Norway Rocked By Second Terror Attack

22 Jul


Norway reeling after two deadly attacks

Norway came under deadly attack Friday with a massive bombing in the heart of its power center and a shooting at the ruling party’s youth camp outside the capital.

At least seven people were killed in the blast in Oslo, police said. A number of others were injured both in Oslo and at the youth camp.

It was not immediately clear whether the two incidents were related. But police spokesman Bjorn Erik Sem-Jacobsen told state television broadcaster NRK that authorities have good reason to believe they were.

The prime minister, whose office was badly damaged in the Oslo blast, leads Norway’s Labour Party, which runs the youth camp.

In northern Utoya Island, a person dressed up as a policeman fired shots at the Labour Party Youth Camp with about 700 people, injuring several people, NRK said. Witnesses described a scene of utter chaos and said many people were shot.

Police have arrested one person in the shooting, NRK said.

Oslo Mayor Fabian Stang said it was a “terrible day” for Norwegians.

An Oslo police spokesman said the explosion was caused by a bomb. No one has claimed responsibility.

Several buildings were badly damaged, many of the windows of the government tower that houses the prime minister’s offices blown out. Emergency teams rushed the injured, some bleeding profusely, to hospitals.

Unaccustomed to such deadly scenes, Norway was reeling.


Posted by on July 22, 2011 in News


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5 responses to “Norway Rocked By Second Terror Attack

  1. brotherbrown

    July 23, 2011 at 9:38 AM

    I believe that America could have a similar tragedy. I have said for many years that guns are weapons of mass destruction, especially in the hands of assholes with an axe to grind, and we have plenty of those.

    They guy that arrested does not fit the international profile of a terrorist any more than McVeigh or Kaczynski, but if you ask me, that is who is most likely to cause mayhem in Europe and the US.


    • btx3

      July 23, 2011 at 10:20 AM

      Domestic terrorism remains the largest threat to the US as well as other countries. A number of these far right groups are connected, making them international in scope.

      I think this one was a team – and there were multiple shooters.


  2. brotherbrown

    July 25, 2011 at 11:10 AM

    Europe’s (and America’s) resurgent FAR right traces back about thirty years (beginning of the Reagan Presidency for those keeping score.) Caucasio-Fascism is a far greater threat to security than Islamofascism, mainly because caucasian fascist are not scrutinized and have free reign.


  3. Constructive Feedback

    July 27, 2011 at 2:29 PM

    Mr BT:

    I figured that the story would be about how this terrorist would get out of jail in 21 years after killing all of those people.

    I take it that Norway’s progressive criminal justice system will have him “Reformed” after such a short time in its institutions?


    • btx3

      July 28, 2011 at 12:07 AM

      There are a few black Norwegians, Porch…

      Have you tried blaming them voting for Democrats yet?



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