Tag Archives: Trump Supporter

Pro-Chumph Police Union Chief Removed By Black Officers

Before coming out in support of a white supremacist…This guy should have checked his vote count.

Trump-loving police union chief ousted after black members revolt

Steve Loomis, the former president of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association, was ousted this week in the wake of a revolt by black police officers who were upset about his endorsement of President Donald Trump, among other factors.

The Cleveland Plain Dealer reports that Loomis lost his election race this week against former union president Jeff Follmer by just 38 votes. Loomis has long been a polarizing figure within the department, especially after he offered Trump a full-throated endorsement during the 2016 presidential election.

“Loomis has made headlines for several controversial issues, including having the union vote, and endorse, Donald Trump for President,” the Plain Dealer writes. “It was the first time in the union’s history that it endorsed a presidential candidate, sparking outrage from the Cleveland Police’s Black Shield, a separate union that represents black officers.”

Loomis has also stirred controversy in Cleveland in his attempts to appeal the firing of officer Timothy Loehmann, who fatally shot 12-year-old Tamir Rice in 2014, and for his criticism of Cleveland Browns players who knelt during the national anthem to protest police violence in the United States.


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What is With These Racist Angry White Female Trumpazoids?

There has been a long series of Trumpazoid white women acting out in public displaying their racism.

This one gets in the face of the wrong white woman when she objected to Trumpazoid’s rant.

Lot of white folks getting tired of this racist shidt.

‘Using my white privilege for the right reasons’: Florida woman justifies brutal beatdown of racist woman

The Florida woman seen cursing and beating an elder (sic) female in a hotel lobby after the victim reportedly made a racist comment about Haitians, has claimed that she was standing up for minorities by using her “white privilege.”

The viral video, which was posted to Facebook by a user named Austin, showed Colleen Dagg launching herself at the woman and punching her to the ground while cursing her.

According to Austin, “Ok so lady in the blue sundress said something super racist about how ‘you know these Haitians’ and sis in the gray was not having it. She then lied to the police and said the other girl started it, when everything was caught on video.”

Following the fight, police were reportedly dispatched to the hotel.

After the video went went viral, Dagg took to Twitter to give her side of the story.

“This is a young country built on racism,” Dagg wrote. “Black people have been disenfranchised for over 250 years. The faster white people accept and validate the truth, the closer we’ll come to a place of peace and understanding.

“Fighting racism is dependent on me using my white privilege for the right reasons,” she added.

“The white woman tried to use her white privilege on me, the fact that I am white too seemed to have slipped her mind,” she wrote, adding, “If you see it, say something.”

1 Comment

Posted by on August 25, 2017 in Chumph Butt Kicking, The Definition of Racism


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White Nationalist Kicked Out of CPAC

Seems that even conservative’s seemingly bottomless tolerance for racial innuendo and racists has reached its limit.Surprising – since conservatism has been virtually synonymous with racism for such a long time. Richard Spencer gets pimp slapped…Again. SO now we got the alt-right-whites, against the whiter-right-whites…Never ceases to amaze me.

Richard Spencer wants you to know that unlike fellow racist Milo Yiannopoulos who was dis-invited earlier this week …He’s not a pedophile. ind of interesting when someone starts denying something they haven’t been accused of by anyone yet…

White nationalist leader kicked out of CPAC

On his way out, Richard Spencer rebuked Milo Yiannopoulos, who was disinvited from the event earlier this week.

Richard Spencer, a leader of the white nationalist movement, said he was “glad” that disgraced Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos was disinvited from the Conservative Political Action Conference after he made controversial statements on pedophilia, while leaving the conservative conference Thursday after his own credentials had been revoked.

“I totally reject Milo and I’m glad that he was disinvited,” Spencer said about Yiannopoulos, who resigned from Breitbart this week after remarks surfaced in which he praised pedophilia. The right-wing journalist was slated to be keynote speaker at CPAC but was disinvited earlier this week because of the controversy.

“I was willing to tolerate him or maybe be ambivalent about him but after his video clips, there’s no way that I could support Milo in any way.”

Yiannopoulos, who has stirred up controversy in recent weeks with his appearances on college campuses, resigned from Breitbart and lost a major book deal after tapes emerged on which he advocated sexual relationships between “younger boys and older men.”

In his resignation statement, Yiannopoulos said he believed the tapes were selectively edited.

