Tag Archives: bomber

The Al Quaeda Bamba – Hispanic Recruits to Radical Islam

Another gift from the Prison Industrial Complex…

Hispanic Islamic Terrorists.

Another point here, any dream conservatives had of simply profiling Middle Eastern or Southeast Asian people would catch “terrorists” is nothing more than you typical conservative racism, with the typical conservative result…Failure.

Statistically, black and Hispanic folks tend to be more religious, and belong to, or go to church. With the politicization of some christian groups on the right, and the radicalization of christian fundamentalism – you have to ask the questions as to whether these young men are running from something – as well as the question of whether they are running to something in embracing radical Islam.

Officials Worry About Some Latino Converts To Islam

Antonio Martinez - Arrested For Trying To Blow Up Military Recruitment Center

The FBI arrested Antonio Martinez, a 21-year-old Muslim convert, Wednesday and charged him with plotting to blow up a military recruitment center. There are two things about this case that make it particularly interesting to counterterrorism officials. The first is that Martinez appears to have been radicalized in the U.S. The second is that he is Latino. Latino converts to radical Islam have been connected to terrorism cases in this country with increasing frequency — and officials are trying to understand why.

The FBI began tracking Martinez, who also went by the name Muhammad Hussain, in October. That’s when, according to the criminal complaint against him, Martinez allegedly struck up a conversation with an FBI source and told him that he wanted to attack U.S. military personnel.

Martinez allegedly believed that the U.S. had long been at war with Muslims, and he said that Muslim brothers needed to strike back. After taping hours of Martinez’s conversations, the FBI ended up providing him with what he thought was a car bomb. He allegedly parked it outside an armed forces recruiting station in Catonsville, Md., on Wednesday and was arrested after he allegedly tried to detonate it.

The explosives were inert and no one, Justice Department officials said, was ever in any danger. While there is already some discussion about Martinez having been entrapped by a terrorism sting operation launched by the FBI, officials say to concentrate on that misses another wrinkle in the case: Why do a small number of Latinos in this country seem to convert not just to Islam but to a radical form of it?

Jose Padillia - Al Quaeda Trainee

“In some ways, it is not the volume [of conversion] necessarily. It is not like folks are worried about vast communities or subcommunities of Latinos joining al-Qaida,” said Juan Zarate, a former deputy national security adviser in the Bush administration who is now with the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “What has got people’s attention is the nature of individuals who have been caught in this web.”

The individuals involved have been at the center of what terrorism officials consider important cases. There is Jose Padilla, the former Chicago native who pleaded guilty to training with al-Qaida; or Daniel Maldonado, a Latino-American who was one of the first U.S. citizens to join an al-Qaida affiliate group in Somalia. Officials also point to Bryant Neal Vinas, a Latino from Long Island who found himself in al-Qaida’s inner circle a couple of years ago. He talked to the group’s leadership about how to attack the Long Island Rail Road and, according to officials close to the case, “has been a gold mine of information about al-Qaida ever since.”

Daniel Maldonado - Joined Al Quaeda in Somalia and Trained as a Suicide Bomber

“It’s both the nature of these individuals but also their case studies, the substantive dimensions of their work, and who they are in contact with, and what they represent that I think is why Latino converts have garnered some attention from counterterrorism analysts and the community,” Zarate said. “These are cases people are still following. They are still instructive.”

One of the reasons these officials are interested in Latino converts is that al-Qaida appears to be. The terrorist group has specifically recruited Latinos under the assumption that they could move in and around the United States without arousing suspicion.

Bryant Neal Vinas Joined Al Quaeda and Attacked US Forces in Afghanistan

Before Wednesday’s arrest, the most recent terrorism case involving a Latino happened over the summer. That’s when two New Jersey men, Mohammed Alessa and Carlos Almonte, were arrested as they boarded a plane for Somalia. They allegedly planned to join the ranks of a terrorist group there called al-Shabab. The New York Police Department, the FBI and New Jersey law enforcement had had the two men under surveillance for years; Almonte, in particular, became of interest because he was Latino and allegedly so firmly embraced radical Islam.

“Carlos Almonte was of Dominican heritage, a naturalized U.S. citizen, from a middle-class family; his father was a school bus driver; and he grew up in a Catholic family,” said Mitch Silber, the head of the New York Police Department’s intelligence unit. “And as Almonte started to change, he dropped his non-Muslim friends and his change was visible to others.”

Carlos Allmonte, the "Jersey Jihadist" Joined Al Quaeda in Somalia

Almonte allegedly started hanging out with members of Revolution Muslim, an Islamist group in New York, and joined their online chats. He began talking about what he saw as America’s war on Islam. Those are two things that he apparently had in common with the suspect in this latest case, Martinez.

Officials say the Internet isn’t the only place radicalizing these Latino converts. Authorities have been tracking an increasing number of Latino converts who embrace radical Islam in prison. The concern, Zarate says, is that prison recruits will redirect their criminal energies and engage in terrorism.

“I think that it is in that intersection with prison radicalization, gang culture, religious zealotry that you have a potential problem,” Zarate said. “I wouldn’t say it is a wave, but it is a potential problem authorities watch for.”



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Posted by on December 9, 2010 in Domestic terrorism


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Another Domestic Terrorist Whackjob…

Interesting the limited information about the attempted Times Square bombing by car bomb. The description provided by police so far on the makeup of the bomb indicates it was decidedly amateurish, which would seem to let the air out of claims by the Pakastani Taliban that they did it. The methodology and tools used would also seem to let any of the Domestic Militia types off the hook. Indeed, the bomber appears to have left so many potential clues – that unless this was a massive act of subterfuge, and not a real attempt at bombing…

The bomber would have to be a nutcase, or a teen without any real skills – or association with people with skills such as ex-Military, Militias, or a hate group. Since the Oklahoma City bombing, gathering materials such as Ammonium Nitrate and powdered aluminum without a documented Agricultural or industrial use is a way to earn a quick visit from the FBI and local Law Enforcement – which could possibly explain the choice of materials. But that makes little sense, since Police now say the would-be bomber tried to use 4 bags of regular fertilizer – possibly not knowing that it isn’t explosive.

So the question is – was this a real bombing, or was the objective to terrorize by threat?

Picture of Person of Interest in Upper Right

Police Seek Man Taped Near Times Sq. Bomb Scene

Law enforcement officials offered a more detailed description of the makeup of the failed car bomb found in Times Square on Saturday night, and said they were reviewing surveillance footage that showed a white man who appeared to be in his 40s walking away from the area as he looked over his shoulder and removed a layer of clothing. Read the rest of this entry »


Posted by on May 3, 2010 in News


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