Piers Morgan Takes Toure to School

02 Apr

I have seen MSNBC trot out Toure as their expert on things “Black”. From what I have seen so far the guy doesn’t have the gravitas to carry that water. Here he attacks Piers Morgan for interviewing George Zimmerman’s brother. This puts Toure in the ridiculous position of denying the Zimmerman family and their supporters the right to free speech. Toure is so far off-base it’s absurd. Piers takes him to school…


Posted by on April 2, 2012 in Domestic terrorism, The Post-Racial Life


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15 responses to “Piers Morgan Takes Toure to School

  1. subrealistro

    April 2, 2012 at 9:45 AM

    This nincompoop seems to be about on par with the afrodemic crowd (all born after the CRM) which appears to specialize nowadays in nothing so much as hip-hop and racism-chasing. I’ll never forget the look on the face of an afrodemic philosophy perfesser newly minted at K.U. law – when he showed me his book about hip-hop and politics and expected me to be awed by the fact of publication.

    I scanned the table of contents and thumbed my way through an anchor chapter and found it to be so much vacuous and incoherent chindribble signifying nothing…., I don’t remember what I said, but I think the expression on my face conveyed my complete and utter disappointment with what passes for scholarship, rigor, and substance amongst these 3rd and 4th line inheritors of the civil rights movement.


    • btx3

      April 2, 2012 at 10:04 AM

      Not sure Toure is the inheritor of anything – except a fat contract to be a talking head on TV. I have suspected for a while this guy was a lightweight – but in this interview he brings it full font and center for everyone to see.

      The issue isn’t Zimmerman. The issue isn’t Trayvon. – The issue is the right of commerce being impeded by gun laws based on race.

      Now, I have to this point been really nice in not going into that over there at Porch Simian central.


      • subrealistro

        April 2, 2012 at 10:36 AM

        Sorry bout the double comment, I thought it had eaten my first one. My kwestin remains, “why no smart black talking heads on teevee capable of going to the core issue you’ve noted?”

        For that matter, why no bruvvas with a little bass in their voices even. (and no, Dennis Haysbert pitching insurance doesn’t count)


      • btx3

        April 2, 2012 at 11:12 AM

        Bruvas with “the voice” scare the fcuck out of the white folks. You have probably given enough speeches to know that – I know I have. The path to success in either the business world or in the media is based on the ability to tone it down, and avoid the “angry black man” moniker.

        Most of the talking heads are employed due to their “telepresence” and not their intellect. Liberal outlets aren’t any less guilty of this than the string of conservative black hauled out to make Massa feel good by conservative outlets. Toure was hired to reliably say what they want him to say – no different than the black buffoons like Jesse Lee Peterson who get dragged out whenever conservatives need a black face.

        Which doesn’t even get into the issue that most of the black folks right now, with an IQ over room temperature are women. They been hiding it for a long time, and we men have been deluding ourselves even longer — but the basic fact is, they are just smarter than we are. You want an intellectual and factual discussion about black issues in the US right now, then about 80% of the time you are going to be talking to a black woman.

        Further – Black folks and guns is like Kryptonite. You are never going to see an honest discussion by a black man on the topic on TV.


      • subrealistro

        April 2, 2012 at 11:41 AM

        They been hiding it for a long time, and we men have been deluding ourselves even longer — but the basic fact is, they are just smarter than we are. You want an intellectual and factual discussion about black issues in the US right now, then about 80% of the time you are going to be talking to a black woman.

        I don’t believe this – not even for a moment.

        What I believe, and what I’ve observed, is that the academy has been feminized and the very nature of tenure makes it possible for the consensus formation and maintenance standards in the academy (i.e., persistent, long-term, relationship management rather than actual capability or accomplishment) has just worn most men down and out – so all you have left in colleges of arts and sciences is limp-wristed simps who go along to get along with all that estrogen.

        I’ve also observed the same dynamic in place in city and county governance, where not only is the feminized in standard in place, it’s literally an “effeminate” standard of mannerisms and behavior.

        The path to success in either the business world or in the media is based on the ability to tone it down, and avoid the “angry black man” moniker.

        “angry” got’s nothing to do with it. You can’t even be an honestly masculine black man anymore without causing some reactionary gatekeeper to catch the vapors.


      • btx3

        April 2, 2012 at 12:37 PM

        You argument lies close to “intellectualism = feminism”.

        The couple of young brothers I do know who have matriculated though the graduate system don’t show any signs of that “Low-T” syndrome. What they have to expect is lower expectations as academia is a lot more comfortable with a guy with Skip Gates physical limitations than some equally smart black man who looks like Mike Tyson.

        And I nderstand what you are saying about the “feminized” standard. Someplace about 3rd grade in this country they leach out competitiveness. It becomes a lot less about “I want to intellectually kick your ass by scoring a perfect SAT” than “We all did well on the test”.

        Gave NSang a shot – should be interesting.


      • subrealistro

        April 2, 2012 at 1:00 PM

        You argument lies close to “intellectualism = feminism”.

        lol, nah…, give me as many Shirley Jackson’s as the world is capable of producing and I’m a happy camper.

        What they have to expect is lower expectations as academia is a lot more comfortable with a guy with Skip Gates physical limitations than some equally smart black man who looks like Mike Tyson.