“To repeat: I do not support child abuse,” Yiannopoulos said at a news conference. “I am sorry to other abuse victims who may have interpreted my statements as flippant.”

Spencer, who purchased his own tickets to CPAC, was ejected after a CPAC staffer spotted him and revoked his credentials. Defiant, Spencer flashed his empty lanyard to reporters as he left the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center just outside D.C., where the conservative confab is taking place over the next few days.

“They threw me out, it’s pathetic,” he said on his way out, saying that he wanted to have conversations inside on identity politics.

“I guess that they just discovered who I was, because the truth is that people want to talk to me, not to other conservatives.”

A CPAC spokesperson told NBC that the group ejected Spencer because it finds his views “repugnant.”

American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp told POLITICO that it was the group’s right to revoke Spencer’s credentials. “You are welcome to come down here, we will have civil conservation about things we disagree with but there are boundaries, one of those boundaries is having respect for people, people’s heritage, people’s race, and the alt-right is not a voice in the conservative movement,” Schlapp said.

But Spencer fired back: “CPAC cannot host a speech where they denounce the alt-right by name and then expect me not to come. They’re children. I mean, look, adults will engage in dialogue particularly when you’re going to denounce someone. They’re not even engaging in dialogue.”

Spencer, who is the president of the National Policy Institute, a white nationalist think tank, was unsparing in his criticism of Yiannopoulos, who is also considered an alt-right activist.

“He glorified and excused the sexual abuse of other people,” Spencer said. “That is absolutely out of bounds.”

Yiannopoulos brushed off Spencer’s criticisms. “Richard Spencer knows that for the rest of his life his best shot at getting attention is to talk about me,” Yiannopoulos told POLITICO. “I don’t begrudge him the scraps he craves.”


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Yet Another Trumpazoid Pays for Voting for Trump

Had a conversation with a Trump voter the other day who has suddenly recognized that by voting Republican and for Trump – he fucked himself, and his son.

He has a severely disabled son, who has Cerebral Palsy and requires constant medical care.Under Obamacare the monthly premium for his son, now 30 years old, was $54 a month. In any of the “private” plans being fronted by the Republicans…that will rise to $5400 a month, which he can’t afford.So his severely disabled so in SOL.

Next is the story of a very stupid Arab…

Image result for children in handcuffs

This Trump voter is stunned to find her Syrian relatives deported

Syrian American Sarmad Assali, a Donald Trump supporter, isn’t saying she has buyer’s remorse over who she backed for the White House.

But she’s frustrated and angry.

Like many in Allentown, Pennsylvania’s Syrian Orthodox Christian neighborhood, Assali voted for the Republican candidate last November.

This weekend, she watched two of her brothers-in-law, their wives and children get deported back to Damascus from Philadelphia International Airport even though they had US visas.

“It was a shock,” she says. “If [Trump] had an issue with them entering the United States, we should have been told about it. It should have been discussed. We should be able to get some legal help in there. … The way they were returned in a two-hour period, it was just devastating.”

Assali says her relatives are now back home in Damascus. But she speculates that if the families had not been quickly hustled back on a flight to Doha, she might have been able to find them legal assistance that would have won them entry rights.

“They weren’t even allowed to make a phone call and let us know what is going on,” she says. “They had to beg the employees to call us, to let us know that they were being returned.”

Assali’s family members were sent back after President Donald Trump signed an executive order Friday night banning immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim nations — Iraq, Iran, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Yemen and Somalia. The ban may be lifted in 120 days or may remain fully or partially in force.

Assali was surprised her relatives’ US visas didn’t ensure their entry.

“This was our rights, our constitution lists that, so I don’t know how it can be taken away from us,” she says. “The safety of America is number one, but we should consider what we’re doing before we throw it out there at people.”

Asked if she’s still a Trump supporter, Assali doesn’t take the question head-on.

“I am a supporter of the constitution of the United States, and the freedom that we have here,” she says. “I don’t know what [Trump’s] going to do next or if I support what he’s gonna do. I can’t tell at this point.”


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Another White Supremacist Trumpazoid _ Another Massacre of the Innocent and Unarmed. Quebec Mosque.

Another racist Trumpazoid, another attack on defenseless people because of their race/religion, sexual preference, or sex.

