Tag Archives: Bill Moyers

Bill Moyers Makes a Plea for Obama to Grow a Pair

Moyers distills our current politics right down to the bone –

It is long past time for President Obama to quit playing Pansie, and let the damn dogs loose. This a “full speed ahead, an Damn the Torpedoes” moment for his Administration if there ever was one.

In my “humble” opinion 5 things need to happen, and they need to happen in a hurry, Mr. President  –

  1. President Obama, his staff, and the Dems in Congress need to forget about the 2010 elections. They have already f’ed themselves on that one, by trying to play tosies with the rabid right wing scumbags. Continuing down the current path of wussing out at every turn has not only provided ammunition, but inspiration to the Rethugs – which has turned into gaining traction. Rolling over the Rethugs isn’t going to make things any worse. So get the freakin’ steam tractor out – and get the damn job done on Health Care Reform.
  2. Wake up to the fact that Rethug opposition to Health Care Reform doesn’t have a damn thing to do with any “honest disagreement”. It is driven by two things a) large cash infusions by the Health Care Mafia masquerading as corporations, and b) racism. The folks driven by racism are the ideological descendants of the folks who thought a good lynching was a Saturday Night family entertainment. There is no amount of reason which is going to get these folks to see the light – because reason didn’t make them racists in the first place.  The others are the sort of folks who will only see reason at the receiving end of a 2 x 4 between the eyes – greed is a powerful motivator.
  3. There is a great deal of unfinished business from the previous corrupt and criminal administration. This is supposed to be a nation of Laws. The reason we have jails and prisons isn’t just to punish and rehabilitate criminals – it is to warn potential criminals of their fate. When the biggest criminals in American history get away scot free – lawlessness ensues. It’s time to establish the fact that the King’s men are no more or less immune to the Law than the average citizen. Time to prosecute the previous administration’s corrupt minions – up to and including the former President and Vice President if they are guilty.
  4. The principal methodology of opposition to your administration isn’t through the normal political process. It is enabled through corporations controlling the airwaves and communications systems in this country who are under no liability to tell the truth. It’s time to make those corporations, and their talking head savants accountable. There are historical precedents for doing so.
  5. Nearly half of the positions in the Obama Administration remain unfilled. Further, the Government apparatus remains crippled by ideologues placed in positions of power by the previous Administration, who may or may not on an individual basis operate and conduct their jobs with the best interests of the American people in mind. Many of these people got their jobs through extra-legal manipulation, or complete disregard of Federal Laws, including Civil Service and the Executive Service. Attorney General Holder as leader of the Department of Justice is the most visible victim, although the corruption was spread throughout the Government. Your Administration’s position appears to be that the folks who were put into those jobs in complete contravention to Civil Service Laws, are now protected by Civil Service.  You need to cut the bullshit, and cut the string. In a country where real unemployment is near 16%, and over 6% of people with Bachelors Degrees or higher are un/under – employed, there is no shortage of folks who want real jobs working for the betterment and advancement of their country.

Posted by on September 6, 2009 in Stupid Democrat Tricks


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