        THAT’s the “like seeks like, like makes like” filter I’m talking about which leaches any taint of black masculinity from the academic, journalistic, political, and policy-making cultural collectives.

        Hell, Jelani Cobb big enough to be in the NFL, but to hear him talk is a painful exercise in alpha male suppression/anihilation.

        My point is that that isht makes a HUGE difference, most particularly when the dominant element center stage in popular cultural production is the thug masculine.

        With no masculine black intellectuals setting the tone, shaping the discourse, and driving the selection process, is it any wonder that social studies, arts, and education females have come to dominate not only the academy, but also every mainstream channel where academics peddle their wares?


      • btx3

        April 2, 2012 at 3:12 PM

        Could use a few “aggressive” male Negros in more than education. One or two in Congress might be nice.


  2. subrealistro

    April 2, 2012 at 9:51 AM

    Toure seems about on par with the typical afrodemic…,

    A conspiracy-minded observer might be wont to conclude that the deterioriation of standards among those promoted to racial center stage is part of a larger agenda to undermine black partisan thought and expression, i.e., if you only pay and promote feeble-minded know nothings the….,


  3. brotherbrown

    April 4, 2012 at 11:43 AM

    The black men who could fit the bill aren’t really trying to be on TV that way. I know a cat, Bro. Jamal, who does a program called Inner Light Radio. But, he has a face for radio, and is the type of dude whose mike would get turned off or who would walk of the set if they tried to do the okey doke.

    Black people and guns as kryptonite. Explain?


    • btx3

      April 4, 2012 at 12:18 PM

      Just posted an article about a black Chicago Cop shot 28 times by fellow officers for supposedly drawing his gun.

      The NRA is correct about the history of gun control in this county. It initially was an attempt to disarm free black folks, particularly in the Southern Border States like Virginia. The greatest fear at that time was an armed “subversive” group of free blacks determined to free their fellow black folks held in slavery. Kind of hard to keep black folks in line, if they could shoot back.

      During the 60’s, the biggest impact of the Black Panthers was being armed in self-defense. Here were a group of black folks who weren’t willing to voluntarily get in line to get lynched. Scary thought!

      When that suburban white gun buyer is standing at the counter, ready t receive his purchase – if you ask him who he is defending his home against…

      An honest answer almost always is raging black folks from the inner city doing home invasions of random white folks in the suburbs. Never mind that statistically such happening is only slightly higher than their chance of winning the Lottery – it is buried in America’s psyche.

      What enables the black reavers? Guns…

      A black man with a gun must be guilty of something!


      • brotherbrown

        April 4, 2012 at 1:44 PM

        Is there anything I can say that would sway your opinion about guns?


      • subrealistro

        April 4, 2012 at 2:13 PM

        Edged weapons are just fine as well. The little boy has gotten quite proficient with throwing knives, realizing fairly early on that you don’t even need to close with an adversary if he’s stuck full of steel at a modest distance. He spent 5 years perfecting his taiji, and I can’t wait to get him enrolled in kenjutsu and escrima. (the taiji had the unintended but much welcomed result of complementing his tennis game very nicely)

        Edged weapons produce some fairly heinous results in combat BB, or not combat, as most muhphuggaz never see that coming before its too late too.

        What say you to the fine old traditions of sword and knife play?


      • btx3

        April 4, 2012 at 5:08 PM

        Growing up, one of my fondest ambitions was to learn fencing. Unfortunately, at that time – there were no local trainers who would teach black kids. Not sure my parents could have afforded it anyway.

        If the only alternative is getting into a knife fight – the world would be a lot more peaceful. Even if you win you probably will get cut. That tends to filter out the pretenders and “tough” guys.


      • btx3

        April 4, 2012 at 5:01 PM

        I am a gun person, BB.I grew up with 8 uncles on my mother’s side, all but 1 who shot and hunted our lands in East Virginia. My Dad could strike a kitchen match at 25 yards with his 22 or 30-30 rifle.

        I used to shoot with the US Army Match Team in pistol, and in shotgun with a Police Team who won several national championships in shooting clays. As a kid I wasn’t a very good shot, but once I started working with those guys, I got very good at punching holes in paper targets. So much so, I hardly ever hunt anymore.

        Everything I own, other than the antique non-fireables has a purpose. None of the guns I own are your “Saturday Night Specials” most costing well over $1000 BEFORE the ones I use at the range are upgraded to suit my style of shooting which can add another $1,000 or two. Think in terms of punching holes in quarters at 25 yards or more with a pistol – which, when I shoot at a range frequented by a bunch of local cops…Tends to upset some of the white boys.

        I am also rabid about gun safety having raised kids. I own 2 gun safes currently, and anything that doesn’t fit in a safe has a trigger lock on it. And I ate the little paper with the combination on it a long time ago.

        Now – I enjoy the sporting side of this – but I don’t believe that includes having to carry a gun everywhere I go. God talks to me just fine without pointing a gun at him. Here in Va they dumb arsed Republicans tried to pass a law that you could take a weapon into a bar. Thanks, but no-thanks – I prefer my single malt without a shot of lead in it. I also don’t believe there is any legitimate sporting use to many of the weapons promoted by the NRA types – and they should be banned. Anyone who thinks they are “defending America” by carrying an AK knockoff has never seen an M1 Abrams Tank up close. Nothing you can afford to buy is going to do anything more than bugsplatter…

        So why play this stupid game?



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