Tag Archives: bombing

Reaching For Racism in Response to Terrorism

Once again, the knee jerk reaction of the right is to reach for racism instead of coming up with comprehensive answers to terrorism. In the past, this sort of right wing racism has led to to less efficient and weaker security.

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The bomber managed to evade airport security in Nigeria. Whether that is because the airport there didn’t have sophisticated (and expensive) explosives sniffing equipment, the attempted bomber had help – or he simply bribed his way in is unknown. As the son of a wealthy, well known businessman in a country where corruption is rampant – more than likely the answer is the latter.

Once he was in the supposedly “scanned” part of the system, he normally wouldn’t have had to go through security again until he reached his destination. This suggests the “trust level” of the Airport Security at the Nigerian Airport needs to be re-evaluated, and potentially passengers from that airport need to be re-screened prior to boarding another flight – just as they are when flying in from places with little or no security systems. The explosive material he was carrying, PETN is well known, and if he was screened properly would have set off every alarm in the system.

As to the ethnic profiling preferred by Republican fools – granting yet another level of white privilege in freedom from security suspicion stupidly ignores the fact that of the world’s 1 billion Muslims…

Some of them have blond hair and blue eyes.

more about “Reaching For Racism in Response to Te…“, posted with vodpod

Posted by on December 28, 2009 in News


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