with Jackson and said the bathroom was on the first floor, beyond the well-stocked kitchen. “I never remember missing a meal. We always had fatback, cornbread, pancakes. We always took a lot of food to church.”

Leola Brown, who lived in the unit next door and would come over to babysit Molet and Jackson, said, “They didn’t want for anything.” She remembers the banana pudding and fruited Jell-O she’d find there, and the bathroom, just as in her unit, was past the kitchen and “off to the right.”

Jackson declined requests for interviews. His campaign spokesman, Brian Marriott, said: “Nothing he’s saying about his childhood is untrue. Those were the conditions he experienced.”

After leading a struggling gospel-radio venture and facing bankruptcy in Massachusetts, then moving to Virginia and pursuing his vision of building a worldwide church, Jackson has spent much of the past three years trying his hand at a new career as a political candidate.

Jackson has faced repeated eruptions over his past and present rhetoric, including comments on gays and non-Christians. Democratic opponent Ralph Northam, a child neurologist and state senator from Norfolk, assailed Jackson for those comments and others, including Jackson’s contention that gay people’s “minds are perverted.”

According to interviews and records, Jackson has blurred the lines between his political and religious lives. Starting with his long-shot bid for the GOP nomination for the U.S. Senate in 2011 and 2012, his political efforts have faced financial questions.

In his run for lieutenant governor and his Senate bid, members of his tiny Chesapeake church were hired for campaign work.

Chris D’Ambra, a former campaign aide, said fundraising and money problems were constant.

“The problem was, he just wasn’t 100 percent committed to all the intricate details to actually get to that next step — to actually being in public office,” D’Ambra said.

D’Ambra had been brought on as campaign manager just out of college, following his previous job as a Papa John’s pizza delivery driver. Jackson’s campaign still owes him back pay, but he’s now entering Navy officer school and said he harbors no ill will.

Jackson was a hardworking boss and compelling speaker. “He was pretty calculated in every word he spoke, and he wanted us to be the same,” D’Ambra said.

Delmon Quesinberry, the former chairman of the Chesapeake Republican Party Committee and the man who brought Jackson into the local GOP, served as Jackson’s campaign treasurer in that race. As the bills stacked up, Quesinberry’s decades of accounting experience kicked in. But Jackson had other ideas.

“I have a certain way of doing this. If you had four bills that need to be paid, I would pay the oldest one. . . . We had a difference of opinion in that area,” Quesinberry said. “He felt like it was his campaign, and he would have the right to say who would get paid.”

Quesinberry would not say whom Jackson insisted on compensating. But he resigned, leaving the job of treasurer to Jackson’s wife. A Jackson spokesman declined to comment.

The Federal Election Commission has queried Theodora Jackson about the decision on her watch to essentially erase $25,000 from the campaign books. The campaign said it had mistakenly provided too high a figure for earlier donations. But the FEC has asked for more information.

In the lieutenant governor campaign, Theodora Jackson signed off on $13,000 in American Express bills listed as expenditures without detailing the actual spending as required by law. The campaign blamed her inexperience and last month promised corrections. But state officials said they have not received them.

Some of Jackson’s supporters have bristled at the attention. On a recent Sunday, nearly two dozen parishioners joined Jackson in the Springhill Suites meeting room where his church, the Exodus Faith Ministries, holds services. Congregant and campaign consultant JoAnn Barnes would not let a reporter attend….

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Posted by on October 18, 2013 in Black Conservatives


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Uncle Ben Carson – “Obamacare Worse Than Slavery”

Emboldened by first Sen Paul Ryan, and then sen Ted Cruz committing political Hari Kari – Ben Carson is warming up that buckdance and Jockey Suit for a potential political run in 2016 a la Herman Cain.

Obamacare is “worse than slavery”?

An American black man really said that shit?

Was it worse than being a Jewish person in Auschwitz, Uncle Ben?

