Cornel West’s Ego

19 May

Cornel West has increasingly made himself less and less relevant in his campaign to own the definition of blackness in America. Wish the guy would get back to the sort of intellectual work he did 15 or 20 years ago, before he self-anointed himself the guardian, and gatekeeper of all things black.

West’s tirade is utter bullshit. It’s bullshit because it’s based on his damaged ego, instead of any fair attack o President Obama’s policies.

This one from MSNBC –

This one from the Ed Shultz Show, which includes a counter by Melissa Harris-Perry –

Think it would be amusing to have “Free Black Man” Cornel West and “Real Black Man” Herman Cain in the same room with a no holds barred verbal hoedown.

Blacker than thou… Indeed. I’m putting this one under the category…

Giant Negroes.


Posted by on May 19, 2011 in Giant Negros


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5 responses to “Cornel West’s Ego

  1. CNu

    May 19, 2011 at 4:40 PM

    The is carrying water for the even more irrelevant cast of oxygen thieves comprising the CBC. Double-O ascended to the oval office without any assistance from the old guard first thru third line inheritors of the CRM – many of whom backed Hellury. Take for example that useless parasite representing my congressional district now “serving” as CBC chair.


    • btx3

      May 19, 2011 at 8:58 PM

      Sometime when I’m rolling though your hometown – I’ve got a few stories to share on that one over a single malt or two, CNu. The view from the far shores is even uglier than it is here.


  2. t-shirts101

    May 19, 2011 at 9:07 PM

    Thank you. I listened to this story this morning and took a (mental) double-take. I respect Dr. West, but too much of Tavis is rubbing off on him.

    There will ALWAYS be criticism of the President, but all sides (right far more than left). But how much is valid? Truly? Damn.


    • t-shirts101

      May 19, 2011 at 9:08 PM

      correction: ….criticism of the President, but all sides…. should have been ….criticism of the President on all sides…


  3. nanakwame

    May 20, 2011 at 9:05 AM

    I would place them all in grammar school to teach, there is a new that is for sure. g_d I disilke politics.

    How is you Haiti project big man? Stay focus on those 35 years and under, in the main. Keep well



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