Faux News this Am was still trying to pawn that the  shooter was a non-white “Islamic Terrorist”

Quebec mosque shooter Alexandre Bissonnette's classmates say he was a white nationalist who loved President Trump

Quebec mosque shooter Alexandre Bissonnette’s classmates say he was a white nationalist who loved President Trump

Alexandre Bissonnette “really liked Trump and had a permanent grudge against the left”

The suspected shooter who carried out a massacre of Muslims praying at a mosque in Quebec, Canada, is a strong supporter of far-right U.S. President Donald Trump and a right-wing extremist, according to his former classmates, acquaintances, and social media accounts.

During evening prayers on Sunday, January 29, a gunman opened fire in the Quebec Islamic Cultural Center, killing six worshipers and injuring 19 more. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau condemned the shooting as a “terrorist attack on Muslims.”

The suspected assailant, 27-year-old Alexandre Bissonnette, is a white Canadian who has expressed far-right, anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, anti-feminist, and pro-Israel views.

“He really liked Trump and had a permanent grudge against the left,” explained Éric Debroise, who knew Bissonnette and contacted the police after the attack. (Quotes are original translations from French.)

The suspected shooter’s politics are “very right-wing and ultra-nationalist white supremacist,” Debroise told the local newspaper Le Journal de Quebec.

“He has right-wing, pro-Israel, anti-immigration political ideas,” Jean-Michel Allard-Pru, another classmate, said of Bissonnette, who was a student at Laval University.

Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail reported that the suspected shooter “was known in the city’s activist circles as a right-wing troll who frequently took anti-foreigner and anti-feminist positions and stood up for U.S. President Donald Trump.”

François Deschamps, who runs a refugee support page on Facebook, told the publication that Bissonnette was an abusive far-right internet troll “who made frequent extreme comments in social media denigrating refugees and feminism.”

Multiple people who knew Bissonnette linked him to the far-right, nationalist, racist “Identitarian” movement, which is on the rise in Europe and North America.

Bissonnette’s extreme right-wing views were similarly inspired by Marine Le Pen, the far-right politician who may become the next president of France. Like Trump, Le Pen campaigns on racist, anti-Muslim, white nationalist policies.

On his personal Facebook page, Bissonnette liked the pages of both Trump and Le Pen. (Bissonnette’s Facebook profile was taken down after the attack, but it is archived here.)

A pro-refugee group in Quebec City wrote on Facebook that activists knew of the suspected shooter because of his extreme “Identitarian, pro-Le Pen, and anti-feminist positions.”

Bissonnette also liked the Facebook pages of the Israel Defense Forces and the pro-Israel group United with Israel. The Israeli government is extremely right-wing, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed staunch support for President Trump and his anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant policies.

After the massacre at the Quebec Islamic Cultural Center, police initially detained two people — Bissonnette and Mohamed Khadir, who is Muslim. Khadir was widely reported to be another suspect, but he was quickly released and police made it clear that he was a witness, not an assailant. This, however, did not stop anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant groups from distorting the facts surrounding the events.

President Trump’s far-right administration and right-wing news sources jumped on the opportunity to misleadingly blame the attack on a Muslim. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer tried to use the rumor to justify President Trump’s racist ban on Muslim refugees and migrants. But in reality the opposite is true: the suspected shooter is a white Canadian who massacred Muslim migrants. The victims were largely from North Africa.

As if often the case with terrorist attacks carried out by white right-wing extremists, media reports and government officials claimed the shooting was a “lone wolf” attack, and gave very sympathetic coverage to the suspected shooter, portraying him as “timid,” “lonely,” and “kind.”

Far-right terrorism is on the rise in North America. In the U.S., residents are significantly more likely to be killed by right-wing extremists than they are Islamist extremists.


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Yet Another Ignorant White Trumpazoid Lets His Racism Cost Him Big

Must be something in the Chumph Kool-Aid. This guy’s racist mouth just cost him his Dairy Queen franchise.

The franchise fee for a Dairy Queen restaurant is$25,000 to $35,000. The total estimated investment ranges from $382,000 to $1.8 million, with liquid cash available of $400,000. A 4-5% royalty fee on gross monthly receipts is paid to the company.

Because the franchisee broke the agreement – all that is gone. Basically all he has left is the building, which has to be stripped of all company livery immediately at his cost. They may also call any loans he has owed to Dairy Queen immediately due.

Kiss your dumb Trump supporting racist ass…Goodbye!