Methinks Uncle Ben has a “racial displacement” issue…

Now where did I put that damn “Lawn Jockey of the Year Award”?


Posted by on October 11, 2013 in Black Conservatives


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Takes One to Know One… Faux’s Latest Racial Crisis

In Faux New’ neverending search for the white Trayvon – Drudge drudged up a moron who operates a homophobic and anti-white racist site.

The problem here is that the two Faux “reporters” are just as racist as the bozo they caught.

Of course the terrorizing white folks here is heightened by the “fact” that the black person in question “held a day job at the Department of Homeland Security”, as a contracts officer. Obviously he was in charge of buying thousands of guns! Oh My!

Unfortunately for Faux, they get that one wrong too. Kimathi works for ICE, and was a small business contracts manager.

Ayo Kimathi video –

Kimathi has a history of suffering from schizophrenia, and by some reports was abused by his Uncle while growing up in Alabama.

Of course on Faux News two “Black Panthers” at one polling place in Pennsylvania threw the entire Presidential election…

One black schizophrenic nutcase with a YouTube account ought to be good for a “race war”!

Of course, if he had just stuck to the homophobic baiting… He’s have had a job on Faux.

Ayo Kimathi: Government Employee Accused Of Running Racist Website 

Ayo Kimathi, a Homeland Security employee, is accused of running a racist website. A government official has confirmed that Kimathi is behind the War on the Horizon page. The website warns of a war between the races. Using a pseudonym, Kimathi preaches against whites, homosexuals, and blacks who integrate with other races. As reported by ABC News, Kimathi is employed with the Department of Homeland Security as an officer for Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

The website is disturbingly racist. However, it is not run from a government facility. On the site, Kimathi calls himself the “Irritated Genie.” In his blog, Kimathi speaks out against numerous political figures and celebrities, who he calls traitors to the black race. Some of his rants are directed at Oprah Winfrey, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, and Lil Wayne. He describes President Obama as “a treasonous mulatto scum dweller … who will fight against reparations for Black people in amerikkka, but in favor of fag rights for freaks in amerikkka and Afrika.” Ayo Kimathi’s former supervisor eventually discovered the site. She was surprised about the hateful content. However, she had her doubts about Kimathi in the past:

“This guy is filled with hate… People are afraid he will come in with a gun someday and go postal. I am astounded, he’s employed by the federal government, let alone Homeland Security.”

Employees with the DHS are required to report outside activities, including websites, that may be a conflict of interest. Kimathi’s former supervisor states that he did approach her about the website. However, he was untruthful about the content. Kimathi told his supervisor that he would use the website to display entertaining videos and sell concert tickets. Kimathi’s statements were never verified, and the site remained online. Despite his colleagues’ reservations, Kimathi is described as a hard worker. Part of his job includes advocating for small business owners, many of which are minorities. His former supervisor points out that Kimathi “fights for the little guy… and he’s very good at it.”



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A “Liberal Edumencation”…Indeed

You know if I was George Zimmerman’s lawyers, I’d be looking for 12 of these EW Jackson freakshows!

“Innocent! That Kneegrow was armed and dangerous with that candy bar, suh!”

The question though becomes – in an American Constellation, containing the stars of accomplished black Republicans of greater and lesser lights and brilliant stars like Condoleeza Rice, and General Colin Powell, and to a somewhat lesser extent ex-Congressman J.C. Watts…

Which now includes the shiny-new minted Senator-ex Congressman from South Carolina Tim Scott (and no – I don’t agree with Mr Scott politically, but I respect the way the guys is actually trying to do his job representing the people of his state unlike former Congressman, former felon, Alan West’s constant posturing for the recruiting poster for Lawn Jockeys)…

WTF would anyone be running a Jockey Suited Buckdancer like mis-Action Jackson?

I mean – it sure as hell isn’t to attract Minority voters.

