Boston Marathon Bombing

15 Apr


Now…For the work of finding out who is responsible for this. It is impossible to say at this time whether this is an act of Foreign or Domestic Terrorism. At least to reports at this time, the bombs appear to have been relatively crude devices made from either home made or cobbled together explosives wrapped in nails and screws to function as shrapnel, which suggests they were made with off-the-shelf materials purchased here in the United States. There is still confusion on whether there were more bombs.

Yet another tragedy.


Posted by on April 15, 2013 in Domestic terrorism, The Post-Racial Life


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2 responses to “Boston Marathon Bombing

  1. makheru bradley

    April 17, 2013 at 10:24 AM

    Since the bombing took place on Patriot’s Day, I’m betting it was carried out by people who consider themselves to American patriots opposed to King George (Barack Obama). The bombing took place in Boston which they would consider to be a bastion of Tories. They see themselves as Minutemen on Lexington Green firing the first shot of the 2nd American Revolution.


    • btx3

      April 18, 2013 at 2:08 PM

      Evidence so far seems to indicate the perps are American and not foreign terrorists. The interesting thing is the bombs were designed to throw their shrapnel in one direction, and low to the ground. I haven’t seen anything about the explosive used so far.



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