Deianeira Ford (Facebook)

Illinois Dairy Queen closed after racist spat

A Dairy Queen restaurant in Zion, Illinois, was closed Friday after a young mother said the franchise owner called her and her children a racial slur. The racially charged dispute sparked calls for a local protest and boycott of the fast-food restaurant chain.

Deianeira Ford, 21, said the incident took place Wednesday when she asked the store on 21st Street, west of Sheridan Road, in Zion for a refund after a problem with her order. Responding to her, store owner James Crichton used the N-word, following which Ford’s daughter asked her what the racial slur meant.

On asking the owner his name, he first said it was “’Bill Clinton’ and then said, ‘Better yet, I’m Donald Trump,’ and told me to go back where I came from,” Ford reportedly said.

The terms of the franchise agreement termination were agreed to on Friday and were effective immediately, Dairy Queen spokesman Dean Peters told News-Sun, a local newspaper.

“The recent actions of this franchisee are inexcusable, reprehensible, unacceptable and do not represent the values of the Dairy Queen family, our employees, fans and other independent franchises around the world,” a statement by the company said. “We expect our franchisees and their employees to treat every single person who walks through their doors with the utmost dignity and respect. Nothing less is acceptable.”

The company’s statement came hours after Crichton issued an apology.

“I take full responsibility of my actions,” Crichton reportedly said in a statement,



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Trumpazoid Convicted of 10 Felony Election Frauds

Yet another Chumph boy arrested and convicted of a felony.

Adding evidence of why there is a high likelihood the election was hacked.

I hope he spends his 5 years in Gen Pop.

Michigan Trump staffer convicted on ten counts of felony election fraud

Brandon Hall (Facebook)

A Grand Haven, Michigan man who worked on the Michigan Trump campaign was found guilty on ten counts of election fraud Wednesday for forging signatures on petition forms in 2012.

Grand Haven Tribune reports that self-described “political junkie” Brandon Hall faces up to five years in prison for signing other people’s names in support of 2012 judicial candidate Chris Houtaling.

The 27-year-old did not take the stand his defense, but Hall’s friend Zachary Savage told the court he and Hall forged the signatures as Houtaling drove them to drop off the petitions by the filing deadline. Savage and Houtaling have not been charged for the incident.

Hall’s case made it to the Michigan Supreme Court in June when the defense argued he should be charged with misdemeanors instead of felonies. The high court overturned the Michigan Court of Appeals, maintaining Hall’s felony charges.

In 2012, Hall was convicted for stealing from a school fundraiser where he serves on the Grand Haven school board. He ran earlier this year for the state House 89th District.

In a statement, Progress Michigan said Hall’s conviction is proof that former Green Party candidate Jill Stein’s recount effort should continue in Michigan.

“Donald Trump has made claim after claim calling the integrity of the election into question, but his Michigan campaign had no problem hiring a staff member facing election law charges,” executive director Lonnie Scott said. “The fact that the Trump campaign and the Michigan Republican Party embraced Brandon Hall is just one more reason to recount and audit the vote in Michigan.”


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Black Woman – White Boyfriend Trump Supporter

Is this woman really that hard up for a man?

Black woman calmly endures her boyfriend’s disturbing racist rant

A black Rhode Island woman endured an abusive, racist rant by her white boyfriend during a fight. In a recording, her then-boyfriend, who appears to be a fan of Donald Trump, berates her about the Black Lives Matter movement, complete with multiple n-words and a policy suggestion for Donald Trump.

“You know what? The second he’s elected, that’s what Trump should do,” he says. “Give all you mother fuckers your tickets back. You don’t like it? Peace!”

“Black lives matter, go matter in fucking Ghana” he continues.

Somehow achieving the superhuman feat of maintaining her composure, she asks, “You do realize you sound like a racist, right?”

“I don’t care. You wanna know why? Cause I’m not up there saying white lives matter, white lives come to the front, black lives go to the back, I’m just like, “Hey, what’s up? How you doing?”

He then proceeds to pantomime how he imagines BLM protestors talk, and concludes with, “Fuck your black ass, get the fuck out.”

“Get out of my country, you’re causing the fucking problem. Bye!” he says.


Posted by on November 15, 2016 in The Definition of Racism, The Post-Racial Life, Women


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Chili’s Denies Black Veteran Veterans Day Meal Due to Trump Supporter

Your typical everyday racist Chump ass, shows his racist ass…And gets away with it.

“Black people didn’t serve in Germany”?????