And,if this is for the benefit of “de Republican white folks in the Old Dominion” – isn’t there a whole generation of kids who paid for that little mistake in “Intelligent Design” when those same folks shut down all the schools in one of the counties for 5 years so they couldn’t integrate?

And besides the fact that the guy (supposedly a Harvard Law School Graduate) is too stupid to hire and editor (I’m a blogger – can’t afford no editor!) for his book to get rid of the misspellings…

There is this video with the Space Fairy…Miss Cleo where are you?

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Posted by on June 12, 2013 in Black Conservatives


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MHP one Ewwwwwwwe Jackson, Republican LT Governor Candidate in Va


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Posted by on May 28, 2013 in Black Conservatives


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Uncle Ben?

The newest conservative Great Black Dope isn’t quite turning out to be the perfect Uncle Tom figure of a Herman Cain or Allen West…

Of course, it’s been a tough year for black conservative lawn ornaments. Herman Cain imploding as a sexual predator, Allen West exposed as a serial abuser. And the black MILF candidate,Jennifer Carroll of Florida, didn’t quite follow in the footsteps of the Sno’ Ho’…first being accused of being a closet queen, and now under investigation for financial scamming resulting in her resigning her job at Lt. Governor.

And along comes Dr Ben Carlson… The latest in a long line of Toms… Or is he?

The Faux News commentator, Megan Kelly here tries her best to get Ben to buckdance. Carlson largely doesn’t rise to the bait. She looks at one point that if he will don the black conservative victim meme, she’d strip off her clothes, open her legs and have her way with him. About the best she gets out of him for hr breathless prodding is a single “plantation” meme, which completely discredits his argument about dropping name calling and sitting down to talk like adults. For anyone unfamiliar the “plantation” analogy is racist conservative speak for the N word.

Carlson at one point discusses poverty, at which point Megan near  orgasmically immediately zooms in to the inner city, black population, ignoring the fact or rural and suburban poverty which fits in every other social dysfunction … but isn’t primarily black. After all, Carlson is black – so he must be speaking about those dread Negroes in the ghetto!

That’s not what he said.

Let’s hope for Megan’s sake she got a chance to change clothes, and the set crew swapped in a dry chair before the next segment.


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Why You Here if You Didn’t Come to Buckdance?

Conservatives, CPAC, and that racism thing again…

Interesting the mind convolutions where people will go to to deny the truth, and make the opposite fit their racist views. Frederick Douglass as a “conservative”?

These people are a joke. An evil joke – and typical of this segment of conservatism.

Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Hate destroys a man’s sense of values and his objectivity. It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false and the false with the true.

Martin Luther King Jr.
US black civil rights leader & clergyman (1929 – 1968)


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D’Souza Exposed By Christian Magazine

It would seem that it’s not only “evil” liberals seeing through conservative pundit and trash writer Dinesh D’Souza’s act. It appears Dinesh is dumping his wife of 20 years for a Trophy Girlfriend half her age…

Dinesh D’Souza Fiancée Scandal Rocks The King’s College

Dinesh D'SouzaConservative provocateur Dinesh D’Souza, riding a wave of attention for his successful anti-Obama documentary, 2016: Obama’s America, suddenly finds himself swamped by a different sort of attention, this time over his alleged relationship with a 29-year-old woman with whom he shared a hotel room and described as his “fiancée” despite still being married to his wife of 20 years.

The evangelical magazine World reported Tuesdaythat D’Souza, who is also the president of The King’s College in Manhattan, shared a hotel room with Denise Odie Joseph at a conference in South Carolina in September and introduced her to at least three people as his fiancée. A conference organizer confirmed to World that D’Souza and Joseph had both checked in to the hotel and left together, and D’Souza confirmed to the magazine that he and Joseph were engaged. But California court records show that he only filed for divorce from his wife on Oct. 4, which means he will be married for at least another six months. D’Souza later sent a text message to World’s reporter saying that he had decided to “suspend” the engagement.

