The Tea Party Racism on Display

16 Jul

With the overwhelming evidence that Tea Party events have become a recruiting ground for white supremacists groups, that racist organizations like the Council of Conservative Citizens have sponsored near 100 Tea Party rallies, and Tea Party founder, Ron Paul’s long close association with white supremacists…

Conservanegro attacks on the NAACP, mis-characterization of what the NAACP actually said, and attempts a keeping white Massa’s family jewel (racism) covered have moved them from the lawn ornament position… to being black jock straps. Conservative Massa’s haven’t done much better.

The plain truth is, if the Tea Party weren’t racist to the core, there wouldn’t be this brouhaha. There wouldn’t be any need for the ridiculous projection. the diaphanous denials, to trot out the always reliable black conservajocktrap squad, or to outright lie.

The continued defense, and attacks on the NAACP for stating the documented truth – says more about the racist underpinnings of the Tea Party than all the liberal media could say in a year.

There would be a simple statement from the Sno’ Ho’  or other major perceived leader-

Yes, some people affiliated with the Tea Party have been guilty of racism and racist associations, further – because the Tea Party is a disorganized, grass roots movement. some racist organizations have taken advantage of our name, to sponsor and attempt to organize groups supporting their nefarious ends. We, as the Tea party wholeheartedly, and categorically reject racism, and the hate groups which have attempted to misuse our name and manipulate our agenda to their ends.

End of story. End of crisis.

The fact that the Tea Party hasn’t had the cajones to do that, reveals the fact that racism is a core belief set.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Black conservatives providing cover for this shit?

Come on down and get your award!


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6 responses to “The Tea Party Racism on Display

  1. Monique

    July 16, 2010 at 2:47 PM

    Question is Racism still main stream in this day an age? Are personal organizations that have significant racial factors still needing in today’s society? Are people blinded by ignorance or are they not just open minded enough to educate themselves. Being ignorant will not help you live in Bliss. Go check out the hot new blog post click the link right now and see what people are tweeting


    • btx3

      July 16, 2010 at 3:10 PM

      Monique – go here. It is a very good explanation of how modern racism affects black folk in virtually every element of our lives. Is it the old fashioned, wear a sheet and burn a cross racism? No.

      It’s far more insidious.


  2. brotherbrown

    July 17, 2010 at 9:19 AM

    My question is what we are supposed to do now? I have no expectation that by identifying the racism in and of the movement, those inclined to call themselves Tea Partiers are going to leave the movement or work to eliminate the racism in their ranks.

    In fact, notice the strategy they have employed of first insisting there are no racists in the movement, then turning around and saying its the NAACP that is racist. “we aren’t but you are!” Williams posted, then removed, a letter from Jealous to Abe Lincoln which played into all the usual stereotypes of lazy black folks looking for a handout.

    I can’t tolerate negroes who defend this foolishness.


    • btx3

      July 17, 2010 at 10:11 AM

      Brotherbrown -What is shaping up is a major battle between black organizations and the right. The right has been baiting this battle since Color of Change’s successful boycott of Glenn Beck, which has not only led to a loss of advertiser revenue – but, a major drop in audience numbers. Beck is currently down about 60% over where he was before starting the mess. Faux News is carrying Beck currently on the backs of it’s other shows.

      The Tea Party has morphed from an astro-turf organization bought and paid for by Health Care companies into a multi-headed Hydra. What tempoarily evolved into independent group of folks concerned about a lot of core issues has increasingly become radicalized and racialized. The racist underbelly organizations which supported the conservative wing of the Republican Party have seen the Tea Party Movement as a prime recruiting ground and have seized the reins – or at least the microphone.

      Ergo – the Tea Party has lost control of their ability to drive their own message, which a lot of folks knew would eventually lead to their destruction as Faux New’s objectives, in terms of a Beck or Limbaugh – are inherently different from those of the rank and file. In trying to drive the Republican Party – they have become nothing more than a wholly owned subsidiary of the machine, which can be trotted out to take outrageous positions…

      And fully take the blame when those positions explode, without the Republican Party getting hit by the shrapnel.

      Previously they were only getting used… Now they are getting truly and royally fucked.


  3. brotherbrown

    July 17, 2010 at 10:41 AM

    Do you suppose original Tea Partiers also the ones who tried to follow Ross Perot in ’92 before that party was hijacked by Patrick Buchanan in 2000?

    Is this really just a desire by some to not be identified as a republican or democrat? And shouldn’t they simply be ignored? I do applaud the NAACP for their action, because outside agitation sparks awareness, but change comes from within.


    • btx3

      July 17, 2010 at 12:41 PM

      Yeah – this goes all the way back to George Wallace in ’68. There are some of the same folks involved.

      There is a dysfunctional segment of the American population which is perpetually dissatisfied, but is willing to abate that dissatisfaction as long as they are told they are the boss. Bush used them and abused them. Unfortunately they are in masse, too stupid to realize it.



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