I hope Mr. Walker and his lawyers sue the hell out of this Chili’s franchisee. Better do it before the racist Chumph gets to put in his racist judges.

Chili’s Apologizes For Taking Meal From Black Veteran On Veterans Day

U.S. Army veteran Ernest Walker says a manager took his food after a customer wearing a Trump shirt questioned his service.

U.S. Army veteran Ernest Walker started recording video when a manager at a Chili’s restaurant in Cedar Hill, Texas, questioned his military service and took away his food.

Like some other establishments around the country, Chili’s offered free meals to veterans and active military service members on Veterans Day. Walker wrote on his Facebook page that he was eating at Chili’s with his service dog, Barack, when an elderly customer wearing a Trump shirt came up to him. “He said he was in Germany, and that they did not let Blacks serve over there,” Walker wrote.

Soon after, Walker said the the restaurant’s manager approached him and said that a fellow customer said Walker was “not a real soldier because [he] had [his] hat on indoors.” He asked to see identification, and continued to question Walker. Eventually, he took his food away, even though Walker showed him his military ID and discharge paperwork.

Walker posted the video, which has been viewed more than 50,000 times, to Facebook. He wrote that the incident made him feel “grossly offended, embarrassed, dehumanized.” On Friday, protesters organized outside the Chili’s restaurant to support Walker.

Chili’s responded to critics calling for the manager to be fired on Facebook. The restaurant chain said it elevated the situation to the highest levels of the company, and “fell short” on its “goal to make every guest feel special.” The company also apologized in a prepared statement and said it was reaching out to Walker.

But Walker told the Dallas Morning News that as of Sunday, Chili’s had not apologized directly to him. He also said he felt the election has “changed the hearts” of people.

“I do believe that the election has changed the hearts and changed the motives of people so much so that he believed in his heart and mind after talking to the Trump supporter that I was stealing food,” Walker said.



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David Duke and “CNN Jews”

Inspired in large part by Trump, former KKK Grand Dragon David Duke is running for a US Senate seat in Louisiana, as a Republican (although there is some debate on that matter by Republicans)

Its not going well.

Debate night with David Duke: Ex-Ku Klux Klan leader defends “CNN Jews” comment, explodes at “media hack” moderator

The debate started with Duke being called a snake, and ended with him shouting, “Are you going to silence me?

David Duke, the former KKK Imperial Wizard running for a U.S. Senate seat in Louisiana, let out a string of bigoted and violent statements during a debate Wednesday night.

The debate started on a heated note when Democratic candidate Caroline Fayard referred to Duke as a “snake that slithered out of the swamp.” Duke responded by defending his white supremacist views, sarcastically commenting, “Yeah, I’m the bad guy because I defend the people of this country that made our country great.”

Duke was alluding to Donald Trump’s slogan, “Make America Great Again.” The white supremacist repeatedly characterized himself as a staunch Donald Trump supporter, even referring to himself at one point as “Donald Trump’s most loyal advocate.”

Then, Duke echoed a claim made by Trump on Monday suggesting that Hillary Clinton be executed.

“The lady should be getting the electric chair, being charged with treason,” Duke proclaimed regarding Clinton’s email scandals.

To be fair, Duke’s incendiary remarks weren’t limited to Clinton. When moderator John Snell asked him to defend a reference on his website to “CNN Jews,” Duke argued that he isn’t actually anti-Semitic because he only dislikes the Jews he believes aren’t sufficiently loyal to America.

“I’m not opposed to all Jews,” he insisted. “I’m against Jews or anybody else that puts the interests of some other place over our own country.”

Duke also had harsh words for the student activists who assembled to protest his appearance on the debate stage (many of whom were pepper sprayed by law enforcement). After referring to them as Black Lives Matter “radicals,” Duke proclaimed ominously to his white racist supporters that “It is time we stand up now. We’re getting outnumbered and outvoted in our own nation.”

The debate ended with Duke ranting and raving at the moderator and other candidates (now departing) because Snell clarified that Duke had not been targeted by the government for his white supremacist ideology, but because he had stolen money from his supporters to fund his gambling addiction.

“Let me rebut! Let me rebut! See you’re not a moderator. You’re a typical media hack! Are you going to silence me?” Duke screamed. “I have a right to respond! That’s the problem with this. The federal government targeted me. I have a right to respond!”

Duke never got the chance to respond.


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