Joseph graduated from high school in 2002, according to her Facebook page, and attended Georgetown University’s law school. Her website, I Denise Lust After, appeared to be taken offline, but a blog she authors on the site Smart Girl Politics remains active.

D’Souza moved from California to New York in 2010 to become the president of The King’s College, a small evangelical school with headquarters in Manhattan’s financial district, leaving his wife behind in California. According to former staffers who worked closely with D’Souza, his wife didn’t want to move, and the distance put a strain on their marriage. In early 2012, Joseph began showing up at the college, which was then headquartered in the Empire State Building, where students and staff eventually noticed her inexplicable presence. A former student said people would ask about Joseph, whom he described as “pushy,” but would be met with “weird smiles” and evasive answers. That student said one of his friends, a staffer who worked closely with D’Souza, was tasked with creating an official response to the speculation, which was that she was “a good friend of Dinesh.” The student said staffers he knew believed Joseph made her presence known at the college because she wanted to be more than D’Souza’s “road tail.” Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on October 18, 2012 in Black Conservatives


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Melissa Harris-Perry Calls Out Clarence Thomas

This is a good one. One of the reasons it is critical that Obama win this next election is the opportunity to replace at least 2 justices on the Supreme Court and clean up the cesspool the Rethugs made of that institution.



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Clarence Thomas Fesses Up on ole in Conservative View of Constitution

No Tommy… The founding fathers didn’t include your black ass in the Constitution…

Thomas concedes that ‘we the people’ didn’t include blacks

It is true, Justice Clarence Thomas acknowledged the other night, that the “we the people” extolled in the Constitution 225 years ago did not include people who looked like him.

But the Declaration of Independence did, he contended, and that was something that a black kid growing up in Savannah, Ga., was told early on.

“There was always this underlying belief that we were entitled to be a full participant in ‘we the people,’ ” Thomas told a crowd at the National Archives last week.

“That’s the way we grew up. It was the way the nuns, who were all immigrants, would explain it to us — that we were entitled, as citizens of this country, to be full participants. There was never any doubt that we were inherently equal. It said so in the Declaration of Independence.”

Thomas submitted to about an hour of extremely gentle questioning from Yale Law School professor Akhil Reed Amar at an event called “The Constitution Turns 225,” co-sponsored by the liberal Constitutional Accountability Center and the conservative Federalist Society.

It was a packed house, drawn perhaps by the chance to see the “silent justice” speak. That’s far more myth than reality, of course.

It is true that Thomas hasn’t asked a question during the court’s oral arguments since 2006. But he speaks regularly to groups and law schools, and he put on a full publicity blitz when his memoir “My Grandfather’s Son” was published in 2007, including a sit-down with “60 Minutes” and a multi-part series on “Nightline.”

Thomas can on occasion be melancholy in his speeches, such as saying he sometimes envies the seemingly carefree lives he sees from his chamber windows. Several years ago, he told a group of high school students that he sometimes gets “morose,” and bucks himself up by reading inspirational speeches or retreating to the basement to watch the movie “Saving Private Ryan.”

He remains distrustful of Washington, although he mentioned during the discussion that he has lived here more than half of his 64 years. He often refers to it as “this city,” and says it is inhabited by ”cynical people who know it all.”

The “unlettered” people he grew up with, especially his grandparents, he said, withstood “the most difficult circumstances with a dignity that’s unmatched in this city.”

Amar repeatedly brought the conversation back to the point that under the original Constitution, people “like us” were not included. And Thomas spoke extensively about race — after noting with sarcasm that “people say horrible things about it — they say I’m not black, so I’m just a little doubtful I should say I’m black.”

“I always think it’s so fascinating to think of these black kids in the segregated school in Savannah reciting the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States or standing out in the schoolyard saying the Pledge of Allegiance every day before school,” Thomas said.

“I mean, everything so obviously in front of you is wrong. You can’t go to the public library. You can’t live in certain neighborhoods. You can’t go to certain schools. But despite all of that, you lived in an environment of people who said it was still our birthright to be included, and continued to push, not only to change the laws, but to maintain that belief in our hearts.”

