President Obama and that Racism Thing…

20 Sep

President Obama, for fairly obvious reasons has fronted that the opposition to his policies, and in particular the virulent opposition we’ve seen by the right to his proposals, isn’t based on race –

Faux News, one of the major perpetrators of that opposition, and whose commentators formulate much of the racial animosity and racism…

Agrees. Again – for obvious reasons.

It doesn’t make an MIT Math Graduate to figure out that if one were to select 10 random groups of 1000, Democrats and 1,000 Republicans – you probably aren’t going to wind up with more than 10 black people total on the Republican side – while 30% of the Democrats will likely be black.

Is that racism? No. Although the driving reasons that came to be, and some of the defenses thereof…

Certainly are.

So let’s go back and review President Carter’s statement, principally focused on Joe Wilson – who undeniably is a South Carolina Republican who is a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans (new version), fought tooth and nail to keep the confederate flag atop the South Carolina State House, and who broke all House decorum rules to call the President of the US a “liar” on National TV.  All of which would indicate he is a Former Virginia Senator George “Macacca Moment” Allen Republican –

Now just for fun here, I’m going to throw in an interview of ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis – about the 2:00 mark into the video she says something interesting –

ACORN is an organization which is 99% black. Which raises the question as to whether Republican and conservative attacks on ACORN are based on direct racism, or the cynical political calculation that fewer black people voting is an advantage to Republican candidates. Unfortunately, the answer is both. However, the answer as to why preventing black people from voting is a political mandate was created by racism producing the result that only about 5-8% of black folks will vote Republican. As such, the NAACP is a frequent target of Republican ire, due to their voter registration efforts. Because of the incendiary nature of a white, typically Southern Republican attacking the NAACP, which has historically fought the plainly visible types of racism – most of that attack is conducted by proxy, typically in blackface.

One of the statistical oddities you notice when you look at the ever rising number of black people achieving Doctorates is that almost none are in the raw sciences, while blacks are heavily statistically over represented in Education. What this means is there are a lot more black educators than a statistical correlation of population density and college graduate levels would indicate. You are far more likely to run into a black or brown face in the upper level administration of a school system, college or university than say…

In a chemical research lab in a major corporation. Indeed, a number of our most prominent educators not only have historically been black folks, but black folks fill a larger percentage of those positions than in any other white collar profession.

Educators, another group which has suffered the raw vitrol and hatred from the right.

And yeah, I recognize the murders and bombings of abortion clinics and personnel are far worse than anything the right has thrown at ACORN or Educators (so far), but…

If something happens one time, it’s an exception, twice – it’s a coincidence, three times or more…

It’s a plan.

I am going to post this one up for seperate comment – but this is an example of what President Carter was talking about, from a speech given by Representative Roy Blunt (R) of Missouri, at the Value Voters conference going on in DC right now –

President Carter is right, even though President Obama can’t admit it for political reasons.


Posted by on September 20, 2009 in The Post-Racial Life


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2 responses to “President Obama and that Racism Thing…

  1. makheru bradley

    September 22, 2009 at 2:10 PM

    According to David Gregory, the White House does not believe that a national conversation on race will be productive right now.

    One wonders if not now, when, or ever?

    In his Philadelphia speech on Race, then candidate Obama said:

    “But I have asserted a firm conviction — a conviction rooted in my faith in God and my faith in the American people — that, working together, we can move beyond some of our old racial wounds, and that in fact we have no choice if we are to continue on the path of a more perfect union.”

    As POTUS, Barack Obama apparently believes that the best wat to move beyond “our old racial wounds” is to not discuss them at all.


    • btx3

      September 22, 2009 at 3:16 PM

      Obama does not want to be the “black” President, for political reasons. He would lose a significant number of the 30-35% of white folks who voted for him last election to possibly make a difference next election. Remember, 65% of white voters voted against him. I would estimate 50% of white voters will never vote for a black candidate if a marginally viable white candidate is in the race – so winning a majority of that other half is critical.

      I can also understand his desire not to be dragged into every single racial controversy in the country that comes up during his term as some sort of arbiter. He made that mistake with Gates, I don’t think he will make it again.

      Obama is also expert at letting his avatars have those difficult conversations.



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