Tag Archives: identified

Question of the Hour…GOP Congressmen Targeted?

Before the white-right screamers come up with the usual hysteria – whether this shooting was connected to anything political, or is nothing more than some domestic dispute.

We can expect the usual outpouring of fake outrage, fake sorrow, and bemoaning of violence.


Republicans been cruising for this for years.

Hope this gets some attention from the Rethugs about their support of a traitor in the Whites Only House, firing up and enablement of racist and white supremacists, destruction of the healthcare plan in opposition to 66% of the voting public, and complete disregard for anything except Party ideology…

When that ideology over the needs of the country starts coming at a righteous price.

And while I certainly don’t support assassination, I really can’t help hoping in the “evil desires” file in the back of my mind – the next whacked out crazy from the left…Spends a bit more range time to improve his accuracy.


GOP baseball practice shooter identified as 66-year-old James T. Hodgkinson

The man who shot at Republicans at their early morning baseball practice Wednesday has been identified as 66-year-old  James T. Hodgkinson.

The Washington Post reports that Hodgkinson is a resident of Belleville, Illinois and is the owner of a home inspection business. Records in St. Clair County, Illinois show that Hodgkinson in  April 2006 was charged with battery and aiding damage to a motor vehicle.

Per Huffington Post’s Sam Stein, Hodgkinson’s wife told ABC News that Hodgkinson had moved to Alexandria, Virginia two months ago. Hodgkinson’s home inspection license expired at the end of 2016 and had not been renewed.

His Twitter profile shows that Hodgkinson is a left-wing supporter of Bernie Sanders who has also posted several memes on his Facebook page critical of President Donald Trump. He also called Georgia Republican congressional candidate Karen Handel a “b*tch” for saying she didn’t support a living wage during a debate with Democratic rival Jon Ossoff.

Charles Orear, a 50-year-old restaurant manager from St. Louis, tells the Washington Post that he and Hodgkinson met while campaigning for Sanders in Iowa in 2016.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Orear told the Post. “I met him on the Bernie trail in Iowa, worked with him in the Quad Cities area.”



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Death Toll in Norway Now 87

This one appears at the moment to be a case of domestic terrorism. And early identification of the suspect has him as a a member of right wing extremist group.

PHOTO: An aerial view of Utoya Island

Utoya Island. Site of a Youth Group Camp Attacked By Domestic Terrorist Killing 80, Mostly Teenagers

Norway Terror Attacks Toll Upped to 87: Norwegian Man Arrested

At least 80 people were killed in a shooting at a youth camp on the Norwegian island of Utoya the second of two attacks blamed on a Norwegian suspect authorities have not identified, police said.

Police confirmed that they had arrested a Norwegian man for the attack on a summer youth camp, and that they believed the same man was responsible for the bombing in central Oslo several hours earlier that claimed at least seven lives.

The 80 dead at the camp was a dramatic increase over an earlier police report that at least 10 had died at the youth camp. Police director Oystein Maeland told reporters many more victims were discovered between the two reports, according to The Associated Press.

Anders Behring Breivik, age 32, a self-described nationalist opposed to Islam and to a multi-cultural society.

With the arrest of a lone Norwegian in the twin bomb and shooting attacks today, officials have all but ruled out any connection to international terrorism.

“We have one person in custody and he will be charged in connection with what has happened,” said Justice Minister Knut Storberget during a Friday evening press conference. “We know that he is Norwegian. That is what we know. I don’t think it’s right from my position to go into details about him.”

TV2, Norway’s largest broadcaster, later identified the suspect as Anders Behring Breivik, 32, describing him as a member of “right-wing extremist groups in eastern Norway.” Norwegian police would not confirm the identity of the suspect.

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Posted by on July 22, 2011 in Domestic terrorism, News


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