Thomas also noted a period in his college years in which the belief was not so strong.

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Posted by on September 17, 2012 in Black Conservatives


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Mia Love’s Nothing Speech

Mia Love SpeechThe Republicans are extending a lot of effort to place their newest buckdancers front and center. The problem is, Mia Love – Like Scott of South Carolina isn’t buying the Lawn Jockey routine.

The usual suspects are trying to spin Mia’s speech last night into some sort of home run successful come out at the Debutante Ball –  As if Snookie suddenly changed into Selma Hayek…

The problem is..Mrs Love didn’t bite on being the Party’s newest Tom in residence by doing the Herman Cain.

In that – Mia should get a little respect here, for not wallowing in the filth.

Taken for it’s content – Mia’s speech was nothing more than neutral pablum – I mean everybody loves Mom and Apple Pie. The attack on President Obama (for a change) wasn’t out-of-bounds – or an appeal to the dog-whistle racism of her party.

Let me tell you about the America I know. My parents immigrated to the U.S. with ten dollars in their pocket, believing that the America they had heard about really did exist. When times got tough they didn’t look to Washington, they looked within.

So the America I came to know was centered in personal responsibility and filled with the American dream.

The America I know is grounded in the determination found in patriots and pioneers, in small business owners with big ideas, in the farmers who work in the beauty of our landscape, in our heroic military and Olympians.

Mia Love to John Boener – Motown makes you move too?

It’s in every child who looks at the seemingly impossible and says, “I can do that.” That is the America I know!

President Obama’s version of America is a divided one — pitting us against each other based on our income level, gender, and social status. His policies have failed! We are not better off than we were 4 years ago, and no rhetoric, bumper sticker, or campaign ad can change that.

Mr. President I am here to tell you we are not buying what you are selling in 2012.

The American Dream is our story. It is a story of human struggle, standing up and striving for more. It’s been told for over 200 years with small steps and giant leaps; from a woman on a bus to a man with a dream; and the bravery of the greatest generation, to the entrepreneurs of today.

This is our story. This is the America we know because we built it.

With Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan we can restore the America we know and love. The world will know it, our children will tell it and our grandchildren will possess it for years to come!

No Mia – You didn’t build anything. It was already built by the sweat and blood of a lot of other Americans…

Before you got here from Haiti.

Perhaps that is why you got that sequence of events wrong starting with that “Woman on a bus..”



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For readers not familiar with the terminology – a buckdance in black American vernacular  is a dance done by slaves for money or the approval of their white masters. The African American variation of which derived from the West Indies. The term has since been absorbed into the lexicon to mean a style of dancing, wherein a male dances by himself to show his skills. Clogging, a style of dance which derived from dance styles in Scotland and Ireland, which is performed to Bluegrass or Country style music has a variant where a man dances alone, typically using a sheet of plywood as a soundboard for his steps. It is an art style, and to be well done requires considerable skill.

Buckdancing in this post is the African American version – which is a racial pejorative synonymous with Uncle Tom.

Our first buckdancer up for our entertainment is Herman (“Where the white wimmin at”) Cain –

Obviously Herman is buckdancing for white conservative ears, as he now has a new Radio show taking over for Neal Boortz. The fact that Herman is a sick, women molesting trick, who cheated on his wife for 20 years or more isn’t a problem for evangelical white conservatives ready to forgive his sins as long as he continues to put a black face on their racism.

Our second buckdancer is Al Sharpton – making excuses for the Democrat Party’s failure in the recent recall election in Wisconsin –

Buck up Al – The Republicans didn’t win by cheating – they won by the Democrats failure to invest money in the election, AND, most importantly, their failure to make the case that Walker should be removed for unpopular politics – well short of any proven (to this point) criminal malfeasance. The donors apparently figured this out early – as did the DNC – and were noticeably absent in pouring money to counter the Republicans 7-1 spending advantage in the state.

This was not the stolen Florida Presidential Election of 2000 – they beat the Dems by 5 points – not 5 votes. Dems lost…Period. Guess what Al, black folks are so thin on the ground in Wisconsin, if you got 100% turnout… They (Walker) still won.

You can blame Citizen’s United – you can blame the Koch brothers…

But what they did was legal.

As to Walker – with his former top adviser turning State’s evidence – he will be indicted in the John Doe fiasco in the next 30 days and out of office by the Presidential elections. So the Dems win anyway. Its the good citizens of the state who lost.


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More Zombies!

MORE Zombies! What is going on here? Another incident of cannibalism, this one at Morgan State University in Baltimore.


Miami “Zombie” Rudy Eugene (l), and his victim Ronald Poppo (r)

Baltimore Student: I Ate Housemate’s Heart, Brain

Alexander Kinyua Mug Shot

America’s gruesome zombie apocalypsemarches on. This time, a suburban Baltimore man lost his heart and part of his brain to his cannibal college-student roomie, according to police. Kenyan Alexander Kinyua, 21, told cops he stabbed 37-year-old Kujor Bonsafo Agyei-Kodie of Ghana, dismembered him, ate his body parts, then hid the rest of the head and hands in the basement laundry room. Investigators discovered the remains when Kinyua’s dad reported finding them in the home they all shared, reports AP. The rest of Kodie’s body was found in a trash bin outside a nearby church, said police. “I’ve been with the agency 40 years, and I would say this is the first time I can remember someone consumed the victim,” said sheriff Jesse Bane. “I’ve not encountered that in this county, and I hope we never encounter it again.”

Kinyua has been charged with first-degree murder. He was out on bail during the attack after he was charged earlier last month with savagely beating a fellow student, who survived. Kinyua was studying electrical engineering at Morgan State University in Baltimore, and was a one-time member of ROTC at the school. Fellow students told theBaltimore Sun that Kinyua appeared increasing agitated, and was odd to begin with. Police have not revealed a motive for the murder, and are consulting with behavioral experts from the FBI.

I mean – even politicians are getting in on the act! OK – he hasn’t eaten anyone (yet)… But he is showing all the signs of being brain dead!

Artur Davis, Once a Key Obama Backer, Switches to Republican Party

Artur Davis Mug Shot

A Southern Democrat defecting to the GOP is not news. A black Southern Democrat defecting to the GOP is pretty big news. A black Southern Democrat who is a member of Congress and a vocal supporter of President Barack Obama warrants a screaming headline.

Don’t look for the screaming headlines, but former Alabama Congressman Artur Davis has announced he is leaving the Democratic Party, joining the Republican Party, and says he will likely vote for Mitt Romney in November.

Davis is black, but even in Congress he didn’t toe the Black Caucus line. He was an opponent of what has become known as Obamacare, and left his U.S. seat to run for governor of Alabama…

Davis is considering changing his voting registration to Virginia, a fact not lost on Virginia’s Republican governor, Robert McDonnell, who pointed out how powerful a Black Republican running for Congress could be in the Northern Virginia suburbs of Washington, D.C. Getting on the ballot to run against Jim Moran (D-VA) of Alexandria, or the seat in wealthy exurbs of the 11th Congressional District (now held by Democrat Rep. Gerry Connolly) in 2014 or 2016 would not be a heavy lift.

Hey.. Wait a minute! THAT’S my District! Time to head down to Dick’s Sporting Goods and see if they got any “Zombie Repellent”!

Yeah, I know Artur isn’t technically a Zombie – he hasn’t eaten anyone (yet)…

But the term Bamafied Lawn Jockey…

Just seems so dated.

Go on back home Artur – we don’t want you Uncle Tom ass in Virginia.

1 Comment

Posted by on June 1, 2012 in Black Conservatives, Nawwwwww!


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